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Everything posted by DavetheBrave

  1. DavetheBrave

    Gimp pistols

    I like that you called someone Schitzophrenic for preferring the iron sights of the revolver. Major style points there, man. This is a nice little video that shows the two guns and the two sights in action. The author clearly has a much easier time hitting a target at 50 meters away with the revolver than he does with the m1911. This seems to be due to the iron sights. They both have basic iron sights, but the iron sights of the revolver are superior to that of the m1911, or if not superior, certainly it is a matter of personal preference. Which does in fact exist.
  2. DavetheBrave

    Best spot to set up a post?

    What about Black Mountain? It has walls but no Zombie spawns. Another good one is the factory near Orvolets. Zombies will spawn there, but there are only two entrances to the compound: The front gate and a crawl space in the back under the fence. Both are easily blocked by wire and/or tank traps.
  3. DavetheBrave

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need a transfusion outside of balota airfield. I am at 2.1k blood. I was being a nice guy and sniping some zombies that were on this hatchetman when he decided to come after me instead. I tried to reason with him.