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Everything posted by Cyclonis

  1. Cyclonis

    banditing ways of epicoscity

    Or you could just kill them.
  2. Cyclonis

    bandits... I love killing them!

    Irrelevant. Whether or not Rocket intended it to be so, PVP has become one of the main points of DayZ. Whether or not you go out and deliberately try to destroy everyone you meet, the threat of something other than zombies that could be staring at you through sights, a scope, or over your shoulder with a hatchet is something that keeps you on your toes. I seriously doubt DayZ would have as many players as it does if zombies were the only threat. You come for the zombies, but you stay for the humans.
  3. Cyclonis

    Taviana Online Map (like dayzdb)

    Hey, thanks. I was looking for something like this.
  4. * finds mountain dew * game over
  5. Cyclonis

    Camo clothes garbage?

    Why should it?
  6. Cyclonis

    Stop trying to make DayZ...

    Seems reasonable.
  7. Cyclonis

    Remove Hats, it's against my friend's religion

    I just wanted to point out that you should've used "its" instead of "it's" in that sentence. Toodles.
  8. Cyclonis

    Remove Hats, it's against my friend's religion

    But I like the hats.
  9. Cyclonis

    Frag grenade bitches!

    I'm going to do this.
  10. Here is a champion.
  11. Cyclonis

    Why did I spend $30 for this?

    This man is a hero.
  12. Then get counter-counter-sniped by the guy on the other hill?
  13. You walk through the canned foods section in the supermarket and glance around all crazy.
  14. Methinks the original poster is a pretty reasonable guy. If you shot (hypothetically) a zombie in real life with a revolver, it would get sufficiently fucked up to put it down. Who cares if it's a reanimated monstrosity that seeks only to eat your flesh? If anything, it's more decayed and structurally weaker than a human. It'd get blasted.
  15. Cyclonis

    An open question to Bandits.

    Everyone I've killed has died because they aren't smart enough to beat me and can't appreciate their loot like I can. Or they shot at me first.
  16. Some bastards came up without saying a word and shot my buddy in the back while we were stopping to cook meat. I snapped around and killed the first guy in a few seconds with my trusty AKM. The other guy returned fire from a distance behind a bush, so I fired back. He thought he had me pinned down with his nifty scoped gun, so I crawled over to my dead buddy, took out his high-powered spare sniper rifle, and popped the bastard in the chest. My buddy ran back and was a town over when he busted his leg, so I had to sprint over, save him, give him the fancy camo M4 I picked off of my first kill, and escort him back to the bodies since I couldn't hold the sniper and extra M4 ammo. When we got there, the bandits were back at their bodies going through them. We charged at them even though we were both on pretty low HP and needed painkillers, and we almost killed both when they both combat logged, with the sniper and the ammunition. That was when I became a psychotic KOSing bandit.
  17. Cyclonis

    To the Coward on US1308

    Wait until the Alt-F4ing dumbfuck takes your .50 cal sniper rifle then logs out after you've nearly killed him from two feet away with an AKM. :c
  18. Cyclonis

    To you lazy snipers.

    That's when you go back with one of the ten thousand AKMs littered around Chernarus and shoot the bastard.
  19. Cyclonis

    Only one weapon for you!

    Gotta go with the AKM.
  20. Cyclonis

    Separate slot for Flashlight in the Inventory

    Yeah, there's really no reason why you shouldn't be able to use a flashlight while you have a primary and a secondary weapon. For me, it would be preferable to be able to hold a pistol in my right hand and a flashlight in my left...
  21. How does me teaming up with my psychotic bandit buddy and killing everyone anyway work into this grand plan?
  22. Cyclonis


    I think it should just be a toggable feature awarded when one gets a certain amount of murders, or even bandit kills. Having it as a random loot find would be reasonable, too, but if I were leading a band of psychotic bandits who had enough honor to not pretend to be nice guys, then I'd definitely be dressed like a bandit.
  23. Cyclonis

    Crowbar needs higher damage

    Crowbars are usually heavy pieces of solid metal. If you smash a reanimated decaying human body with it, it's going to go down.
  24. Cyclonis

    Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.

    For some reason, I doubt that someone in real life would go on top of a building with a sniper rifle and shoot at fellow survivors that they'd never met.
  25. Cyclonis

    Remove high-tech tactical devices

    Aliens. Moving on, I think that thermal, rangefinders, and extreme sniper rifles are pushing it. Night vision goggles and a GPS should be the limit as far as nifty gadgets go. The GPS is mostly just a luxury item, and the night vision goggles can be countered if you've got a smart opponent (then again, so can pretty much anything in the game).