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About jordanmammo

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  1. jordanmammo

    Overlooked spot?

    Is it just me, or has this spot been really overlooked? It's currently marked only as a low value clothes spawn on DayZ DB. However, every time I go to this BMP it's always stacked with ammunition and clothes, most of the time even with an SKS or AKM. Also the other BMP inside the Vybor Military Base Compound. Is it just me or is this spot really overlooked? (You can even see an SKS sticking out of the tank)
  2. jordanmammo

    Ability to create survival shelters

    Well, lets face it, apocalypse = survive, and when you can't stay safe inside a house because of zombies, you camp out in the middle of the woods, but in what you might ask... Considering the current in game items, we have axes, we have rope, knives, other tools. Who says we can't build a survival shelter? I really wish I could include some images, unfortunately I am posting this from my phone and can't go through the hassle. But, I am pretty sure we can all imagine it. Something Les Stroud or Bear Grylls would have made in a few hours, a sort of tipee or tent like structure made out of wood & foliage, perhaps it can even store some items, like a few cans of food or some matches. Now, it would still take a lengthy process to collect all these resources, hopefully they could all be pilled up in the vicinity and we could start crafting something out of it. Now, of course we would have to add some in-game items for this to work. I suggest the following; In order to make a shelter, you would need: [ Basic Tent Like Structure ] 1 Bundle of Rope 3 Large Sticks 12 Medium Sticks 8 Leafy Branches (Add more for better protection) This structure would very nice protection from the elements such as rain and wind, however it wouldn't be 100% proof, perhaps 70-85% Now, the advanced version of this would use a plastic tarp that must be between damaged -pristine to work sufficiently. This would make it be weather-proof. Leave your opinions below, sincerely -Jordan
  3. So yeah, I just downloaded Overwatch via DayZ Commander. I set my Launch Parameter, everything starts out fine. However, for some reason, whenever I actually get into the game, I get this error code saying I'm not running the Correct Version. It says I'm Running (The Normal DayZ Version) instead of 0.2.4 (The Correct Overwatch Version). After about 2 seconds, I'm immediately sent back into the lobby. Any ideas?
  4. jordanmammo

    Still worth it?

    Well, most people who bought ArmA 2 CO solemly for DayZ probably aren't going to buy Standalone, and those who bought ArmA 2 CO for online & who play DayZ also probably won't end up buying Standalone if they really kitted themselves up in DayZ Get ArmA 2 CO
  5. Application \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Steam ID: beansfordayz In-game ID: MammolitiX Approx. Hours: Don't understand question, Been playing for 6 months, can be on 1-2 hours on weekdays, 1-2/1-5 on weekends Specialty/ Skills: Negotiator, Medic, Pilot Admin Expirence: I deal a lot with people in real life. Age: 15 years old, I am considered pretty mature for my age by adults
  6. I downloaded DayZ Namalsk from DayZ commander, I use the correct Launch Parameter, but everytime I join a Namalsk server I always get the error "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.namalsk, etc etc. Can someone please help? Note: I don't Namalsk Crisis installed, perhaps that may be an issue?
  7. I downloaded DayZ Namalsk via DayZ Commander, I am using the correct Launch Parameters but whenever I join a server it says, "You cannot edit blah blah blah deleted.namalsk,...." Any solution to this?
  8. I am really confused on this one, Please feel free to call me a noob, I was at -1700 Humanity but wasn't "Bandit", whats the humanity level where you become Bandit?
  9. jordanmammo

    Newbie Here!

    Alright, I have been playing DayZ for about 7 months now, so yeah I seen everything change and what not. Now, no matter how much advice people give you, there's little chance it will work. You see, understanding is one thing, do-ing is another. I'll just tell you some tips that will help you in your lil' "Adventure" 1. Do not trust anyone, even if you see some guy with nothing, don't trust him. -Do not group up with any people you don't know in real life. Grouping up with friends who you can beat up afterwards if they kill you is the best choice -Do not try communicating with people you don't know. 2. Scavenging Supplies: This may be thought to be simple, but really isn't, because it revovles around your entire playing style. -You want to know how to divide your space of your inventory, and WHAT TO & WHAT NOT TO carry with you; >You always want to keep a nice abundance of Food & Drink with you. Take Water Bottles over Soda Cans, Meat over Cans, but keep some Soda & Cans as emergency supplies incase you get unlucky. (Some people loot from village to village to keep their pile full) >You also want to keep medical supplies with you. A good foresay amount of Meds are: 4 Painkiller, 3 Morphines, 1-3 Antibiotics (If you find them, they're supposed to be increased spawns now) 3. Weapons & Ammo: We all want that nice, big, shiny AS50 or that Bullet Punching M249 SAW, but what's really the best weapon to pick? -Honestly, there is no "Best" Weapon for a person. I have been playing for 7 months now and trust me, you'll be shifting guns a lot. But what to look for in a gun? >Power >Accuracy >Noise >Generality (Common or not) -Power: It doesn't take a genius to know what gun is more powerful than another. Simply look at the Caliber when you see a Weapon. Click on it & the info box should show on the bottom left of your inventory -Accuracy: A high powered sniper rifle is obviosuly going to be more accurate at distance than a Double Barrel Shotgun, but some weapons are more accurate than others. Now, we all have different playing styles, some of us like em' Rifles, some like those Machine Guns, and some are those Deadly Snipers, but the more we get used to a gun, the more better performance we have with it. >Zeroing: It's really a sniper's thing, adjusts Scope for distance, but on the AKM we have it to. All guns, like 95% are Zeroed in at 300m -Noise: Lets face it that the M95SD6 is as quiet as it will get, then we have that M107 siren... More Noise= More Zombie Aggro. Plain & Simple -Generality: Now, let's face it that some rare guns don't have ammo for it everywhere. You won't start finding PP-19 Bizon SD mags everywhere, so it's a good idea to pick a gun with a fiarly common ammo type, (AKM Mags, AK Variants, M Rifle Variants) 4. Looting: Going into the High Risk, High Reward Areas aren't recommended unless you have a general idea for of the situation, but go for the "Big" Reward Areas. -Deer Stands -Barns, Farms & Other Related Agriculture Infrastructures -Residential Buildings You want to AVOID: -Industrial Buildings (Unless you want Cars Parts and such) -The Coast (No Shit) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You also want to avoid the Large Population Areas, Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk, Berezino, Krashtonav, etc. (Unless you are a bunch of people ready for any action) Hope this helped, -Mammo
  10. jordanmammo

    Adding Armored Vehicles

    Yeah I was thinking about adding some armored vehicles into DayZ & Standalone. Not anything overpowered but stuff we could expect in real life if an event such as DayZ would happen. Maybe add some Pickup Trucks with PKMs & Machine Guns mounted to the roof. Also being able to replenish ammo to the Huey currently in DayZ. I find a bunch of 100 RND M240 All the time and I can't add it back to my heli for when we spray the guns.
  11. jordanmammo

    G36 cco camo did anyone find?

    Not legit...
  12. jordanmammo

    Relative noob seeks advice

    Well you might want to try to arm yourself up before entering big cities or areas where PvP is common, I would suggest looting Barns & Deer Stands before actually going into the big cities: perhpas find an AK rifle or a set of binoculars... When you approach a town or high PvP area you want to go by where the snipers usually snipe from (hills are most common, or places where you have a widespread view of the city. Snipers are generally in Ghillie Suits but they stand out if you we're to be looking far away... Hope this helps ~Mammo
  13. jordanmammo

    Changing Weather & Wildlife

    Hi, I'm not really new to this game but I think this game should have more of a real life grip to it: Weather Rain: Decreases body temperature when staying still Could make certain surfaces harder to walk on (Ex: Having to walk up a hill because of incline, could slip and break limbs) Certain vehicles have less traction on wet surfaces & pavements Rain Storms (Monsoons): Causes a great drop in visibility & body temperature Certain vehicles lose traction on certain surfaces Hail (Ice): Damages Tents or vehicles depending on size of ice pellets Slows down the possible travel of players Heat Waves: Causes thirst to develop faster Causes characters body temperature to rise & must cool off in shaded/cool areas --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wildlife Adding a variety of more animals & birds like: Deers, Mountain Goats, Geese, Ducks, Moose etc... And some dangerous wildlife like: Bears, Wolves, Mountain Lions, Cougars, Vultures etc... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. I was thinking since there was scrap metal in this game that we can create some ammunition like Steel Bolts, since the average real life Tool Box Has tools that can bend & shape metal why not be able to make some ammunition?
  15. I was moving along the power lines in Elektro towards Cherno when I noticed this small house I had to dodge and I saw pumpkins being grown in the garden, so I was thinking maybe the ability to produce agriculture, since there is already a de-collapsible shovel in the game its a good start... Hopefully grow other stuff than pumpkins...