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About neoimpact@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. neoimpact@gmail.com

    Day Z Videos

    This playlist is a "highlight" from our stream, some of my favorite DayZ "Role-Playing" we've ever done! Plenty of other highlights over at http://www.twitch.tv/gabller/ Shameless self-promotion is ok right? (By the way we don't only play DayZ please don't hate us for it) I'm having a hard time embeding. I'll just leave the link. /Head hang
  2. neoimpact@gmail.com

    Character Classes

    I think the discussion has evolved beyond the OP, maybe reading at least the last two posts before your own would help? Just a friendly suggestion.
  3. neoimpact@gmail.com

    Health screen

    I disagree. I've given blood for years and on days when I'm especially sleep deprived or malnourished I can tell the hit just that small amount of blood has taken on me. I don't feel like the disorientation is there to warn you of impending doom but rather to hinder your efforts to prevent it. It was actually one of the first things I really enjoyed as I became more enveloped in DayZ that instead of blood effects over my eyes I became unsteady and the edges of my vision blurred. The first time it happened I had just found my first pistol and was pinned down by sniper fire. I turned to take out the zombie gnawing on me and as I bandaged the world went black and white. My stomach lurched and I felt the lukewarm beans I had earlier scarfed down coming back up... Death was upon me and all I could do was run. Taking this out and just having the meters depletes not only the realism but also the effect the game can have on the player. This is of course my opinion, but I will always remember my first death, I don't think I would if my vision was the same the tension would have been gone and I would've probably just turned to open fire on the sniper (regardless of the futility of that choice.) EDIT: I just thought I'd even rather like more effects for meter represented information, Let me turn my meters off and hear a rumbling stomach when hungry or dry smacking lips when thirsty a subtle shiver and groan will tell me it's cold out. I love being immersed in DayZ, few other games have even a tenth the current immersion bump that up and I'm a Survivor for life.
  4. neoimpact@gmail.com

    Petition to actually DO SOMETHING about hackers/scripters

    An Email chain certainly can. The point remains the problem needs fixing these aren't the people to do it. Battle Eye or Bohemia Interactive have to fix the core anti-cheat or use another anti-cheat program that works. So, make a form letter in an email program and have it ready to be placed into a mail-to link to someone who can actually resolve the issue. Now you can have your cake and eat it to. If you commit to doing something and asking others to do the same, I'll even help you work it all out! Just please "Less QQ moar Pewpew."
  5. neoimpact@gmail.com

    Character Classes

    This is why I suggested a system like Skyrim. Just because I have a mage in Skyrim doesn't mean I can't wear heavy armor. Just like a doctor or even a school girl could be a marksman and have an ability to hunt, think about it like this the base "leveling" system is days/hours survived the more you play a single character the more they level, each level gains you a talent point to be spent on talent trees, each of which have maybe 5-10 options for perks. You start with very basic ones available to all characters and then more complex perks require leveling that tree. So for instance if you have two talent points and 100 zombie kills you unlock level 2 of the zombie slayer skill tree giving small bonuses to (you guessed it) slaying zombies. Another example: You have four talent points (Levels whatever) Have cooked 50 steaks and slain 100 zombies you can have two ranks into both the "Survivor Chef" and "Zombie Slayer" trees, or maybe just one into "Zombie Slayer" two into "Survivor Chef" and one into "Rifle Marksman." Then build several trees with lots of options. This allows each player to specialize or play broad strokes as much as they like, retaining the inherent system balance and roleplay system while also allowing new toys to play with and reasons to protect your character. I'm not saying this is the system to use, this isn't my suggestion. I just feel that instead of enforcing strict classes on characters if the desired effect is balance, game pacing and enjoyment then the desired system is talent/skill trees. Feel free to flesh this idea out, maybe I will and post my own topic. But currently I haven't and this is simply fuel to ignite discussion on the merit of one system or the other, my stance on which has been made clear.
  6. neoimpact@gmail.com

    Character Classes

    I see where you got confused. I didn't mean to compare the game simply it's skill tree based leveling as opposed to the class-based gameplay of the previous eras. Regardless of how you felt about the game it was nice to be able to flesh out a battle-mage a little more or to give the rogue a few more tricks up his sleeves, the relevance here is that I would enjoy a skill tree in DayZ but not restrictive classes. A point that I want to make is that this would definitely have a positive impact on the game in a couple of ways: 1) Loss of a character is now a tremendous set-back as you lose progress on these perks (This helps to pace gameplay in my opinion) 2) Another toy for RPG style players without being a broken gameplay advantage that forces people into classes. As well as others I'm sure, however, this is a last leg of the race type of suggestion. I don't see a point in implementing this to a game that is still in it's early alpha, but if it was in the final (Hopefully standalone) full release I would be very happy to see it. --EDIT rather than reply all over again-- If the system were built correctly there would be no reason to not have it on every server. Benefits are tiny and acquired over only long well thought out character careers, no reason to ask for more servers to have something else to separate them.
  7. neoimpact@gmail.com

    About Alt+F4

    There are literally games with no ALT + F4 functionality. Don't believe me go buy Dungeon Defenders install it and press ALT + F4. Nothing Happens. You can in fact disable the key pres the issue is that is within the games main mechanic ARMA II doesn't have that function so as far as I know DayZ can't just throw it in. Now The teams appear to love eachother so maybe ARMA II will add it in a patch, who knows? A problem arises from this though, if I take away ALT + F4 capability then people will just ALT + TAB and Task Manager the game off, if you punish based on this then what happens if a Battle Eye ping kick doesn't read right or this Alpha version mod crashes or your power goes out? Then people would QQ over that. An honest suggestion is to let the people working on this game fix actual problems and issues while the mod is in alpha. Listen I hate lining up a shot hitting the dome piece watching the body fall and then disappear. I hate people who spawn beside me with M240's more. Most of all I hate zombies running through walls or blinking out of existence through me as I swat them with a hatchet for a silent kill. Oh I remember I also hate not being able to take down wire fencing reliably. Oh a recent one is not being able to loot Balota airfield or tent base for all the artifacting. I'd personally rather work DOWN the list from most annoying and stop trying to play CoD for kills on an alpha survival mod.
  8. neoimpact@gmail.com

    Full Whiskey Bottle?

    Yes. Alcohol would practically be a currency in a zombie Apocalypse. "You mean if I chug this bottle, I won't be hung up on the fact that my friends and loved ones are all dead or soon to be dead?" Sold. Despite effects or whether or not the stuff makes you a super soldier, alcohol needs to be in this game, period.
  9. neoimpact@gmail.com

    Character Classes

    I was personally thinking that a sort of leveling system might be nice. Think Skyrim versus previous Elder Scrolls games. Days survived or zombies killed or murders generate a point later on in the game. Giving the player the option to then chose basic perks, for my squad and I the RP is broken when we can all hunt, gut, cook, repair vehicles and administer medical aid. So maybe give some perks to these fields based on simply doing more of them. This way everyone is still pleased with being able to do ALL THE THINGS and can even level up in whatever field they want but designated member squads get to have designated personnel who get a few extra perks. I think a skill tree setup has more potential to get what you desire in place without possible balance issues and forcing possible players to take on roles. (Actual feedback, helpful not just going -scoff- NO)