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About tbalbach@hotmail.de

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tbalbach@hotmail.de

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    So I didnt really get it.. are doggies in the Game NOW or in the standalone?
  2. I'd love to see some things in houses that make it look like someone actually lived his life there. I'm talking of family photografs, kids drawings, magnets on fridges... All kinds of stuff from litter to toys. . Just some idea besides all that "add and remove weapons" - posts. Example: Tillus
  3. tbalbach@hotmail.de

    Abdula on DE 2204

    I got attacked and chased by a Hacker with the ingame name "Abdula" on the Server DE 2204 this noon. He was absolutely invincible (Did'nt react to shots nor car driven over him), teleported, spawned vehicles and bombs and shot with a silenced machinegun with high firerate and a crossbow skin... If needed I can upload more videos of him teleporting and spawning stuff. Whysoever the video got no sound but that isnt relevant.
  4. tbalbach@hotmail.de

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I love that moment when a server doesnt let me join but sais: "You dont run the newest DayZ code.." DOWNLOAD ALL THE UPDATES!! :D Thanks for all that great work, Rocket!
  5. tbalbach@hotmail.de

    possible Cheater on LU111

    I found a white Offroad Truck some hours ago and drove around, looting stuff.. Somewhen i stopped to check the map, then got out to refuel the car, when suddenly shots fell. I jumped right back into the car and drove away, the attacker kept shooting and hit me once through the left window. So i rushed away to the right up a little hill and down on the other side into a forest, so the line of sight HAD to be broken. then I got out and took cover behind the car to bandage myself. Just in that moment I heared him on direct chat. I was a bit in panic so I didnt read the name. As i finished bandaging myself I hopped back in the car and just hit 'W' as one loud shot killed me from a minimum distance from that side where i just took cover.. To sum it up: Attacker starts shooting from some distance East of me. I get away to the West and break the line of sight. The attacker must have (superherolike) Chased my car somehundred meters on foot, then ran around and shot me in the face from West. If someone on that server experiences something similar try to read his name, and record it, so it could be proven and he could be banned. Also after i came back to that erver some minutes later the amount of players was drastically decreased.. dont know if that means anything.
  6. tbalbach@hotmail.de

    Client crash = Shore sitting

    same thing here.. was almost in bor, then logged out because of hard laggs on another server i just spawned @ elektro -.- EDIT: no item loss
  7. tbalbach@hotmail.de

    DayZ Lag ?

    same issues at a friend of mine.. please tell if you know how to fix it! thy
  8. tbalbach@hotmail.de

    What should our next competition be?

    i really think the trailer thing could get very interesting i also would enjoy a logo contest..