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About augrunt

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Want to play with 100 players? This server has the capability! Come stress test it!
  2. Um, I run my massive server on a cloud provider in Australia. We use a NAT'ed Static IP. i.e. The Virtual Machine (server) thinks its on 10.x.x.x but all packets come from my external IP and are forwarded to the correct listening ports on the internal IP address. When the server starts, it actually believes its on a 10.x.x.x address. Most cloud providers (Amazon, etc) and VPS providers will also be in this boat. *edit* Maybe I'm confused here, you say those who forward the ports are not behind a NAT. I don't know about that...
  3. augrunt

    Day/Night Cycle isn't to scale

    No it doesn't. It is off by a considerable amount,
  4. Hey all, I run #AU 21 and I've encountered a bunch of issues. Many of which are already filed, but I have not seen anyone bring this up yet. So I'll bring it up... My server is set to UTC+7 (I live in Sydney, UTC+10) so technically at 7pm Sydney time, it is 4pm Game-time. Now that's all well and accurate when I restart the server but as time progresses it gets more and more misaligned. It's like 10mins is 1 minute in game. I logged in at midnight and the sun was just setting behind the mountains, It was supposed to be 9pm! If I restart the server, it is 9pm. It isn't a big deal as the Vehicles/Tent saves but I thought I should mention it. Anyone else encounter it or know a fix (if any)? Server Stats Location: Sydney, Australia Server Time: UTC+7 CPU: 4 vCPUs (virtual) @ 2.8GHz each RAM: 14GB Bandwidth: 300Mb/s Up and Down IP:
  5. Hello, I like to pop-in and patrol the server and ensure everything is running smoothly. I rely on GameTracker to help me see who's climbing the charts a little too quickly vs. their time spent on the server. Unfortunately, I didn't know that scores carried across from other servers - so this gave me a false perception of you doing 'too good' for the amount of time you were in the server. I have overturned your ban by going into the logs and finding your UID. It's removed and you should be able to re-join AU21. I'm sorry for banning you. Feel free to contact me on Twitter and Steam if you need to reach out to me next time. The server advertises that immediately when you login. DayZ team are not responsible for in-server banning. Your support of this Mod shouldn't be faltering because of my mistake. Please continue to give much needed love to this mod and its team, as I used to develop mods before and we mainly do it for the love. Regards, augrunt / AU 21.