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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. This guide will get you through a simple retexturing of an item found in the dayz_communityassets.pbo. Once you're able to do this you'll be well on your way to adding your own items to the game. This guide will only get the items in game via the 3d editor but the pathing and practice is compatible with Elvaron's guide to setting up a test server. Tools you'll need: BITools (guide to install) Notepad++ Eliteness and DePbo.dll (place DePbo.dll in whatever dir you unrar Eliteness in) The DayZ build from Github (I recommend 1.7.6 since it's what I know works) A tool to decompress .zipped files. Your texture (check out Ingasmeeg's thread) Assuming you installed the BITools correctly, you should have a P:\ drive. Go ahead and create a \z\addons directory on your p:\ drive. Unzip everything from the DayZ build's \SQF directory into your p:\z\addons directory. Open your texture in Photoshop or your favorite image editing software and save it as .tga format to a folder of your choice. You can name it anything you like but I'm going to use soda_example_CO.tga in this guide. **Note the _CO part This is important.** Open soda_example_CO.tga in TexView2 (BITool) and save it as soda_example_CO.paa and place it in your P:\z\addons\DayZ_Communityassets\textures directory. (You may need to type in the full file name for it save properly) Open the \z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models directory. Double click soda_clays_clean_full.p3d. It should open up in Oxygen2 (BITool). Go ahead and save this .p3d as soda_example_full.p3d in the \models folder. With the model selected, press "E". The Face Properites menu should open up. On the bottom right you'll see a section for Textures & Materials. Click the folder for Texture and navigate to your texture in \z\addons\dayz_communityassets\textures. Click Apply, then click OK. Do not worry about the Material setting right now as we're going to use the .rvmat supplied and it should already be set. Now do the same thing for the 1.000 and 2.000 LODs. (you'll need to double click to select them) Click View > Viewers > Buldozer > Start/Reset to view your model in Buldozer. The can is small so you'll need to zoom in on it. When you do you'll notice your texture is blurry. This is okay and will not effect how the model will look in game but you'll still want a small clear image of your item for the inventory screen. Close Buldozer and save your model again. This post will guide you through how to rescale the model so the texture is clear: http://dayzmod.com/f...80#entry1240850 I find it easiest to take a screenshot of the item while in Buldozer. Try finding an angle that makes sense and hit the print screen key. Open photoshop and create a new image with the dimensions of 256x256. Paste in your image, resize it, and delete the background color. Save this image as soda_example_CA.png so the transparent background is preserved. Open it in TexView2 and save it as soda_example_CA.paa and place it in your \z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures directory. Editing the Code Navigate to \z\addons\dayz_code. Open the cfg_magazines.hpp in Notepad++. Scroll down to the ItemSodaMtngreen class. Highlight and copy both the full and empty entries. Paste this right below. The first thing you want to do is change the class name to ItemExampleSoda. Go ahead and change the display name to "$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_NAME_13". Change the descriptionShort to "$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_DESC_13". Now you need to tell the game where to find your model. Change "soda_mtngreen_clean_full.p3d" to "soda_example_full.p3d". Change "equip_soda_mtngreen_clean_full_ca.paa" to "soda_example_ca.paa". If you also created an empty model texture, repeat the processing steps above and point the next entry to your empty can model and picture. Save the CfgMagazines.hpp file. Now open the stringtable.xml file in Notepad++. Find the ST_ITEM_SODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_12 entry. Copy and paste it below and change the Name and Description to reflect your items. If you're awesome, translate everything. Make sure you change the ID numbers from 12 to 13. Save this file now. You're ready to pack your .pbos files. Open up Eliteness. Go to the Options and check "Allow unbinarised p3ds". You may also want to check and change the output folder to any temp or working folder you use. Hit Ok and navigate to your p:\z\addons directory. Right click on the dayz_code folder and select "CreatePbo". Click OK. You should get a "no errors were found" message. Right click on the dayz_communityassets folder and select "CreatePbo". You should now have a dayz_code.pbo and dayz_communityassets.pbo in whatever output folder you told EliteNess to use. Locate your @dayz folder and make a copy. Rename the copy @dayzmodding or whatever floats your boat. Navigate to your newly created .pbos and copy them into your @dayZmodding\addons\ folder. Go ahead and overwrite the files. Trying out your item in game You may want to launch DayZ without having to mess with Steam. If you haven't already, open your Programfiles\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\ directory, find the _runA2CO_beta file, and create a shortcut to it. Place the shortcut on your desktop. Right click on the shortcut, select edit, and find the "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca; line. Add @dayzmodding at the end. "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca;@dayzmodding" Save the file and launch DayZ by double clicking your _runA2CO shortcut you placed on your desktop. When you see the main menu, press Ctrl-E. A new window will pop up asking you to pick a map. I pick Utes because it seems to load a little faster but any map will do. [NOTE: Make sure you launch dayz your normal way or make sure you edit the _runA2CO_beta file to point to the PROPER @DayZ folder if you want to play online. DO NOT connect with modified files!!!!!] When it's done loading you see a series of options in the upper right corner: Select "Center" and doubleclick on the map. Click OK. Select "Group" and doubleclick. Click OK. Now select "Unit" and double click. Select "bandit" from the 'Type' drop down and click OK. Click preview and you'll be able to run around on the map. When you're done messing about, hit escape and then 'edit in 2d map'. Right click on the green icon respresenting your character. Select "edit object". In the Init Expression text box, add: removeAllWeapons this; this addMagazine "ItemExampleSoda"; this addMagazine "ItemExampleSoda"; this addMagazine "ItemExampleSoda"; this addMagazine "ItemExampleSoda"; this addMagazine "ItemExampleSoda"; This will add five Example Sodas to your inventory. You can add more if you like but you only have so much inventory space. Click OK, click Restart, and then go ahead and save the mission file so you won't need to recreate it each time you want to test. Now click "Preview". Press 'G' and you should see your item icon, description, and title. Drop your items to view them in the world. So there you go. You can now re-texture just about anything you can get your hands on. A lot of the steps here can be used to add completely new items to the world. Follow the steps carefully and you shouldn't run into any major problems.
  2. sausagekingofchicago

    Daz2000 (New improved axe)

    Sounds like something worth trying. ;)
  3. sausagekingofchicago

    I Formally Challenge Dean 'Rocket' Hall To A Duel

    I'm not sure but I did see him make a boar disappear with nothing but his mind.
  4. sausagekingofchicago

    I Formally Challenge Dean 'Rocket' Hall To A Duel

    I challenge DemonGroover. Makarovs at twenty paces, outside the Elektro pub, high noon. Or are ya yella?
  5. sausagekingofchicago

    I Formally Challenge Dean 'Rocket' Hall To A Duel

    I would not suggest trying. Mr Nasty is not someone to tangle with. I once saw him kill a rabbit with a tin can.
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    So where's the birthday cake at? wtf
  7. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Some people claimed to want simple updates that said nothing at all. Preathor.. Praethor... your name rings a bell. I could almost swear you were up in arms over not getting a simple "hi" devblog. Forgive me if I mixed you up.
  8. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Not at all. I'm just saying, wait until they add vehicles if they're that important. Realism for movement can depend on the characters background/story and they've said quite a few times that the survivors are not necessarily military trained. The run jump did look a tad silly but I'm waiting to see it in person.
  9. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Again, if the lack of vehicles is your only complaint, awesome. Everything else seems to surpass the mod quite a bit so I'm happy. You can always wait until you're happy with what you see. That's what I do.
  10. sausagekingofchicago

    3D Modeling

    Okay. Hopefully the other posts shed some light on the matter for you. I think think the absolute best place to find Minecraft modding tips would be the Minecraft forums. That's just where I would look. Show some pics when you're done though. Sounds interesting.
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    3D Modeling

    You can get 3DS Max for free if you're a student. I'm not 100% sure if it's only for college students but take a look at their site.
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    Graphical lag/stutter

    Now that is how you ask for help.
  13. That's why I hoped it was being locked to server or difficulty settings. I didn't think they were doing it across the board.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    I'm pretty sure they could just add vehicles exactly the way they are in the mod, which is pretty shallow and enormously silly anyway. I'd much rather have an in depth vehicle repair system and modding system than what we have now. That will take time and I'd personally rather have them do it properly the first time. It seems like they've outdone everything else so far. Have any more examples of features the mod has that the standalone won't?
  15. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    I read every post in rocket's voice. Don't you guys?
  16. You may need to create the other LODs for it if you haven't already. There's one that determines it's position relative the ground (I'm assuming the ground lod, lol). You can tinker with the scale the same way we made the cans enormous so we could see the textures clearly. You just have to play with the scale until you're happy. You can also copy a soda can in next to your sprats can and have a good idea of the scale right away. Then delete the soda can when you're done scaling the sprats. (had to google what a sprat was. :D )
  17. Definitely consider it. The air powered nailguns can get about 22 meters (some report 45 meters) with the psi cranked up but I'm not sure how accurate they would actually be. I'm not 100% sure about the battery operated variety. I'd aim to give it a little more range than the hatchet and think of it as a rapid fire melee weapon. That could come in pretty handy when swarmed by zombies in a building. Just my two cents. :) I'd love to add a compressor to a truck for powering tools like this. That'll open a lot of doors for beefing up the repair gameplay while increasing the risk quite a bit. :D It's nice to see this all gaining momentum.
  18. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Such a tease.
  19. Is it possible to change the range on it at all? I've never looked. :D
  20. Good stuff man. I have to agree with Radivmoe. The icon image doesn't really fit. :) Did you use an image found on the net or is the gun that awesome? :D I'd screenshot the nailgun in O2 and edit out the background and use that as the icon. It'll match the overall feel slightly better.
  21. I've run into that problem before but I can't recall if it was with Blender or in O2 itself. Open the model in O2 and and click on the UV button. A new window should pop up with the UV map. See if that UV map matches the one you're using to make the texture. Not much going on on my end. Working 70 hours a week so opening O2 to take that screenshot has been the first time I've touched it in weeks. I still have ideas, I just need the time to follow through. :)
  22. sausagekingofchicago

    This forum.

    A lot of the tips and tricks people post will be outdated I imagine. :D Filter: mod.
  23. sausagekingofchicago

    This forum.

    Sorry about that, I don't know what I was thinking. Bananas and fuel injection are the only ways you can reach 50 hp on your dot matrix printer.
  24. sausagekingofchicago

    building a DayZ pc.... need advice

    A buddy of mine built a pretty solid rig that runs the mod at 60fps without any issues. I don't think he'll mind if I post it. :) He plans on overclocking and expanding his system a bit so you may not need the same power supply or cooling system. I'm going to ramp it all up for my system, if my budget permits, but he's having no issues with his system and it's within your price range. If you shop around and google the hell out of anything part you're considering you'll get a pretty good bang for your buck. My system is still being tweaked and priced but when I'm happy with the price and performance I'll post it.