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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    Still play mostly FP unless experimental is up and running. I can wait a few minutes for my favorite server to hit 49/50.
  2. sausagekingofchicago

    0.59 update questions.

    Updates NEVER come out on the weekend. They also go to experimental for quite some time before going to stable. What is this jibber jabber? Are you a rabble rouser op?
  3. sausagekingofchicago

    White armband, what do they mean to you?

    Bad poll. Armbands mean nothing to me unless my crew decided on a color. Anyone is a target and I'm friendly. Consider that.
  4. sausagekingofchicago

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Hey. Stop that. STOP.
  5. sausagekingofchicago

    Status Report - 09 Sept

    I would assume so as it's just showing rifles/shotties.
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    Status Report - 09 Sept

    A couple additional item maps tweeted by hicksy. Both of civy weapon spawns on two separate servers (Winchester, SKS, Mosin, Trumpet, Sporter, B95, MP133, IZH43, IZH18, 527)
  7. sausagekingofchicago

    Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

    Show respect son. You're just a fart in the wind of his brown bomber.
  8. sausagekingofchicago

    Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

    Were zombies ever an issue for anyone other than the freshest players? The initial experience was all about the zombies but it only took a few hours to really work out how they functioned and and a couple dozen more to really learn how to handle them (run into a building, sit in a tree, good ol' mod days). They received a few bumps in threat level throughout the mod but they were never a real threat and never induced the same level of adrenaline or fear that other players did. They served a purpose in the mod, although obviously flawed and used as a radar system (fixed when moved from being spawned by the client and actually hosted by the server), and if we look at it from a modding perspective from the days before dayz we can see the obvious need for something other than just players vs players in the survival setting. It seems to me that DayZ wasn't a player vs. zombie mod with other players and more of a player vs. player mod with zombies. Then again, I am looking back at the mod with both game hours and some light modding experience (something I had none of before playing the mod). I think that is what Hicks is getting at with that quote. I never shat my pants when I saw a zombie, my heart rate never increased the same when I saw a zombie as when I saw an actual player, especially with enough hours under my belt. Players to this day still jack my heart rate, especially when they've already noticed me. Zombies, not so much. I can take on 4+ with no effort with bare fists. More than that and I might need a bandage. Maybe. Oh the humanity! :) I don't think the devs view zombies as unimportant, i think they view them as any other secondary feature when compared to the basics or even as part of the environment like dirty water supplies. They serve a purpose but are they more important than loot that isn't dependent on a system that is easily abused and farmed by dickheads? Are they more important than traveling around the map in the passenger seat without barfing? More important than being able to actually store gear and not live the life of a hobo on rails? In my opinion, no. Then again, that is how I view zeds so my own bias may be playing a part here. As for actual lore, whether they use what rocket's brother punched out long ago or not is still up in the air. The zeds may or may not have a cause and after 3000+ hours in the mod an 1200+ in the SA, I really couldn't care.
  9. sausagekingofchicago

    Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

    Your kid is still in alpha man. Expect issues!!! Read the user agreement you nub!
  10. sausagekingofchicago

    Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

    Hang in there Mikey. I know you share the love as much as any of us. Zeds were temporarily reduced while they sorted out why they wrecked server performance. They'll be back. Also, loot is moving towards the new and shiny Central Loot Economy and bugs are definitely not sorted as of yet. It can suck on some servers where either the provider is slacking or the admins. There are some solid server out there but yes, they're tricky to find considering the above parties. As for people shouting "alpha", well, people get conditioned and the easiest path is always the most traveled. I'm sure you know that but I couldn't help but repeat it considering the situations. ;) I recommend following DayZ in steam so the Status Reports get shot your way via the activity tab. It'll save you some startling revelations when you log back in next time. Shit, you know it's real when Voodoo gets a shock.
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    Rocket's contribution

    Thank you, I seemed to have missed that that thread. That pretty much nails it. I don't think a barren coast is intentional at all. I think this is the byproduct of the initial CLE system. I imagine that can be tweaked and will be. They seem to have a very solid idea of what they want the game to be imo. I haven't seen much from the new project lead at all but Hicks has several thousand hours in the SA alone and was a mod junkie like a lot of us. I have had zero issues with what they've been doing other than those entirely impractical towers in the base building concept art. Silly things are a death trap. Anyway, time will tell I suppose. If they add something people hate I'd expect to see it removed with modding.
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    Rocket's contribution

    I've not seen any UI mock ups presented by the devs other than the inventory screens. I still don't see a health, stamina, or ammo bar which would represent the UI Rocket didn't want. Feel free to clarify what you think the shift in direction of development is. I've not seen any but I suffer from the reputation of being a "fanboy" in the eyes of various e-pals because I still follow this game like a hawk and still believe the team will deliver. So explain if you can. I also don't see any focus on creating a specific experience other than the one rocket set forth and the one the game was meant to have. I've read complaints like that before but they were mostly targeted at moving people off the coast... because the best loot wasn't found inland in the mod. :/ (sarcastic smiley)
  13. sausagekingofchicago

    Rocket's contribution

    Push back from a studio that is known for hardcore realistic and difficult military simulators with a game that had its majority of sales in the first few months and has major interest from, and releases confirmed for, the top 2 console manufacturers? That seems... incorrect.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    3 Deaths, 3 Bugs, 1 Tired Player: A Story of 0.59

    One day we'll finally throw off the shackles of the overlord that forces us to buy early access titles. Until then, we must learn to fight them off and resist while they try to input our credit card details into our computers. We must also resist when they want us to play these games while in development or hide from their watchful eyes until the game is complete and it is safe to purchase. One day brothers, one day.
  15. sausagekingofchicago

    Rocket's contribution

    I can't wait for Arma to get modded into DayZ. :/
  16. sausagekingofchicago

    Rocket's contribution

    Fear not. Even the devs know the modding scene will make easy mode donate2win for the masses of pvp skids. The devs are free to do what they wish as long as they have their highwaters on.
  17. sausagekingofchicago

    Remember when one bullet killed you?

    I always wear a press vest, plate carrier, or antistab vest. The press vest has saved my life numerous times. I highly recommend wearing one. Anyway, I believe the devs have stated a rework of the entire damage model is coming.
  18. sausagekingofchicago

    Rocket's contribution

    You're still making assumptions and seem to have a slanted perspective on the subject. You've used loaded and inaccurate phrases such as "simply vanishes from this development and has not been actively engaged for almost two years now", which is entirely incorrect, and "I can't quite relate to them other than by saying he might have been too inexperienced for the job; or put into an awkward position". Out of curiosity, do you know what experience Rocket had before the standalone? Oh, and this bit "If a project goes beyond the scope of its original idea that is not a bad thing. The more difficult part may be accepting this." If anything, Rocket always seemed to want more and more and had some pretty wild ideas. We'd probably be pooping in the woods right now if he had his way. If you're actually interested in having an informed opinion rather than one based on what seems to be a slanted view of this entire project, why not hit Google up? I'm certain you can find direct quotes from him. Anyway, I don't really see why this even matters. Rocket left a long time ago.
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    Rocket's contribution

    Oh, a Rocket thread. How quaint. He didn't vanish. Everyone and their mom's hairdresser knew he was leaving a year before he did. He made it clear what his reasons were. We've also heard from him. He's done interviews and at least one major announcement at a gaming convention about his project, which is nothing like DayZ. DayZ is following Rocket's vision to this day. I see no departure from that but I'm open to anyone proving me wrong here. Only the polished mod had a quick development time goal. When that was scrapped for a bigger project the goal was never 1-2 years for release. Some may even argue development has improved since his departure. Wouldn't it make more sense to ask questions rather than to start a thread and fill it with inaccurate information?
  20. sausagekingofchicago

    Tactical bacon is actually real..!?

    While most call him "he who is to be blamed" and "the lover of sausage", but I digress.
  21. sausagekingofchicago

    Tactical bacon is actually real..!?

    And Klesh. The spirits, society, and Klesh.
  22. sausagekingofchicago

    Tactical bacon is actually real..!?

    I was drunk. I blame the spirits and society.
  23. sausagekingofchicago

    Server Hopping (Possible fix, third server option "semi-private")

    I like being able to logout in a safe place and then log back in while in a safe place. I don't want to log into the middle of a field somewhere or out in the open only to get jacked by zombies or players before I can even see the world.. Private hives solve ghosting and hopping.
  24. sausagekingofchicago

    So everyone is right handed?

    until you pressed 'Q'? Nice bump.
  25. sausagekingofchicago

    Tactical bacon is actually real..!?

    757 posts... first time experiencing Tactical Bacon. How 'bout playing the game?