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Everything posted by redmantab

  1. Title says it all. When are they saying it should be released? Can't find anything here.
  2. In 2 years of playing this game, I've seen forum discussions here and there about where people hide their stash or camp hunt etc....but I have never stumbled upon a stash. Are they used often? Are you able to hide much in them and come back to them quickly when you die? Thanks!
  3. Been away for a few months. Reading the title in some threads here and there and just don't get it. Was there a bug where players hid INSIDE pine trees until now? Like IN them? in ? Why is everyone saying this? Thank you!
  4. redmantab

    I live in a very DayZ-esque area!

    Really cool buddy. Thanks for sharing. Different in that this seems greener and some geologist types will come on here and tell you it's a totally different climate cause of x or y. Dude, to me, these are very very similar and I look forward to showing my fiance who plays Dayz with me. Great pics!
  5. redmantab

    Players cant hide in Pine Trees anymore

    You answered my question awkwardly with "which they changed again." So, are they fixing it back so you can hide in the branches? Do we want this?
  6. What do most of you do that want to both start playing dayz on the same day with new characters to meet up? Just suicide until you are spawn close? It is so annoying, even as a vet, to meet a buddy and unite in this game. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers
  7. redmantab

    The Promise and Fear of .62

    Listen fellas, I Love Dayz and have been playing since release. Good fun game. From an outsider's perspective - We normal non programming folks will never understand why Dayz, while fun, isn't even close to being as "done/ready" as so many other games. I mean, Ark (even the new Playerunknow's Battlegrounds ) has come and been released with far more features that work while Dayz barely made any progress us regular folks see. Again, great game. But man, I have friends that still ask me where Dayz is at. Then they log in and check it with me in a group and are like, man, this is ALL that has been done? It's been like 2 years with a couple wolves running around, now you can loot zombies corpses (COOL!), and the map has had some updates, and a graphics engine change. Oooook. Cool for programmers....the game looks and feels like it has barely slugged along since we've been following it. NOT a bash on dayz....just a realistic assessment of how this feels to us regular unsophisticated non programmer folks that see other games come and go by the time dayz lets you open doors properly. Best
  8. lol dude, do you always have some silly need to belittle? To break others down? To smere and be snide? It's laughable at my age to see this type of reply but I'll bite and enjoy balking at your negativity. Man, I simply was trying to say in the few words allotted in the title of my post, that I've been playing the darned mod for a while and standalone for a couple years.....so I get the game. Veteran was a word to imply that fact. That I know the map and game pretty well. The point is that still, even with full understanding after playing Dayz for way too long, as a working family man with wife/kids it's tiresome to meet up with my gaming buddy wife. Would love some answer out there that would help. The other helpful reply from that guy mentioning Gorka seems like that will be our best bet. That's it dude. Lone wolf easy to play Dayz with limited time. With the Misses...way too much time needed. Try and smile a bit n chill out.
  9. Thanks. My fiance and I have been doing exactly this. We run coast on one side for her, other for me, and finally meet. Just takes an eternity, especially when you are out of college living together with full time jobs and kids. Thanks man. The Gorka idea probably is best. Could see us having some trouble not starving, going hypothermic, etc but it could work. Thanks man
  10. Vet Dayz player here. Can't believe after all this time this game STILL has these issues. So, I join dayz underground server. Play for 20 minutes or so, then the "no message received" in red shows up. First of all, what is this about? The server restarting? What is that? Then I am forced out of the server. I wait 15 minutes, still cant find the server I was on in the server list. The server list then only has experimental servers showing with one other non experimental server. I reset all filters to ensure I could show all servers. What is that all about? Why is it so hard to just get into a groove and pick a server and play on it without the 2 issues I mentioned above happening? What gives?
  11. Ah, if it's due to maintenance I'm thrilled. I am a part time player that has actually never really tried to play on Wednesday....so I thought it was wigging out or something. That's neat you know that it is EVERY wednesday...I play a large pool of games that I rotate and Dayz has been minimal....so I had no idea. Still, what is the message " no message received" usually about? server restarts?
  12. Been playing for 2 years. Every few months I'll log in to check where this games progress is. Most games like this have an easy to locate list of RECENTLY RELEASED FEATURES. It helps keep interest in the community at higher levels. Subnautica has recent update lists, the long dark does, the Forrest, Ark etc.... And they are easy to find and review. DayZ trello shows many things, little airplane, something about new roads, but I can't really see what anyone wants to in early access.... Which is.... While I'm out of town with family and people ask, so what's new in dayz these days?! And then I try to go online and can't even tell them easily.... So, where is such a list?
  13. Excited to come back around to Dayz and try the new engine out etc. I have always had fun with this game. A couple questions if I may - 1 - How does loot work now? Let's not debate or argue here, just asking for facts. Is there a major change in the way loot is dispersed? Someone explain please? 2- Is persistence in and working? Can I leave a bunch of stuff stashed somewhere and then it will stay there? How long will it stay? weeks? days in real life? 3 - Did they "upgrade" cherno and many cities? How so? Cool new graphics or? 4 - Any other major changes or gameplay alterations I should know about? Thanks guys!
  14. Fog is only coastal? thats too bad, we all head inland and it would be a cool effect inland too. Sure there is NO fog inland?
  15. Title says it all. Used to enjoy going to these in the mod. They have any relative loot worth grabbing nowadays?
  16. What brings up steam overlay? I know thus may he a dumb question. Also, the fog looks Awesome! I spawned up north near that tower city (forget name) and don't see any. Is fog coastal only?
  17. Oh and what button does what "P" used to? You know, so that you can see how many people are in the server and make sure I'm not playing alone?
  18. Wow, that is awesome....the scare the shit out of you portion you mentioned....very cool. Sweet! I'm guessing that up North the cities aren't changed much? just coastal? or is the I am legend overgrown thing on most the map now (hoping you say yes!) Also, where do scopes usually spawn? Do deerstands every have anything good?
  19. redmantab

    Dealing with the frustration

    Smoss and team - Thank you for your participation on this forum. I have been quite fond of and interested in DAYZ since early mod and would like to share. I have never had interaction with you guys but have been following forums weekly for years and rarely have a moment to chime in. I'd be thrilled to hear back on a friendly thought - As a 37 year old Dad in Newport Beach California that still does most of my multiplayer gaming with the same old childhood friend (38 with kids also) who grew up 3 doors down from me when we were kids, we can't wait for Dayz to be in a release state. My old bud and I have played Dota2 together, Everquest 1, Starcraft 1 and 2, and a few others. A few days a week we'll have moments free from our families and bust out the good ol Skype call to get some games in with whatever game the mood calls for. I have a gaming theater room, projector, the Oculus Rift CV1, and love this hobby. My wife and daughter do too. I've played Dayz with my wife (sure tough to "meet up" though lol). I'll game my entire life. About a year and a half ago I called him up and said, "Dude, you know how much we love the Walking Dead and always talk about how neat it would be to live through that (neat in imaginary terms :)?" ... Well there is this game, DAYZ, which is pretty much exactly that. I gave him this huge pitch. Shared how it is in early access Alpha, but told him that if he can understand that, I think we'd have a blast fighting for our survival in a multiplayer environment in DAYZ. I have played the Forrest, Dayz mod, Into the Long Dark, Solus Project, Subnautica, and thoroughly enjoy survival and can handle early access. We logged in to Dayz 16 months ago give or take and, for the most part, had a good time. He loved the mood, that you can enter so many buildings, the thrill of meeting other people who may be friend or foe etc. He was understanding about the zombies jumping through us, walls, and the weapons that don't connect properly because the few features that were there are still so cool. He said it felt clunky going up and down ladders and using inventory...I did what I could to defend why. He told me he appreciated it but that he wanted me to only bring Dayz back up when it was ready for us to enjoy the right way...feature rich, closer to a working game. I say the following with frustrated support of DAYZ. --------- 1.5 years later just last week we were playing Dota 2. My friend says, "Hey, you still following Dayz? Man that would be cool. Is it ready?" I told him how it has come along and he reluctantly tried it. This was his reaction paraphrased - "DUDE, OH MY GOD. This would be the best freaking game....how has it not progressed beyond this? I still feel like I can't hit zombies I swing at. Climbing ladders and grabbing items feels like an old Atari 800 game or something. I mean dude, they are taking so long on this that others that have sprung up months later after this seem to already be working better. Ark, man, that JUST came out and you at least feel like it runs smoothly, enemies get hit, stuff reacts faster, and ...awe man, they are taking so long on this by the time it is done they will have missed out on their moment. Tom, aren't those other early access games you are playing moving along faster than this. Star Citizen will be announced and released during this time frame. Um, what!??! How does the inventory work so awkwardly still. Dude this doesn't even come into my inventory when I click on it man. Why not? What is hitting me? I don't see anything. I don't care that this was a military sim first....my kids could make these zombies move better. Zombies are already getting a bit old and, by 2018, yeah they'll have the semi decent population they have playing this...but it could have been HUGE. I can't play this Tom. I just can't. It's still so behind." I wanted him to be down to play so bad. I told him about the long development of games and that this is the norm...or so the forums say. To us regular guys who game like crazy, have the cash to buy experiences, and just want a good time....we truly don't get the slow pace. I support and want this, but by the time it is done and functioning well, I'll be into the 2nd phase of VR and playing experiences that are 10x more completed in 1/4 the time. Dev update March 2018 - Base building is in and things aren't clunky! Hey Brian. Remember that DAYZ game....um...no....no....wait....just listen.....do you think we can .....
  20. I played dayz months ago for a couple months and am a slightly above average player. I know things have changed, so please help me with just a few questions here if you can to help me come back.... I prefer to play Vanilla Dayz or relatively close to it. I have read about some new changes over the last few months and have questions...I've tried to read changelogs but honestly, there are so many changes that I don't quite follow them and just would like some basic questions answered.... 1- I've seen how theyve spread loot "around" so that it is in cars, on roads and more evenly spread. This seems awesome. How is the loot "different" now in this fashion? Does it make it less "necessary" to run up the airfield etc? I think it would be so much more fun with even loot more dispersed instead of such concentrated areas being the end all be all. 2 - Are the new loot dispersion changes im referencing in question 1 applicable to even customized servers with all custom loot or just vanilla dayz servers? 3- Zombie damage, special new zombies? and antibiotics. Please give me a couple lines on what all this is? 4 - Are hackes pretty much gone now? Do you still need to play on whitelisted servers to eliminate hacker presense? 5 - I like to play on servers that are Vanilla or close to it, active with a healthy population, and hacker free. Please please link me to a server's info that you recommend I play on. 6 - Lastly, please give any feedback on the state of the game or what play style (Dayz Plus and all the other's i dont really understand) you recommend for fun? Those other weird maps any good? Other ways to play I havent thought of besides my vanilla interest? Thanks so much guys!
  21. I played dayz months ago for a couple months and am a slightly above average player. I know things have changed, so please help me with just a few questions here if you can to help me come back.... I prefer to play Vanilla Dayz or relatively close to it. I have read about some new changes over the last few months and have questions...I've tried to read changelogs but honestly, I'm on a work trip and only have my cell...it was much easier to type a few questions instead of browse my cell phone to research....there are so many changes that I don't quite follow them and just would like some basic questions answered.... 1- I've seen how theyve spread loot "around" so that it is in cars, on roads and more evenly spread. This seems awesome. How is the loot "different" now in this fashion? Does it make it less "necessary" to run up the airfield etc? I think it would be so much more fun with even loot more dispersed instead of such concentrated areas being the end all be all. 2 - Are the new loot dispersion changes im referencing in question 1 applicable to even customized servers with all custom loot or just vanilla dayz servers? 3- Zombie damage, special new zombies? and antibiotics. Please give me a couple lines on what all this is? 4 - Are hackes pretty much gone now? Do you still need to play on whitelisted servers to eliminate hacker presense? 5 - I like to play on servers that are Vanilla or close to it, active with a healthy population, and hacker free. Please please link me to a server's info that you recommend I play on. 6 - Lastly, please give any feedback on the state of the game or what play style (Dayz Plus and all the other's i dont really understand) you recommend for fun? Those other weird maps any good? Other ways to play I havent thought of besides my vanilla interest? Thanks so much guys!
  22. Thanks so much for the info guys. Man, really appreciated. Ok, so, you said the items arent everywhere on roads etc...but that online map that shows item locations (red dots, blue dots etc) has changed. Now it DOES show item location spawns on roads with car wrecks etc right? Is this the case? Do people need to run to the airfield to get the good items still cause of the "larger and more numerous" red dots? Or is it much more spread out these days with higher end guns more evenly throughout towns etc? Thanks so much guys!
  23. I've taken the time best I can on my small cell phone screen. Can't find anything remotely covering all my question Really disappointing that nobody will answer a couple questions. If you won't help me here...please delete this thread Thanks
  24. Guys, geez, I'm an old time gamer...I'm a dad that doesnt have much time left to game. I've tried browsing the forums on my mobile and It's a real pain as I'm at work and I see mixed answers all over the place and, as I mentioned, all of the update threads seem like garble to me. It is easier to just post this than look it all up on my phone and am looking for just a bit of help. I'm hoping for a personal take from the dayz community on some very specific questions I asked. Just would like to know the answers to my 6 questions above...such as, what you all think about the new item location changes....are you guys happy with it, etc etc? I've seen posts about not too many or too many antibiotics and, call me old for all I care, I can't find much on where this info is. Please just be cool, save me the confusion **edited spelling here, and find it in your warm and loving hearts to just answer my questions please? . Thanks