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About raffko

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    On the Coast
  1. raffko

    All 3 camps 200km apart raided in 6hours

    One word. Helicopters. You can see camps from several hundred meters away and the big vehicles like the URAL or the bus can be seen a long way into the fog. So it is not hackers all of a sudden raiding week old camps but a patch that put choppers back in is all. We found a huge hoarder camp within a minute of taking off the other day.
  2. My resolution and aspect ratio are 1920x1080, 16:9. So I guess its safe to assume that people in arma are simply not 1.80 meters tall.
  3. There are actually many threads that have come to the conclusion that resolution and/or aspect ratio have an impact on mildots. I for one get about 10% more mildot size than in your chart (the height*1000/mils formula) and it makes me wonder if those 1.80 meters might just be be wrong. Who ever came up with those? Can anyone verifiy it? Obviously there is a large margin of error when you're estimating if that tiny soldier is 2.6 or 2.7 mils tall, with a shaking crosshair no less. So my own numbers won't be anywhere near 100% accurate but they would mean a standing person in arma2 is more like 1.95 meters tall.
  4. Just had the same problem and noticed I had the DayZ loading screen. So I clicked expansions in the main menu and set it to OA. Game reloads and voila - you can start the mission now.
  5. Last night the admin of my regular server sent out a message saying the server had to be restarted due to memory issues. At this point the loading times were extremely high and virtually non existant after the restart. My best guess would be your server also needs a restart by its admin.
  6. It is not infinite. "Waiting for character to create" regularly takes 1-2 minutes. "LOADING" on a full 60 slot server takes roughly 5 minutes (a friend had 15 minutes last night even).