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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    M1911 or G17?

    G17. Aiming isn't hard and the flashlight makes it king on low pop night servers. Only noobs and fresh spawns use the 1911. (Note: Only noobs think g17 ammo is hard to find. The g17 can use M9 and M9SD mags)
  2. sausagekingofchicago

    How Do You Roleplay?

    I roam the land looking for the guys that erased my memory and then dumped me on the beach for some sick experiment or for some twisted amusement. Even death won't free me from this nightmare. One day, I'll kill them bastards. One day. I know one of them wears a red hat and talks funny. That's all I have to go on.
  3. sausagekingofchicago

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    Hipsters gonna hipster.
  4. I bet the ArmA guys are like "OH GOD NO. Please don't bring your griefer problem over here!"
  5. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZmod died?

    I think he's getting these type of responses because no one actually cares. If people are upset over bugs or hackers they certainly have a legitimate reason to. But posting QQ threads and "I QUITZ" nonsense like anyone actually cares is only going to lead to mockery.
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    Seriously, wtf picks up a makarov anyway? It's useless against zombies and even more so against players. If you have an M9 and no rifle you're doing it wrong.
  7. sausagekingofchicago

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    How many shots from a makarov or m9 to the chest does it take to kill a guy? Exactly. It's not much of a benefit at all. If you come face to face with a guy with nothing but a makarov you don't really stand a chance anyway. The bandit weapon of choice is still going to kill the hero in one shot. Quit whining. Why fix bugs when they should be working on the standalone? I'd rather the standalone be polished than this bloody mod that's plagued with hackers.
  8. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZmod died?

    Don't leave man! I bet you contributed greatly to the community of players on whatever server you were on. I know we're going to miss you here.
  9. sausagekingofchicago

    Where are the 1200000 players?

    Private hives, whitelisted servers, Arma, school, and pretty much anything else that doesn't involve being the bitch for the enjoyment of some tiny testicled hackers. When the hackers fuck off, things will be better. If I was a shady Russian I'd release hack after hack for this game, especially if I wanted to be the competition. Just saying.
  10. sausagekingofchicago

    Humanity should reset at death

    Also ITT, Butthurt bandits upset about their skins...
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    Theres nothing to do in DayZ

    If the game was meant to be purely pvp in Elektro or Cherno they could have just put spawns in Cherno or Elektro and erased the rest of the map.
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    Humanity should reset at death

    At first I was like.. WTF! Then I was like... Oh, thread started by TheMachine.
  13. sausagekingofchicago

    Test patches before implementing them

    Yeah. These guys need to step up their game and find 1.2 million testers for their game.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    killing bandits should earn you their negative humanity reversed

    Halved and then divided by the amount of shots you fired to kill the bandit.
  15. sausagekingofchicago

    Survivor dafe camp?

    The only safe zone I can think of that makes sense is a ship. I'm thinking a cruise ship but it doesn't matter. To get there you'd need a boat and a radio to home in on the signal the boat broadcasts. Perhaps it's broadcasting it's gps coords in morse code. It's never in the same place and getting there is going to be risky. There you can trade or what not with players or npcs (if really justified). The ship could even be a waypoint between Chernarus and island maps. For this to work, more boats would be needed or the boats would need to drift or respawn back on the beach. Even a row boat would work for brave players.
  16. The type of people playing.
  17. sausagekingofchicago

    Get ArmA 2 or wait for Standalone DayZ?

    People thinking a mod is the same as a game designed with full access to the engine, they amuse me.
  18. sausagekingofchicago

    @Rocket; Does it really have to be zombies?

    You should totally go post this on the War Z forums.
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    Wipe the hive please.

    Derp. Nevermind. I believe we found the problem here. Disregard! ABORT ABORT!
  20. sausagekingofchicago

    Wipe the hive please.

    How do you figure? Any "legit" player that takes a single thing out of a tent, loots a single body, or accepts a bloodbag from a stranger is likely benefiting from the dupers and potentially the hackers. So unless you're willing to say you NEVER take anything out of tents or off dead bodies then you cannot claim to be a "legit" player. You are benefiting from this problem like 100% of other players. Wiping the hive wouldn't stop this. Most people know about this loophole and a lot of people are abusing this. The duped gear will be back within a weeks time. The first decent weapon someone finds is going into a tent. After that, every time someone finds something good it's going to get duped. It won't take long. It'll take even less time if only one hacker spawns a single box of items on the server. The only way to approach this issue is to fix ALL the known and potential duping methods, which I hope they're working on for the standalone because they probably can't change that much of the game without impacting the ArmA guys. Until then, take the moral high ground and never loot anything other than loot spawns.. which could be suspect themselves for all you know. Better not try to loot cycle you dirty scoundrel. Better stick to looting zombies you kill.
  21. sausagekingofchicago

    @Rocket; Does it really have to be zombies?

    Uh, no. If anything, I'd like to see the zombies in DayZ get more zombie-ish. I can't wait to see what they do with the zombies in the standalone.
  22. sausagekingofchicago

    What has happened?

    Nope, those lives didn't count. What players did when they finally got the Cherno or Elektro spawn they wanted definitely impacted the numbers.
  23. sausagekingofchicago

    Dont play DAY Z today! Massive CD stealing while IN GAME

    Yeah bro, nearly 5000 servers and most of your server gets caught up in the 2000 bans? Yeah, that's a hacker server or you play in the wrong place. Besides, I strongly believe you were swept up in the bans and now that you can no longer teleport to people to steal their hard earned vehicles you're here on the forums stirring up shit.
  24. sausagekingofchicago

    they should make non PVP servers!!

    Cars Hackers Barbwire Sandbags Tank traps edit: Tents There are ways to kill and grief other players without using guns and I bet hackers would still run around killing players but they'd get just close enough to yell "BANG" into direct chat before squishing you with a spawned bus.
  25. sausagekingofchicago

    Brilliant Idea!

    Interesting. You must not play DayZ though. The idiots would do the following: 1. Shoot target with tranquilizer 2. LOL 3. Wait for him to wake up 4. Shoot him again 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 until out of ammo, then shoot with gun.