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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    Civillian Clothing Question

  2. sausagekingofchicago

    Servers without death messages

    I'd rather know who killed me than know who I killed.
  3. sausagekingofchicago

    Not a care-bear thread, but asking for a solution

    More and tougher zombies combined with less high end weapons ought to do it. I like the sounds of the new medical system and the weapon conditions. All of these will make deathmatching a waste of time, hopefully. Not that there's anything wrong with it. There's plenty of deathmatch games on the market and those are actually balanced. Once the game becomes too difficult for the average Coddie the mindless shoot on sight behavior will taper down. Actual bandits will still exist and quite a few deathmatchers will likely leave the cities to join them which isn't a bad thing. Once they have to actually leave the coast to find gear worth using they might actually value their own lives a little more than they do in their respawn mini-game in Elektro. If it takes you days to find an AK in good working order, or to fix one up, then they might just reconsider their mindless blasting of newspawns. It would be awesome if they use the flight mechanics of Take on Choppers. (wasn't sure if Rocket said this was in or not) This alone will make some players more valuable than others. You'll never know if the guy you betrayed and shot in the back ten minutes earlier could have actually flown the chopper you just found in the woods. Hopefully they take a much as possible from that game and make starting the thing much more difficult than pressing Q. Even checking it for damage (and hopefully booby traps) would require some in-game experience. Another thing they could do is make vehicle repair require more and specialized tools. These tools could require pack space as well as accessory (whatever it's called) space. Repairing a tire would require as little as a wrench or tire iron (and perhaps a jack?) but swapping motors or even diagnosing an electrical problem would require different tools. If we can't carry all these tools AND parts AND ammo, food, etc then we may just need a buddy or two just to be able to fix a car. Imagine the standard toolbox taking up four to six accessory slots and you might see what kind of judgement calls you'd have to make when looting. What if the tire for the Ural took up 8 slots of the main inventory and slowed you down? You'd need some buddies if you actually want to get that beast rolling. If we were given actual safe stash spots, other than easily spotted tents, and extremely rare items and tools were added to the game then perhaps trading might actually become meaningful. Right now, our avatars are generic cookie cutter affairs and no one is actually attached to them. People get more attached to the gear than anything. This is why people run all the way back to their dead bodies and why we hear about people unwilling to die even though they're stuck in the woods with a broken leg. Personalizing the character models would add some value to some people. Anyway, for all we know the standalone already has quite a few systems in place. The medical system being one, the zombie and loot rewrites being others. Hopefully the changes Rocket has already mentioned will impact playstyles across the board. When we get our hands on SA alpha we can really have honest discussions about this stuff. Though nothing will stop kill on sight behavior completely.
  4. sausagekingofchicago

    HURRRR died again!

    5 to 15 players isn't a dead server. I personally think it's much better than joining a 50+ server where any tent or vehicle will be found in a matter of hours unless they're stashed off the map. The game feels more lonely and if there are two opposing teams on a server, rather than a bunch of deathmatching retards, the game really starts to shine. And just because there are only 5-15 players on at any given time doesn't mean there are not 50 people playing on that server, building bases, fixing vehicles, hunting others, etc. There could actually be a community of players that play at different times. This really just comes down to personal preference. I'm having more fun on a low pop private hive server with 3 opposing clans than I ever did playing on a massive server packed with Coddies. Some people want to play an unbalanced and endless deathmatch game. That's cool, it's just not for everyone. Until duping and most of the hacking is stopped the 50+ servers will continue to suck. (can't wait for the tears... the sweet sweet tears of deathmatchers)
  5. sausagekingofchicago

    HURRRR died again!

    Change my name and find a better server.
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    Why are vehicles so weak?

    Stay away from Green Mountain.
  7. sausagekingofchicago

    Whats wrong with sidechat?

    Annoying people are annoying.
  8. sausagekingofchicago

    Day/Night cycle + few new things

    Every three hours, mass exodus of the server. :) I prefer the realistic time. Having the day and night shift back and forth would ruin the immersion for me. I think this would work best as a server option.
  9. sausagekingofchicago

    Zombie "profing" cars

    I don't know about that one. I think "10 meters, northwest, blue" would be a much easier way to tell a buddy to approach a given house. Even slang or simple code words like "Duck Mansion" would be a much easier way to convey meet up locations without having the message intercepted.
  10. Weapon degradation is going to be nice. Weapons won't spawn in perfect condition either (I believe rocket said something about that, might not be true anymore) so you'll really want to check out that Enfield you saw in the barn if you're using a beat up Winchester. Sounds good to me. The incoming flood of deathmatcher tears are going to drown us all.
  11. Thanks OP. Looking forward to the Q and A session.
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    Rocket, I demand you add animals like this.

    There needs to be a zoo somewhere.. maybe a private zoo of some corrupt general. This is the only way I can imagine having giraffes in the game. They must be in the game. I want to ride my giraffe to the NWAF.
  13. sausagekingofchicago

    Question to Rocket: Gun nerfing

    A .45 is going to put someone on their ass if you hit them center mass at close range. 9mm's won't pack the same punch but they'll at least slow down an aggressor. Right now, I don't even consider a guy with a pistol a threat to me if I have an AK. I actually don't mind the handgun damage on players but the damage against zombies/infected is kind of silly. These rounds should at least slow them down.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    Question to Rocket: Gun nerfing

    That makes more sense. Basing it on actual data instead of knee jerk reactions of the community (and who screams the loudest) is definitely better than what I thought you were proposing. :)
  15. sausagekingofchicago

    Question to Rocket: Gun nerfing

    Ooh. Well, be careful handing the weapon balancing to the players. Guns are the core and letting a fickle community sway their balance could spell disaster. I'm all for getting my hands on the standalone sooner rather than later but not at the expense of the overall game. I have to agree with this. There are enough whiners and trolls here to really screw things up. edit: Then again, this isn't exactly the EA or Blizzard forums so maybe there's a bit of reason making the final call. lol
  16. sausagekingofchicago

    Stereotype that most players are out to get you

  17. sausagekingofchicago

    Question to Rocket: Gun nerfing

    That's a shame. Every time I find a G17 or a PDW I'm happy. The G17's flashlight is great at night and the PDW can eat most mags. I never expect to use these guns on players unless it's an absolute emergency. Otherwise, the G17 is for headshotting zombies at night without bringing entire hordes down on my position. PDW is mainly a daytime backup weapon but still quiet enough to use on zombies when I need to. The nerfed handguns came from an ArmA patch a while back. From what I understand, Rocket and Co had nothing to do with it.
  18. sausagekingofchicago

    What if the 50 cals were taken out of DayZ?

    Too common? I haven't found one legit but I'm not loot farming the NWAF. The dupers on the other hand.. they make those things extremely common.
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    What do i do? Rocket? anyone?

    Find a better server. Not all servers connected to the hive are created equally.
  20. sausagekingofchicago

    Some people dont know what a coward is.

    Setting traps and camping them makes someone a coward? Running and gunning is for morons. That much I know.
  21. sausagekingofchicago

    Invisible wall at edge of map?

    I don't think you're paying attention.
  22. sausagekingofchicago

    This game is PvP not PvE

    The game is absolutely a survival game, especially when you're new, but it's still true at the core of the game for the experienced players. It's just that we've all logged quite a few hours in the game and know how to deal with each situation. We are the veterans (i feel sorry for noobs in the standalone) and we're looking for more. That's a good thing if you ask me. Players are the only real unpredictable opponent for now. I expect this to change. The zombies are very likely being rewritten, I just assumed everyone knew that. The loot system is changing. The weapons are changing. The map is changing. All of this will be obvious once we start migrating away from the alpha of the mod and to the alpha of the standalone. I honestly don't expect too much of the mod to remain untouched, other than the soul of the game. Honestly, I'd like them to cut the mods loot in half or to a quarter. That'll shake things up while we wait for the standalone. People will complain, but what's new?
  23. sausagekingofchicago

    This game is PvP not PvE

    Or Idol and Idle but none of that is actually important. Yes, the mod is pretty much pvp at this time. If anyone was able to start this game on day one and never have an issue with zombies then they must have been some ninja master that deserves a golden cookie. Yup, PVE is weak in this game at the moment as we've pretty much conquered the zombies in their current form. They can still be a headache at times if you're unlucky but otherwise they're just a massive tail that alerts players to your presence. But there's a difference between pvp and endless deathmatches. People wanted to play the deathmatch game Elektro and Cherno because they knew most of their opponents wouldn't be nearly as geared as they were. That imbalance made their jimmies hard. Duping, endless ammo refills, and the ability to kill themselves over and over until they got the spawn they wanted fed this endless meat grinder. When the ability to respawn at will was removed, the deathmatchers cried. When the ability to refill ammo by logging out and logging back in was removed, the deathmatchers cried. When the basic forms of duping are removed, the deathmatchers will cry. When the endless single meat of life dupe is removed, the deathmatchers will cry. edit: When you can no longer lose zombies by running in and out of a building or into a tree, the deathmatchers will cry. I once heard a deathmatcher say "Rocket is catering to the wrong group! He's going to ruin this game!" He said this shortly after the respawn and endless ammo was changed. Maybe deathmatchers are the wrong crowd to be catering to in a game that tries to focus on survival on a massive map? If the game was meant to be a deathmatch we wouldn't need Chernarus at all. Anyway, this is the mod. Zombies are not going to change and neither will the rest of the game. The standalone is around the corner and I'm almost certain when it does release, the deathmatchers will cry. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be playing pvp on the rest of the map, not just in Cherno.
  24. sausagekingofchicago

    Helicopter crashes, do they ruin the intensity?

    Duping and hackers have ruined your NWAF camping festival.
  25. sausagekingofchicago

    Hour long egg timer shiz

    What has this world come to.