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About HappyWulf

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm getting the same thing. If all we need is a missing file, maybe someone can upload the bits here so we can patch up. Anyone?
  2. HappyWulf

    Proximity chat

    I agree, I think it should force Proximity on Voice. No matter the channel.
  3. HappyWulf

    Proximity chat

    I've been using Direct Communication, yes. Sometimes it works, sometime the server yells at you. Also, to settle the dispute, TS and Vent suck equally. Mumble is better, and costs a 5th of the amount to rent a server for. =D
  4. HappyWulf

    Proximity chat

    What happened to that? I saw a few videos last week with a guy shouting to his team, and the farther away he was the quieter they sounded. But now if anyone says something in voice, it gets sent to the whole server, and then everyone screams at the person to shut up. What happened? Can we get it back to the way it was in those videos? It was one of the reasons why I wanted to get into the mod.
  5. HappyWulf

    Texture missing/white texture

    New to the game and mod here. I just wanted to chime in I was getting this too. I ran a verify game cashe, but have yet to test it since then.