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About Chiromishi

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Chiromishi

    The Hacker (21 sec machinima)

    I laughed more than I should have. Good job.
  2. Chiromishi

    DayZ - Metal Gear Challenge

    METAL GEEEEEAAAAAR! Too bad you don't have a sense of humor.
  3. Chiromishi

    DayZ - Metal Gear Challenge

    It is wonderful what you can do and create at midnight / 1AM... Video page has details if you feel like doing this, (I doubt there will be responses...) But i'll post them here too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjCdR1Ns5l0 Objective: - Yell "METAL GEAR" at everything. Don't even stop. Just do it. - Whenever you shoot somebody, Yell "Metal gear" Over the Microphone until they're dead. (It doesn't work for snipers I believe, we want them to hear it... - Find good loot? "METAL... GEEEEEEEEARR!!!" (Optional objective): - Try to sound like Snake. Honestly I thought this was funny enough. You don't have to do it if you like, but it would be funny. Yes, My graphics suck. Also I apologize if my voice is... "Too high-pitched" for you. (Merry Christmas eve, I love you. No mistletoe for you.)
  4. I would love if the actual fight would be determined by direction. As in the way the 'struggle' is played out. For example, say "Player 1" started the struggle from behind, and "Player 1" had a rifle, I believe he would hoist his rifle over and begin choking/strangling "Player 2" until specific keys were pressed (Or button mashing, which I heard is strenuous on a keyboard and very un-fond of by players...). If "Player 1" pressed the keys fastest/specific order correctly, "Player 2" would be knocked unconscious for a determined amount of time (About 1 minute), due to a lack of oxygen. If "Player 2" won, He pull out a 'hunting knife' and stab "Player 1" in the leg, rendering "Player 1" bleeding and force a knock-back. (A different scenario would play if there was no knife on "Player 2", which I have not thought of.) A simple thought is all I mentioned. But I'd really like that if whoever did not start the struggle be inflicted with more harmful damage than the one who started the struggle. I would also like it determined based upon items equipped, that would be the best thing ever. (Although there goes the more memory usage...) Also for specific keys pressed, I meant like Method 3 as OP explained. Someone has my freshly found beans, straight from the market. Let's hope there is actually something that is better than CoD's 1-stab knife which somehow kills in one-stab.
  5. Chiromishi

    Future of DayZ

    If this game becomes a Pay-to-Win, I am going to go ballistic...
  6. Chiromishi

    How do you play DayZ?

    Since I like answering questions, Here goes: I play DayZ in a way that is totally not unique; I get a gun, find a car, hop in it, and wait. I was found only once, and the guy just looked in the window, then slowly walked away. Maybe it was because I was acting like someone who is 'Special'. "CHOO CHOO!" or "Are we there yet?"... I guess DayZ makes me lose my sanity...
  7. Chiromishi

    DayZ In A Nutshell

    "HOLY SHIT, A PLAYER, GOTTA SHOOT HIM." - Every Bandit I have met so far.
  8. Chiromishi

    Should zombies do this more often ?

    That made me scream like a girl... a wee-bitty one at that... ;A;
  9. Chiromishi

    Gotta loves me some aircraft...

    It was with you in that aircraft. But I guess I've never flown in a vehicle, nor needed to. Also, I shot another guy today, he killed you and then I proceeded to brutally molest his/her corpse with bullets. It wasn't all that entertaining....
  10. Chiromishi

    DayZ original Song- Frank and Beanz

    I thoroughly enjoyed this song. Good job.
  11. Chiromishi

    Day Z gone matrix'ish

    I would have said: "Aww Cheese doodles." after my death. But at any rate, that was awesome. Wish I could pull a Matrix... (; - ;)
  12. Chiromishi

    question on auto hide corpse?

    He probably ALT + F4'd, hopefully he'd be dead on next spawn.
  13. Chiromishi

    How to protect yourself when you are unarmed

    I died from laughter, Never knew hell had WIFI. Serious note now, I gotta do this. Except closer, and running/circling around them, and being a nuisance!
  14. Chiromishi

    An Epic Reaction (Video)

    I killed an admin? How do you know? D:
  15. Chiromishi

    An Epic Reaction (Video)

    So me and my buddy were riding around the NW airfield in a bus, confused on how we weren't being shot at. but we come across a person who seemed to be a friendly. Don't mind my high-voice, it was really early and I only had four hour naps for days... BUT NONETHELESS WATCH A FUNNY. BECAUSE I'M A PANSY :3 ALSO I SCREAM, LIKE A GIRL. (Also to BARDK, i'm sorry bro... ; ~ ; ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlaePIgG9SM