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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    Please do. :D
  2. sausagekingofchicago

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    I put on a suit so maybe my posts will be more professional but I don't think the scotch and cigarette smoking is helping me think straight.
  3. sausagekingofchicago

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    If only we all wore suits. This thread would be so much better.
  4. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Excited to see/hear/read some new stuff.
  5. My wig is made of 100% real human hair direct from India. His is a knock off I tell you! A KNOCK OFF!
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Finding a good place for incognito rocket is harder than it looks.
  7. sausagekingofchicago

    Survivor Gamez 3 May 25th 9pm GMT (featuring Matt Lightfoot)

    The organizers are getting better. That went pretty smooth considering.
  8. sausagekingofchicago

    How will DayZ Standalone be sold?

    I had my hopes on EA Origins but I guess Steam is okay..
  9. sausagekingofchicago

    Survivor Gamez 3 May 25th 9pm GMT (featuring Matt Lightfoot)

    Never go into combat without your lucky hair. Never.
  10. sausagekingofchicago

    Survivor Gamez 3 May 25th 9pm GMT (featuring Matt Lightfoot)

    looks like they're lining up.. or is it already over and i'm watching a repeat? apparently, Matt has been replaced with a short haired clone of himself.
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    Auto-Walk Key

    I hope the SA is more demanding and "autorun" of any type (MacGuyvered or not) would lead to certain death.
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    Mad Max Dayz?

    I just found out... I hope this isn't extremely old news but Tom Hardy as Mad Max? I dig the ride. ..
  13. sausagekingofchicago

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I'm trying to decipher his gang affiliation.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    Can I run it?

  15. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ on console

    I think it's definitely a possibility for next gen consoles considering they're just weak-ish PC's now. I was playing on a crappier computer than what the next gens will essentially be so it's definitely feasible. Like others have said, don't expect it anytime soon but I definitely can see it happening at some point.
  16. sausagekingofchicago


    Brothers.... it's always the brother. Meanwhile, no one is paying attention to the sneaky sister.
  17. sausagekingofchicago

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    You are either a spammer that has come to advertise another game or this forum's latest example as to why the gaming industry has turned into a sucker grinder. I'm not sure which.
  18. sausagekingofchicago

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    Nice try Trion Worlds.
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    Survivor Gamez 3 May 25th 9pm GMT (featuring Matt Lightfoot)

    You can be my wingman anytime.
  20. sausagekingofchicago

    Survivor Gamez 3 May 25th 9pm GMT (featuring Matt Lightfoot)

    I too am looking forward to this. I really hope they get the ability to instant replay kills in the future.
  21. sausagekingofchicago

    Will there be a DayZ supporter edition?

    Create steam account, buy game, change steam password to something insane, repeat.. finally change email password to something impossible to remember. Feel satisfaction.
  22. sausagekingofchicago

    Will there be a DayZ supporter edition?

    Buy a couple copies.
  23. sausagekingofchicago

    Houses, inspired by the origins mod.

    I refuse to support GP. Underground bases, while funky in concept, will work better than a bunch of silly houses cluttering the servers. Even though all 60 people on a server at one point wont all have a house, over time several hundred could easily be built. Lag. Clutter. etc.
  24. sausagekingofchicago

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    I bet if vehicles were in the SA on launch, he'd be pissing about the lack of dogs.