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Everything posted by sausagekingofchicago

  1. sausagekingofchicago

    Where are all the devblogs?

    YEH! The zombie craze has run it's course over the past 30 plus years or so. It's all over now and they missed it! The new thing is definitely mummies.
  2. sausagekingofchicago

    Opinions on my first PC desgin?

    Pretty solid. Similar to mine but I went with a few more bells and whistles. That system will eat most games for lunch. He should be happy.
  3. sausagekingofchicago

    FPS locked out under 10 -- paying for help.

    What OfficerRaymond said. Also, tell us what beta patch/mod versions you have etc you have.
  4. sausagekingofchicago


    As long as I can craft a coat and boots out of him I'm all for it.
  5. sausagekingofchicago

    Where are all the devblogs?

    You know.. it might not be funny for a guy that has to deal with that type of thing day after day. My bad rocket.
  6. sausagekingofchicago

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Sooo... Alpha confirmed for July? Sweet.
  7. Fraggle knows I was being ridiculous with that mspaint suggestion.
  8. Only if there was a large difference in humanity. Otherwise most people wouldn't even notice.
  9. sausagekingofchicago

    Help! Please!

    or attempting to cheat. Same difference.
  10. sausagekingofchicago

    Item Textures

    Blood splatter and faded labels are simple textures but when you're talking about 100's of items having multiple textures then you're looking at a lot of memory eating.. especially if the goal is thousands of items. Dents in cans might require new models which requires a little more than a simple texture. Still, I like the idea.
  11. sausagekingofchicago

    Melee Weapon Quick Switch Help/Advice

    I'm not a fan of insta-switch.
  12. sausagekingofchicago

    A few issues that keep occurring....

    First issue, the server was reset. This happens. If you don't get any warning messages you should look for a server with better admins. Second issue, hit escape. Go back to the lobby and re-enter the game.
  13. Mr. Dickhead, the #1 bandit in all of Chernarus, sleeps on Green Mountain like a boss.
  14. sausagekingofchicago

    Just saw Rocket again.

  15. Same problems arise. How is it displayed? How visible is it under various lighting conditions? Does it only show up when you put your sights on them? A slight delay before it shows up would improve the sighted aspect. Maybe a karmic aura or something more subtle? Something that will only shows up brightly if someone has a vastly different humanity from the player. Strength of color?/aura would depend on how much a difference there was between any two players. The aura of a deathmatching mass noob murdering bandit would be easy for a pure hero to see (goes both ways) but only if the sights remain on a target for a given amount of time. That might help prevent treeline spotting. Perhaps sights wouldn't be needed to spot the aura at close range to prevent accidental shootings? Just tossing out ideas. edit: I like wanted posters but only if we had to actually draw them in game with an mspaint type interface.
  16. sausagekingofchicago

    Online retailer stopped download availability

    Has key + no game + 'asshat' = skepticism. Hopefully you'll understand my snark now. :) My apologies if you're actually in need.
  17. It might serve but where would it go? If it appears next to a player when you put your sights on him it would end being used to spot players the way nameplates/tags do. If it was off to the side of the screen or something it would take your eyes off the prize, so to speak. Then you have the issue of various lighting conditions, you wouldn't want a baby blue emoticon following you around, announcing your location to everyone at night. :) Something more subtle would work better imo.
  18. sausagekingofchicago

    downloading Taviana map

    Do you currently have DayZ? Do you caurrently have DayZCommander installed?
  19. sausagekingofchicago

    Online retailer stopped download availability

    sounds legit
  20. You've got to remember how bad the interactions were back when the bandit skins were re-implemented. It may have been the popularity or just the random hackers but nearly every interaction with another player outside of a third party social network (TS, Skype, etc) resulted in betrayal or KoS. This is why some guy suggested a completely random server join where you never knew who anyone was as there was no scoreboard, nametags, player list, server name, or even number of total players. I agree with that wholeheartedly, even if it's just some hardcore option. (downside: this makes donating to servers hard.. perhaps donations would need to be pooled) The bandit head was a quick and cheap fix for the mod, definitely. Which is why some of us are kicking around ideas in general discussion rather than the suggestions sub-section. Let's brainstorm some solutions. While the different animations makes sense to me, it still offers some troubling effects. For instance, it will eventually become just as bad as the bandit head when enough players learn how to I.D. the change. Only an evolution of animations, a.k.a, deeper down the rabbit hole, will keep us on our toes as development continues. I hope they're successful enough to try this. Still, while some arguments for bandit/hero skins suck... there is still the human instinct argument that tells us of someone's intentions. Everything from eye movement, eye dilation, posture, tone of voice, and involuntary muscle movements will set off the lizard brain in each of us to warn of potential danger. This is extremely hard, perhaps near impossible, to simulate in a game at this time and date. Perhaps 20 years from now with straight up V.R... but in a game like this, we need something. Humans are not blank automatons like the current mod avatars, we're barely evolved apes with lots of tells. Some of us are capable of reading and knowing what these tells are while the majority of us just react to them without being able to explain why. Adding something to the game that hints at this is definitely better than a red arrow (bandit head) that suggests danger but something must be there, especially to be authentic. Key word: hint. Successfully capturing or an clever representation of this would be a coup in gaming design.
  21. sausagekingofchicago

    Rocket said..

    It's obviously going to be July 32nd.
  22. It doesn't need to be that subtle and the humanity level can be reflected in actions like the looting kneel, idle animations, or perhaps even how they hold their weapon. Even a slightly different sprinting, crawling, and walking animations would help from a distance. Perhaps the characters posture could send a clear message. :)
  23. You hit on one of the best solutions, imo. Things like body language and eye movement can tell us a lot about a person and their intentions. The tone of voice and choice of words can definitely give away strong indicators but that's not something you're going to get to react on from a distance. Eye movement is out as an option for obvious reasons, unless they want to add crazy eyes to the game, so that leaves us with body language. You can get some of that in the mod now but not a lot. That really just means different animations for different levels of humanity but it would help.