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Posts posted by DaedelusGG

  1. Saw Sidestrafe play it a few months before the infection got into full Swing, but didn't buy it because it didn't seem to be fun without friends. Couple months later when it became super popular I bought it because my friends did. Still play it off and on now :D. Love it just can't play it for long stretches because its bugginess makes me rage xD

  2. Location: California, US

    Age: 17

    Steam username:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007038079

    Where did you hear about us? This thread

    How often do you play video games? Yes, but I am limited on Weekdays because of School. I also play GW2 with another group frequently

    What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? Hardcore Games, MMOs, CitySim, and Strategy

    What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance? Some good DayZ Group play

    What made you choose this community over any other organized community? First one I saw

    Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? Currently in a competitive Guild in GW2

    What other kinds of hobbies do you have? Drumming and Running

    Anything else you'd like us to know? I'm Sarcastic

    Any questions? na

  3. This is an awesome example of good metagaming.

    Create a subforum for trading and eventually people will become white listed and trusted to be trade mediators.

    This is a great thing for the game and community.


    We are creating a new viable end game that doesn't involve Bandits liberating the Zombies from the tyranny of Survivors.

  4. One possibility, if there are a ton of bodies in one place, a hacker TP'd everyone into the air and killed them all in the same spot.

    All the bodies where not in one place. I found the corpse with the delicious goodies farther off. The place was by no means (by my observation) a place of a great hacker atrocity as that.

  5. So I was strolling around Cherno today with my partner and we spot a guy, a guy with a gun. We quickly decide to dispatch the poor fellow because of his obvious crimes against the local zombie population. A firefight quickly brews where I am shot and killed. My partner quickly dispatches him after my unfortunate demise and loots the body. He soon takes sniper fire and in the manner of a little girl d/c's.

    The interesting part is: I respawn next to Cherno and precede to quickly head to the med camp where I find a fully working Heli with a plethora of noob bodies surrounding it. Knowing that the helicopter was a prize sought by everyone and their grandmother, I preceded "to get the hell out of Dodge." On my way out, I find one dead body of unlucky survivor who is carrying a GPS, Range Finder, Coyote Pack, and Night Visions Goggles. I picked up the loot, dumbstruck, and left Cherno as fast as I could, fearing for hackers.

    My question: Are these valuable items I now possess likely hacked or products of the work of a very great player?
