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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    Trains In DayZ

    I'd rather there be train wrecks to search for loot. Would be more interesting than the death traps a train would really be in this game. http://www.fearlessgrowth.biz/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/train_wreck_num_2.jpg http://bloggingblue.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/train-wreck.jpg
  2. Don't get attached to your gear.
  3. sausagekingofchicago

    Killing on sight: Possible solution

    PEW PEW PEW!! Look what I can do! I'm a winner!
  4. sausagekingofchicago

    Where on earth are the vehicles?

    Blown up or hidden off map.
  5. sausagekingofchicago

    Killing on sight: Possible solution

    More than half the players of this game grew up deathmatching in small arenas. Did we honestly expect them to react any differently to seeing a human shaped target? They're animals that need to be put back in their cage.
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    Podcast Name Suggestions

    Name Suggestions is a terrible name for a podcast... or is it?
  7. sausagekingofchicago

    Beards For Standalone Seasoned Veterans?

    I just want an epic beard, with or without the awesome time/growth/vet suggestion, and the ability to wear animal skins like a champ.
  8. Old. Don't expect this to work forever.
  9. sausagekingofchicago

    Is it just me or Rocket wants DayZ to go in PvP direction?

    Alright, you be Dusty Bottoms. I'll be Ned Nederlander.
  10. sausagekingofchicago

    Your Final Words Before Death

    "grenade!" is my favorite. Some people fall for it. Otherwise, it's purely some death rant of how I have no regrets or how I shouldn't have left the family farm.
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    Is it just me or Rocket wants DayZ to go in PvP direction?

    Not sure what you're going on about but I LIKE IT! (meh, I'm sure I misread something. It's been happening to me lately.. derping is habit forming)
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    Is it just me or Rocket wants DayZ to go in PvP direction?

    The real question is how long has the achievements.txt been in the code? We sort of need more info to make an accurate judgement on this matter. Go read the 'how hacking costs rocket money and why that doesn't matter' thread. That'll set you straight. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93103-how-hacking-costs-rocket-bohemia-money-and-why-that-doesnt-matter-includes-reply-from-rocket/
  13. I'm glad to see a certain someone isn't selling out.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    how to get dogs

    Don't listen to any of these guys. The only way to get a dog is to go prone in front of a doghouse and start crawling into it. You'll just bump up against it and crawl in place. This is good. You need to do this until you glitch into it. It requires a fair bit of wiggling around to get the angle right and it's not easy. Whatever you do, don't give up. Once you do glitch into it you'll turn into a dog. The next time you die you'll spawn on the coast with a dog. Right now, it wont do much but follow you. This obviously isn't official so be careful.
  15. sausagekingofchicago

    Now that all the hackers have been thinned out:

    Even that is better than being teleported or insta-killed by some twat.
  16. sausagekingofchicago

    The DayZ difficulty - is it good as it is? (Poll)

    Needs to be harder.
  17. sausagekingofchicago

    Nerf doors.

    It's a bug and easy to avoid.
  18. sausagekingofchicago

    Nerf doors.

    Protip: You don't have to be right up against a door to open it. Protip: You can activate the door and back away.
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    For People Who Can't Drive Without 3DP

    wtf drives cars in GTA in first person view? Why would I drive in first person in DayZ when all the great sights are outside of the car?
  20. sausagekingofchicago

    If the DayZ devs and EVE devs had a baby...

    I'd rather DayZ have a baby with Battlestar Galactica. We're all practically Cylons anyway.
  21. sausagekingofchicago

    Barbed Wire Rage Thread

    Definitely. I think the tone in my original message came from what I perceived as a knee jerk reaction to a problem that stems from dupers and hackers. Barbwire is by design, in real world and in game, to keep people out of or away from areas. It's certainly doing that is it not? It didn't turn out well because we have morons that think its funny to grief new spawns. There's no denying that. I just use it differently. I use it to funnel vehicles and people into kill zones around my home turf (which isn't near Elektro, Cherno, or spawns). I use it secure my vehicle against players without a toolbox. Can barbwire be used as a griefing tool? Yes, and so can anything that can be created or placed by a player will be used to annoy others but they can also be used for intelligent purposes too. Knowing that, I still want more ways to impact the game world. I don't think we should climb under a rock because some kiddies want to abuse the game mechanics. Those guys aren't going to stick around anyway and the game will evolve into something more interesting than endless deathmatches on the coast. Everyone seems to want things removed but rarely do they ever offer solutions to problems. I think the best solution is to let players vault wire but suffer bleeding damage when they do. It'll still serve to ward off the weary but it wouldn't prevent people from getting into buildings. There are better solutions than getting rid of it completely. Hell, make constructed items a server setting. Besides, we know exactly who's bringing in tons of barbwire and tank traps to the coast and it's not legit players. It's the dupers and hackers. For the record, I usually stand against the removal of NV (even though it hurts legit players on night servers), thermal, one hit kill sniper rifles, and most of the most annoying things in game because I know these items are duped, farmed, or hacked and the rarity has been ruined. Plug these holes and these problems will diminish. Even a complete hive wipe sounds good to me at this point.
  22. sausagekingofchicago

    Barbed Wire Rage Thread

    It'll go something like this. 1. Install game 2. Print out any large map found by googling "Chernarus map" 3. Log into game. Watch the right hand corner of the screen. Note the location of your spawn. 4. Find your location on your printed out map. Take your time. You're going to die. 5. Press the number pad enter key. This will help you get through doors without breaking your leg. 6. Pick a town north of you. 7. Go there. 8. Repeat as often as necessary. Chapter two would cover how to google "DayZ wiki" and "DayZdb.com". Chapter three would cover locations worth travelling to that are not filled with mindless deathmatch players that would kill themselves again and again if given the chance just so they could spawn at Elektro, server performance be damned. The Ipod/Iphone/tablet version of the manual would be much shorter.
  23. sausagekingofchicago

    Barbed Wire Rage Thread

    It's working as intended. We were given a tool and people are using it. It's just how some are using it that is causing all the qq'ing. If it could keep out zombies, awesome. Right now, it's keeping the biggest threat away and that seems to be good enough in my book. I don't hang around Elektro and Cherno and have no desire to endlessly play capture sniper hill so maybe I don't see the problem the way you guys do. It might help if we could actually permanently remove barbwire. It seems like it reappears after each restart no matter who removes it.
  24. sausagekingofchicago

    Barbed Wire Rage Thread

    But you don't need to gear up on the coast. That isn't required. Nothing in the game forces people to go to those cities in search of gear. The game only asks players to solve their own problems and doesn't hold their hand through it. If it's not barbwire and tanktraps in Elektro and Cherno then it's going to be players with better gear sniping them again and again. Should we ask for those cities to become pvp-free zones? (no) The easiest solution to your problem is to turn north and start running. You'll find everything there that you'll find on the coast but you'll find it without having to deal with almost guaranteed as50 snipers and gobs of barbwire. This is what I did before I ever found a map and had more fun doing that than dealing with shoot on sight tards that think the game is meant to be one endless deathmatch. Leaving the coast is as easy as following a road that leaves the coast. If that's too hard for people then maybe they shouldn't be playing this game?
  25. sausagekingofchicago

    Mad Max Dayz?

    No luck finding one of those. For some reason I feel let down by the ArmA community. I did find this, maybe it'll work instead. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16673