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Everything posted by jonaswashe

  1. Yes, a discount seems very unlikely, as sales are used to generate further purchases. The DayZ mod is already doing that quite well by itself.
  2. In short, you do not need to rebuy the dlc for the same computer. But it's a bit convoluted. The DLC is encrypted to the current AO key when you run the DLC for the first time. So you have to make a @PMC# (1,2,etc.) folder in your OA directory copy your pmc data into a folder for each OA cd-key and run separate shortcuts as if the dlc were a mod. Your launch options will look like this: "-mod=@DayZ -mod=@PMC1" "-mod=@DayZ -mod=@PMC2" If you get a decryption of file headers error on startup you have the DLC data for the wrong OA key running. I have a Lan setup here, and family and friends use 5 OA keys (DayZ characters) across 3 different computers, so I've had to use this setup on multiple occasions for Hi-res dlc textures, as me buying the same dlc 5 times is out of the question, considering we purchased our games for DayZ and not Arma2
  3. jonaswashe

    Binding a player to one server?

    Server Specific Character Location is not viable. It solves cross server ambush but makes loot hopping worse. Loot hoppers would stick their character in certain buildings on each server (Hospital, Barracks, Deer Stands, Supermarket) and easily warp wherever they want depending on the server.
  4. jonaswashe

    Arma2 LagFix(FPS) v0.1

    Dubious. User only has 5 posts (3 about Teamspeak stuff.) The exe file is not located anywhere else and the file link resolves to a "earn money online link". Reported as spam.
  5. jonaswashe

    Turn up those min system specs

    Rocket mentioned in another thread that setting the options to lowest puts all the load on the CPU, which tends to be the biggest bottleneck for Arma 2's massive landscapes. Try setting some of the settings to Normal as see if it improves things.
  6. In the latest hotfix, dropped ammo is turning into "Hatchets" and "Crowbars" which look like Shotgun Shells, and is crashing all servers within minutes! Photo evidence (courtesy of ATOJAR): http://i.imgur.com/gVk4M.jpg Refer to this thread for the bug report: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15438 https://dev-heaven.net/issues/33585 You will need the code and Weapons 1.2 and Equip 1.3 files in case you want to revert: Code http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/dayz_code_v1.7.1.1.rar'>http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/dayz_code_v1.7.1.1.rar Weapons 1.2: http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/dayz_weapons_v1.2.rar'>http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/dayz_weapons_v1.2.rar Equip 1.3: http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/dayz_equip_v1.3.rar'>http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/dayz_equip_v1.3.rar Old versions of files can be found here (courtesy of Rowrin): http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/ If you're in doubt as to which version to use of each of the files Rowrin posted an awesome breakdown here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15512
  7. Dropped ammo is turning into "Hatchets" and "Crowbars" which look like shells and are useless. Even worse this is causing servers to crash within minutes. If you've updated your server, it would be wise to revert the hotfix. Photo evidence courtesy of ATOJAR: http://i.imgur.com/gVk4M.jpg Bug Report here: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15438
  8. Nice job on the file structure list!
  9. No, the CD-Key is encrypted into a registry file when you install and the only way to generate this is to install the game.
  10. At risk of stating the obvious, I think the bug lies in the Weapons 1.3 file given the reports so far.
  11. jonaswashe

    Hatchet can no longer be in tool slot

    Just to reiterate. HUGE bug with Hatchets and Crowbars in is crashing servers left and right: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15438
  12. Dude, I just posted the link for you... Don't know why I'm rewarding laziness but here's the direct link to what I posted: Code http://www.mediafire.com/?nnkn4jjy7m3ytjd Weapons 1.2: http://www.mediafire.com/?s6s7pkytn9nb53x Also old version of files can be found here (courtesy of Rowrin): http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/
  13. Before people start complaining that this isn't working. You will need Weapons 1.2 in addition to the code file if you're reverting back from as detailed here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15485 Nice find, btw, I've linked to this in my thread and given you credit.
  14. jonaswashe

    WARNING: Do not install!

    Don't know about SixUpdater, but did you replace Weapons 1.3 with Weapons 1.2? If not, this is probably your problem.
  15. Since this is a HUGE problem, I opened an appropriate general discussion thread and provided links to the files for reverting to the previous hotfix: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15485
  16. Check this thread here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15485 I uploaded the Code and Weapons 1.2 files to mediafire
  17. jonaswashe

    WARNING: Do not install!

    Check the OP, I uploaded the rar to Mediafire.
  18. jonaswashe

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    WARNING: Servers are crashing with due to this bug: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15438 Ammo is turning into Hatchets and Crowbars which look like Shells but do nothing. This is crashing servers within minutes. Possibly an item spawn id mix-up. Photo evidence courtesy of ATOJAR: http://i.imgur.com/gVk4M.jpg Servers should probably roll back until
  19. jonaswashe

    Multi Accunts Linked to Same Char

    If you are running both as administrator it's probably looking at the same keys. You need to stop running as administrator. If the game must have administrative privileges, then you will need to make the second account an administrator and disable UAC.
  20. jonaswashe

    Arma 2 Free low textures. Help

    Back before the forum rollback there was a thread called "How to play DayZ for $20" which gave instructions for using the Arma 2 Demo (Not Arma2Free) with OA for full res textures. Edit, found it, was reposted: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9210&highlight=%2420
  21. If you haven't bought the Amazon.com version, I'd like to point out Rocket (the DayZ dev) asked us not to buy it because "they screw the developers." However, if, like me, you'd had already bought it before you read this, here's what's necessary to get it working. If you are having issues getting the Amazon.com version to work: 1) Download and Install the Amazon.com Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead installations into the SAME directory 2) Apply the 1.60 Combinned Operations patch: http://www.arma2.com/index.php?option=co...20〈=en (Follow normal installation procedure) 3) Run Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA once before continuing, 4) Make a folder named "@DayZ" in your Arma 2 directory. 5) Inside "@DayZ" folder create another folder named "Addons". It should look like this: C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@DayZ\Addons 6) Unpack all DayZ Mod files in the "@DayZ\Addons" folder. (download here http://armafiles.info/dayz/ ) 7) Right click on arma2oa.exe and select "create shortcut" 8) Right click on the shortcut you just created and click properties 9) Add "-mod=@dayz" without the quotes to the target line. Should look like this: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe" -mod=@DayZ 10) Run the newly created shortcut and make sure you see @DayZ on the right-hand side of the Arma 2:OA main menu Hope this helps.
  22. jonaswashe

    Day Z Appreciation Thread

    I know it has been said before. But with the number of complaints and personal attacks I see on these forums, among other places, it hasn't been said enough. Thank you for creating this awesome experiment, for protecting its integrity, and for having a sense of humor regarding all the hackers, trolls, and flamers. Thank you for investing your time and effort, without asking for a dime. Whether or not Bohemia Interactive gives you a raise or bonus, (or gold statue in their lobby), you haven't asked for anything, and that's what matters. Thanks. That is all.
  23. jonaswashe

    Wait...this mod require ARMA2 & ARMA2:OA?

    Maleitch, this thread should be helpful: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9210&highlight=%2420 Arma 2 is required but there are ways to use Arma 2 Free (lo res graphics), or the Arma 2 demo, for a total cost of $20 for OA, though, for most people the additional $10 required to buy Combined Operations on Steam makes it worth spending the $30
  24. jonaswashe

    What the hell just happened?

    Your posts and threads, and the time you spent writing them are gone. You can thank the idiot who hacked the DayZ file server. you can read more about it here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9123
  25. jonaswashe

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    From Rocket: "Gender problems (lol), email dayzdevteam with "SERVER GENDER SELECTION" in heading with your PlayerID. Limited time only, I haven't slept or eaten all weekend and I'll be going out to the supermarket in a few hours." Email address: [email protected] Source: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8021&pid=74947#pid74947