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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    Are the number of hackers increasing?

    That's the obvious hacker. There are many more things they can do that most people won't even notice. Invisible guy is invisible.
  2. sausagekingofchicago

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    Heroes, or even survivors with positive humanity, that kill nothing but bandits should morph into a vigilante or bounty hunter skin. Makes more sense. I also think bandits that end up with -100k or something should morph into something more extreme. Hopefully they'll add more than two skins and even consider skins for other playstyles of each end of the humanity spectrum. Good luck with that.
  3. A bunch of mentally handicapped kids got online when their nanny wasn't looking and made some absurd suggestions to get a rise out of people and you felt the need to start a thread outlining each? Okay.
  4. sausagekingofchicago

    Standalone Price Tags - A Solution To Cheating?

    I'd pay 50 bucks and a subscription fee IF hacking was policed and a ton of content was added. 30 bucks seems appropriate if they at least get the hacking under control, no sub.
  5. sausagekingofchicago

    Are the number of hackers increasing?

    It just seems like there's more because less people are playing. The hackers are staying because they suck ass and can't get their nut off in other games.
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    A m4 holo is not hacked?

    That's legit right?
  7. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ realism (NEEDS Smoke and Liquire)

    This forum has gone full retard.
  8. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ realism (NEEDS Smoke and Liquire)

    Just ran 15 kilometers? Time to smoke and drink.
  9. It's just good practice to change your name often. It's also good practice to play with people that change their names often and don't insist on advertising their stream through their bloody names.
  10. sausagekingofchicago

    Quick question on finding morphine and medical supplies

    I prefer to constantly vault when I have a broken leg. It makes me laugh every time.
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    The petition to keep DayZ HARDCORE (standalone)

    Did OP just try to blame all the hacking on the carebears? That's fucking funny.
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    "QEQE or Kill on Sight?" international poll

    I only shoot bandits on sight. Wasn't really an option for that though.
  13. sausagekingofchicago

    IRL Humanity

    How to troll with that system: Learn the size of the self defense hit box through trial and error with friends or through actual experience. Shoot outside that box in the general direction of player. Player shoots back and either earns a murder or grants you a non-murder kill. Repeat. Especially fun to do to heroes and sidekicks. Takes a little more work than pointing and shooting but would be possible to erase a heroes humanity in one kill if you're a clever troll hero.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ, as a mod is now dead - roll on standalone

    I joined a server that had two people on it. Yup, they were hackers.
  15. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ, as a mod is now dead - roll on standalone

    It's not unplayable. It's just not worth trying to play it in any way other than straight up pvp. Even that is a waste half the time. Maybe it's time the game really goes the way of Minecraft and servers start to get whitelisted and some way to roll back hacker shit should be added. Obviously private hives. No sense in playing the game the way it is right now, not that it's impossible.
  16. sausagekingofchicago

    Day 0 (Personal Log)

    Day 0, Found hatchet. Couldn't figure out how to reload it. Eaten by zombies near the Castle of Auuuuuuuugggh.
  17. sausagekingofchicago

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Fix the duping, problem solved. I never did like the idea of one hit kill sniper rifle that can pick off a target at 1000 meters but whatever.
  18. sausagekingofchicago

    hive down?

    I thought I read something about the hive moving to a different server provider or host. Not sure if that was really true or not. Might make sense?
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    If they removed backpacks!

    Only if we can drink from pools of water or the blood of an animal. Should still be plenty of knives in game so meat would be easy to find, especially long pork.
  20. sausagekingofchicago

    A new level of hack.

    You can't imagine a legit reason to carry a crappy gun and a good gun? How about so it appears you're a fresh spawn with a shitty gun while running around in the open? Then you switch to your sniper rifle when you get to your sniping spot. Legit. I do it. I carry a crappy gun so I'm not the most tempting target.
  21. sausagekingofchicago

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    Sure guy. I choose my targets. Bandits shoot everyone. Huge difference when you're on the other end of the barrel. Bandits are crying harder than the carebears now that they're the ones getting hunted.
  22. sausagekingofchicago

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Hacking is never justified. Fuck off hackers.
  23. sausagekingofchicago


    I was setting up my base when some guy shot me for no reason! All that time of laying down a ton of barbwire in front of all the windows and placing tank traps around the ladders of the hospital in Elektro LOST! WTF!
  24. sausagekingofchicago

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    This is clearly an omgwtfbbq troll thread. His support of this guy is pretty telling. That or OP saw the other "I hack because I suck monkey taint" thread from the other night and thought he'd get some decent laughs at the expense of the community.
  25. sausagekingofchicago

    Rocket Livestream Q & A @ IGN tomorrow

    Yes yes. I'm not saying he's trying to hide that fact. I just though him saying it could have been legit was one of the funniest parts of the video. I was also pointing out the IGN guys complete failure to understand the game, or hacking in general, while asking the same ol' questions to the creator of the game.