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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    Average life expectancy

    I'll be happy if the zombie AI is increased so drastically that the average life expectancy drops to 10 minutes. I hope they change the texture on that lighthouse. A simple spray painted message of "don't do it!" or a suicide hotline number seems appropriate.
  2. sausagekingofchicago

    Drink directly from water source

    I support this but you should have a chance of getting sick by doing this. I think we should filter or boil our water before consumption. (water filter! new tool)
  3. Appreciate it. Going to give it a shot tonight. Any word on the differences?
  4. sausagekingofchicago

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    The fact OP actually mentions suiciding as a legit means of play speaks volumes about him. Stop deathmatching.
  5. That's shady. Is there any way to find non villayer version of Panthera and the servers hosting it? I only installed via Commander because there's a lot of bullshit downloads floating around.
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    Who is a hero?

    I'm at about 10k humanity last time I checked.
  7. sausagekingofchicago

    New map discussion

    Panthera is awesome.
  8. sausagekingofchicago

    Mod to standalone over switch

    Standalone for sure. Luckily I'll likely be a couple days behind the wave so I can watch vids and streams before forking out the cash but the changes in the scripting is enough of a reason for me. Hopefully they'll open the mod up to the community so we can play with it. While it's not strictly in line with Rockets vision, I honestly want to make custom missions and events in DayZ.
  9. sausagekingofchicago

    And this is why I don't bother with anything but PvP

    This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the hackers magically finding everything with zero effort. I wouldn't mind a tent being tied to a player but that would raise even more problems.
  10. sausagekingofchicago

    Did I get hacked? WTF happened?

    Smells like scripters but I can't say for sure. Btw, you should use direct com text/voice in that situation.
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    Helicopter Fuel

  12. sausagekingofchicago

    Question about admins?

    Definitely on private hives and servers. Not sure about public hive servers.
  13. sausagekingofchicago

    "Oh, it's night. Guess I'd better leave"

    Crouch run with flashlight. He'll point it at the ground. When I travel between cities I turn the flashlight on only when I need to check the terrain in front of me. Once I get a good idea of where I'm running I turn it off. When I get closer to towns I crouch run so the light is pointed at the ground. This keeps the light I'm emitting very low. I then throw a lot of flares in various directions as far as I can towards objectives. They'll burn for quite a while and the more there are the less likely someone can pick out my location. In buildings I'll throw and pick up a chemlight so I can keep my primary out and still be able to see the ground and loot. If I spot anyone I'll immediately scroll to drop the chemlight and move away from it. This works well for me. Surviving and looting at night is pretty fun but I wouldn't suggest deathmatching this way.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    "Oh, it's night. Guess I'd better leave"

    All handguns are weak. The g17 has the little light, decent sights, and it's not very loud. Just headshot the zombies in your way and you wont have the entire town coming down on you. Wouldn't mind being able to use any handgun with a flashlight. I'm sure they've considered it.
  15. sausagekingofchicago

    Fresh spawn as bandit? Huh

    Redemption is never easy.
  16. sausagekingofchicago

    Strange goings on in Dayz today

    1. Hacker 2. Maybe legit 3. Private hive 4. Back to public hive
  17. sausagekingofchicago

    [Forum] IMG Tags - How To.

    Any tumblr love?
  18. sausagekingofchicago

    Do many people still play this?

    I guess I'll point this out. Those numbers do not track private hives.
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    {Poll} A player saves your life, what do you do

    Thank them and then eye them suspiciously as I slowly back away. (really depends on if they have a mic, willing to join a TS, and if they sound like decent folk)
  20. sausagekingofchicago

    Can I download the DayZ Map?

    If you have an Iphone/pad/pod you can download an app that has a loot map and allows you to zoom in on specific buildings.
  21. sausagekingofchicago

    How do I stop ARMA 2 OA from loading DayZ

    Alright. I'll do my best to explain how I did it but you guys could have completely different setups. I believe there were several ways to launch the game before DayZ Commander came out and I chose what was easiest for me. I originally launched DayZ via the _runA2CA_beta.cmd file in the ArmA2OA directory. (I used a shortcut to that .cmd file and I have the steam version) All I had to do was find the @DayZ in the .cmd file and remove it. The @DayZ was on this line: I removed the DayZ bit and it looked like this: Now I just launch via the same shortcut and get into the game. I may have been launching the game in a completely different manner from you guys. I'm not sure if this is entirely the best way to do it but it's been working for me. I haven't tried playing ArmA online with this setup but I have played the Dynamic Zombie Sandbox mission online without any issues. Ninja edit: Yup, works online this way. Hope that helps someone.
  22. sausagekingofchicago

    How do I stop ARMA 2 OA from loading DayZ

    How are you launching the game? Shortcut? DayZ Commander? Are you using the steam install or something else?
  23. "Rocket ruined the game!" followed by long winded whine fests by deathmatchers.
  24. sausagekingofchicago

    Not a care-bear thread, but asking for a solution

    That's just a stupid idea though. Yeah, it makes sense and even I want to setup a permanent base but bringing a bunch of unknown and heavily armed people into an enclosed space is just asking for trouble.. Anyone who thought that was good idea must have been trying hard to ignore all the evidence to the contrary. It's like smoking in an ocean of oil, not smart. This is completely different from having 30 players on a server and one mindless deathmatcher looking around Elektro and not finding anyone.
  25. sausagekingofchicago

    Not a care-bear thread, but asking for a solution

    One deathmatcher doesn't force anyone to deathmatch. Neither does one bandit. His presence only requires the other players to pay attention. I'd be surprised if 30 guys can't kill one deathmatcher or simply avoid him. If the deathmatcher can't find anyone to deathmatch then he'll likely just leave. PVE servers will die within a months time unless the zombies are ten times harder than what is planned for the standalone. (we don't even know what that is yet but they'll have to be much harder if you don't even have to worry about friendly fire..)