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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    Ban some bandits.

    Sandbox. If they get their jollies from mindless pvp, let them. They shouldn't be banned for sucking at DayZ.
  2. sausagekingofchicago

    This has been confusing me for awhile now..

    I've yet to see this game working. If it's been years since they started I'd imagine they'd have some video or actual screenshots they could show us. They already have an engine so I doubt they're building one from scratch. It must be purely a coincidence that their characters look exactly like DayZ characters.
  3. sausagekingofchicago

    This has been confusing me for awhile now..

    Heh. Well, if they're not fake then their character models are the size of children. It honestly looks like staged 3d models with some heavy edits.
  4. sausagekingofchicago

    This has been confusing me for awhile now..

    Total coincidence that their characters look like DayZ characters too... "screenshots" are fake.
  5. I'm not asking only you. I'm asking a single question so we can solve the first major hurdle.
  6. How will they verify age?
  7. sausagekingofchicago

    Hackers are not the enemy!

    I was told very early that this game was buggy and to stay off the rocks. That's been working pretty well for me. I avoid those things like they're massive holes in the ground. I still occasionally run off the side of stairs in barns though. What farmer builds a staircase without a rail?!
  8. sausagekingofchicago

    Few noob questions..

    If you have a mic of any kind I recommend using that instead. Saves you time and you wont have to take your hands off your mouse to talk. Even a simple webcam mic would work better than typing "friendly". It's also best to watch anyone you see before calling out to see what they're up, who they may be with, and where they're going. When you do initiate contact watch their reaction. Some players will run for cover so don't automatically assume quick movement means they're hostile. Don't forget to get them to lower their weapon as an act of friendship. (double tap left ctrl) [edit: derp: Mic not might]
  9. Abandoned silos would be a pretty sweet addition to the game. http://www.truthdig.com/images/diguploads/silo_804.jpg http://media.englishrussia.com/missile_silo/1_016.jpg http://www.killerjeanne.com/soviet_air_2.JPG http://geoffsenglish.pl/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/atlas-silo.jpg
  10. Snipers will become less of a problem when the popular duping methods get squashed. We'll still have other problems but I sense a change coming.
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    Are the hacker denialists... hackers?

    lol. Shut the game down. That's the solution offered. ha I haven't been hacked lately but I avoid playing when the script kiddies are awake or out of daycare. Hacking happens though but I've yet to see it as bad as some of you report.
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    does your dayz (or arma2) run slow (EASY SOLUTION INSIDE)

    I'm set at 0. Is 1 better?
  13. sausagekingofchicago

    Body vanished within seconds ?

    Booo. Think it's going to stay that way? It'll spread and then we'll have page after page of threads crying about bodies vanishing. You've doomed us all. :(
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    Body vanished within seconds ?

    If it's not script related then you should be making a bug report rather than abusing it and allowing other to abuse it.
  15. sausagekingofchicago

    Why the "HIVE" won't work until we have some stability

    Got excited at the thought of running a private server locally but then I read it has to run on Windows? WTF? Who runs servers on windows? No linux? What?
  16. sausagekingofchicago


    I'd rather have the dog do this once it's properly trained.
  17. sausagekingofchicago

    Making DayZ free

    This thread went downhill rather fast. When they do make this game a standalone title it's still going to cost about the same, if not more, than Combined Ops. I actually hope it costs at least 50 bucks, ideally 100, to really piss of the hackers when they get banned. I doubt this game will be "free" when it's standalone.
  18. sausagekingofchicago


    Fail troll is fail.
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    Oh ffs Really???

    Put them in doorways so it's not just the noobs and gumps breaking their bones there. Equality for all!
  20. sausagekingofchicago

    Oh ffs Really???

    Press the key associated with that direction. When you let go it'll stop.
  21. sausagekingofchicago

    Philosophy of 'playing your way'

    Those tools may be in the next patch.
  22. As for skins. Sure, they're not entirely realistic and you can't really tell someones intention by looking at them from a distance. But we are playing a game and the we're unable to read an avatars body language, eyes, or pick up on that "feeling" someone gets simply by looking at someone who intends to do them harm in real life. Skins in game are the best way to communicate this information until some wild virtual reality system is created. A smart skin system for bandits, heroes, and any other character type that may emerge can be extremely effective in cutting down on the shoot on sight mentality. Players have mentioned their KoS behavior is rooted with the inability to determine if a target is truly friend or foe. Many players may think twice about shooting a roaming medic or hero if they know they're no threat. Will this fix the problem? Who knows until we see what type of system the devs have come up with?
  23. There are many more draws to DayZ than you think. That other game won't have the large map and won't be a survival game.
  24. No one that seriously looks at WarZ will bother playing it. Those that do will quit pretty quickly. Anyway, Not true. I lonewolf most of the time and have plenty to do. Listing problems with bugs in an Alpha or Beta is only useful up to a point. Most of the stuff you listed is easy to avoid or overcome with experience. When someone complains about the doors for example, even though they haven't bothered to search the forums to contribute their opinion to any of the hundreds of posts on the subject, they're going to get called out on it. Doors are not even a problem. I broke a bone once on a door. Once. I'm not a rocket scientist so I'm baffled by the people that let it happen again and again. Getting the action icon for the door or ladder is very easy so I'm not sure why you're acting like it's impossible. Taking some numbers posted on the front page and then making baseless assumptions about them and pulling magical numbers about whose playing and not is pretty funny. Even by your numbers this game is doing well. Google the player numbers of most games from the day they release to a month after. Compare them. Not WoW with Zombies. It's War Inc with zombies.