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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    Teleported after spawning in gear as Admin

    This is going to end well.
  2. sausagekingofchicago

    CD key theft - notice about suspicious PMs

    I pm'd that to you the other day. All you did was flip it around!
  3. sausagekingofchicago

    CD key theft - notice about suspicious PMs

    lol Thanks for the heads up.
  4. sausagekingofchicago

    The giving of a title to the one they call "OrLok"

    It'll be hard to improve on a mix of Hitchhikers Guide and Aliens references (at least that's how I took it) but TH3Y0L0SW4GM4ST3R somehow gets close. Voted.
  5. sausagekingofchicago

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    This entire experience has been like that. The deeper I fall into this hole the more I come to appreciate what the modders do.
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    3D Model conversion guide

    Thanks Elvaron. Juggling files was one of the more tiresome aspects of testing so I can't thank you and R4Z0R enough for that batch file. :) If I have the resources, I'm going to try out the test server as well. Thanks again.
  7. How are you launching the game? Have you had anyone else try to connect?
  8. sausagekingofchicago

    Weapon Customisation

    What makes sense in the scenario? If the game was based in the states I would suggest trigger assemblies, all manner of rail attachments, magazine sizes, barrels, shotgun to cartridge adapters, and gobs of ammo types but does that make sense in the setting? What kind of weapons are we even going to see in the SA? How realistic do we want to get? I'd personally like to avoid "taping a knife to a barrel" type customization.
  9. sausagekingofchicago

    I will pay $21 US for Inceptions (Murder)

    I smell a conspiracy.
  10. sausagekingofchicago

    Stuck at "Please wait for your character to set up"

    Verify your DayZ and Arma2 beta patch versions by checking the main menu of the game (bottom right of the screen). Then make sure you're connecting to a server with the same DayZ version and any Arma2 beta version at or below yours. Steam has been pushing out a slightly older beta patch. It's best to turn off any auto update Steam has for the beta patch, if you use Steam, or you wont be able to connect to servers running the latest beta.
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    I will pay $21 US for Inceptions (Murder)

    Make it $21.50 and you got yourself a deal.
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    I will pay YOU $20 for the life of...

    I'm pretty sure that dead Steak body was from when I accidentally shot him. I think Inception is taking OP for a ride.
  13. sausagekingofchicago

    Illegal drugs

    Pain killers are definitely addictive and we're all on our way to some harsh withdrawals considering we eat a bottle of them at a time in game. :) I definitely like the idea of negative effects like this. Repeated use of morphine and painkillers should have some impact on the player.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    Shovel (new weapon/equipment)

    I just want to be able to dig up hidden bodies. ;)
  15. sausagekingofchicago

    Arma III Alpha lite [ GIVE AWAY ]

    I'll immortalize you on Myspace for some Arma3 love.
  16. sausagekingofchicago

    Toilet Paper?

    I'll probably fill my teams packs with them when they're not looking.
  17. Third person looks much better than first person at low frame rates and on low end computers. Here's my suggested solution. While in third person = weapon down, you cannot aim anything but melee weapons and thrown items. When crouched, the camera zooms in about 50%. When prone camera zooms quite a bit. (about what we get when holding down +, perhaps more?) This would force building top snipers to expose themselves to spot targets, allow third person to still be used for a lot of traveling and stealth, and I feel it would create more tension while playing in third person. Going into first person would raise your weapon.
  18. sausagekingofchicago

    im looking for a whitelist server to call home

    NO! Not his! My signature, GO!
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    Battleye 'Script kiddie'

    That's not a batteye kick. That's an admin kicking you.
  20. sausagekingofchicago

    Arma3 Dayz MOD vs Dayz Standalone

    Where do you get your info? Doesn't sound like you get it from this forum or the devblogs. I heard about it back the in the day when discussing another favorite game of mine. Half the community wanted large maps to play on and the arena kids screamed "then go play arma you losers! We want tiny maps to pew pew on!" True story.
  21. sausagekingofchicago

    My criticisms of DayZ mod/Standalone

    Maybe I'm a massive fanboy but I can clearly see the difference between DZS and DayZ. I can also see the difference between the great work done by the modding community and the highly polished work of the BI artists, be it buildings or maps. I've paid attention to community when we expressed our distaste for leveling and other nonsense found in cookie cutter games developed by fly by night companies. I read the interviews and watched the videos and know military grade weaponry won't be as prominent in the standalone and know all the weapons and character models are being redeveloped. I questioned Rockets sanity when he said the new server architecture could handle up to 100 players, which I think is an awful idea, and I understand why they're not allowing modding on day one of release. Hell, I even know what to expect when the standalone goes public.. it wont be pretty but it'll look a lot nicer than the hundreds of inevitable complaint threads about changes, threads about how Rocket ruined the game, demands for ridiculous safe zones, vaults, one shot kill weapons, flying monkeys, and refund because the AS50 is missing. Let's not forget about the CAPITAL LETTERS WITH EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!! Anyway, everyone's entitled to their opinion.
  22. sausagekingofchicago

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    I'm not going to link to anything until Joey approves of it. You can edit the label in theGimp or Photoshop or even MSpaint if you like. To view and test them in game you will need the BiTools installed but to share creations we only need to upload the new label/texture to imgur and share away.
  23. sausagekingofchicago

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    I shot Joey a message too. I can run with it now but would rather have permission. I also think doing this as community project could possibly bring the community together. It'll also focus a lot of our energy while we wait for the SA. :)
  24. sausagekingofchicago

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Nevermind, figured it out. :D I was doing something similar but now I have a more relevant example. It would be pretty straight forward for us to retexture these items, with his permission of course. The UV map would make life easier.