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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    Dogs already in DayZ or player controlled? vid.

    Commentary made this a win. It's nice to see the hackers doing something entertaining rather than mass killing a server.
  2. sausagekingofchicago

    Four Warning Points?

    No TheJustifyx. There are FIVE warning lights.
  3. sausagekingofchicago

    White Flag? Ceasefire? (Stop KoS)

    So, what if the players want to leave the "group"? Do they unclick friendly? Does that mean they can now kill the other guy?
  4. sausagekingofchicago

    Woooow Really !?!?

    Server enter. One man leave. Server enter. One man leave.
  5. sausagekingofchicago

    Not really helping to bring in new players guys??

    I never sort them out with gear. bandages, a bit of food, and I'll even tell them how to equip their hatchet if they're completely new. Otherwise, I keep my eye on them and go off in another direction. If I can tell they're totally new to the game I'll stalk them and swoop in to save them if they're in trouble.
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    Not really helping to bring in new players guys??

    Happened to me in my first life but I still help a new spawn here or there. The second they point a gun at me it's all over though.
  7. sausagekingofchicago

    Remove Please

    Sometime after Beta.
  8. sausagekingofchicago

    War Z - Game based off DayZ

    lol The core concept of that game is buying success. Pay to Win games are designed to get money from it's players in any way they can. That's the entire goal of the game, to make money. So they will sell anything and everything they can to do so.
  9. sausagekingofchicago

    War Z - Game based off DayZ

    Pay to Win. No thanks. Digital things you can look forward to purchasing with real money: Backpacks, food, drink, medical supplies, XP bonuses, camo, hats, and other survival gear. All for sale in a survival game.... How can anyone think a pay to win game developed by a pay to win company is going to worth playing? Just because some random person we've never heard of claimed in an interview that WarZ was in production before DayZ doesn't mean it's true. There are either a bunch of gullible morons here or a handful of shills. Fuck, just look at their "screenshots". Have fun though. I'm just going to make fun of you guys every time someone starts another warz thread.
  10. OP fails to notice the use of a city without a bunch of morons running around shooting at anything that moves.
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    Guns & Gameplay

    Guns don't do that.
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    How it possible ?

    admins can easily be a hacker but that's going to be hard to prove.
  13. sausagekingofchicago

    Why can't we feast of human flesh?

    This wouldn't make the bandit problem worse.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    Why this mod is failing

    This. I started staking off my claim in the game last night. I'm learning the area better and I'm prepping it to work in my favor. I feel bad for anyone who thinks the "end game" is deathmatching in Cherno and Elektro.
  15. The Green Mountain curse followed you.
  16. sausagekingofchicago

    Ghost Towns Come With Ghost Loot?

    Quit server hopping.
  17. sausagekingofchicago


    I'm all for being friendly when I'm freshly spawned on the coast. It's different once I've taken the time, depending on conditions, and found decent gear. I'm not in the business of finding gear for some "friendly" guy that's eyeing my m14 with envy.
  18. I have a crappier system than you and it works good. Google Arma2 mouse lag fix.. never mind, here you go http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2782938
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    Will there be enough ammo once infinite ammo is gone?

    Someone said something about half full mags. I like that.
  20. sausagekingofchicago


    Cool I guess. That's kind of like shooting fish in a barrel but whatever floats your boat. I only really need a mag or two. Saves me space for useful stuff like water bottles and more guns.
  21. sausagekingofchicago


    I suppose. What are you guys shooting at?
  22. sausagekingofchicago

    UH-1H Takes A LOT of Fuel

    That's not even duping. Someone spawned that stuff in. Fucking hackers. Die.
  23. sausagekingofchicago


    I was going to ask why you needed 9 mags but then you started to shoot at zombies.
  24. sausagekingofchicago

    My patch notes

    Beans for the OP. Whiny post cleverly disguised as bitchy patch change log.