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About eVuLPeNGuiN

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. I just logged onto this server, and it seems like it was hacked. It had a "DayZ Free Hacks!" installed. Wtf is going on? I never installed anything, and don't want my key banned. Picture: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/882972484955016506/F61C70B011509890E98A5E942496B3E229CE0966/
  2. eVuLPeNGuiN

    Forum for Server owners?

    Which mod should we contact for this?
  3. Is there a special forum for server owner, if so how do I access it?
  4. To anyone thinking about renting a server from Elpis, let me say that I never have had a server/hosting company that I have been so satistified with. Response times are often super fast and the renting prices are great. I can not recommend them enough. Tyler often goes out of his way to help his customers, and knows what it takes to keep them happy. If you are looking for a host, go with Elpis!
  5. Thanks! A quick question, with the BEC scheduler,creating entities for specific times, do you us server time or in game time?
  6. I'm having trouble getting BEC to work properly, should I open a ticket?
  7. Is there a way to setup Battleye Extended Controls on a budget server? New server admin here.