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Everything posted by derekdakid

  1. derekdakid

    Why is my DayZ so slow?

    idk if my specs are good or if they are being bottlenecked Ram : 4 GB DDR2 800MHz Motherboard; MSI K9N6PGM-V2 CPU : AMD Athlon II X4 @ 2.80 GHz GPU : EVGA Nvidia GTX 650TI 2GB SO my question is, is this computer too slow and is my gpu getting bottlenecked by my other components or is the GPU not good enough for days? I get 15 fps in cities on very low
  2. derekdakid

    Trading M107 and AS50 + 25 M107 MAGS

    I'm trading an m107, as50, and I have 25 m107 mags. I am looking for an l85, m4a1 holo, or stanag sd mags.
  3. ArmA name- sup Email-dta858king@gmail.com Gender-male Age-Country, State/Province/Territory/Ect, & TimeZone-15-USA California PST (GMT-8) Available Hours WK & WKND- 4pm-8pm weekday (depends on homework) 10am-9pm weekend How Long Played DayZ-since may 2012- Wanted Position-Infantryman/ Sniper Wanted Weapon (be realistic)-m4a1 ssd cco Skills-Good at spotting people, experienced looter. Weaknesses- I am a bad sniper with the m24. Skype/TS/Vent/Steam- skype: derek.ta Teamspeak: derekdakid Additional Details-I love key lime pie, it is good
  4. derekdakid

    Want a squad? Why not join us!

    Skype Name (if you have it):derek.ta Level of Maturity (1-10):7 Level of Knowledge (1-10)10 Level of Skill (1-10):8
  5. derekdakid

    Want a squad? Why not join us!

    Skype Name (if you have it):derek.ta Level of Maturity (1-10):7 Level of Knowledge (1-10)10 Level of Skill (1-10):8
  6. derekdakid

    Looking for a m24 or svd cammo.

    I'll give you my m24 for something, I hate it.
  7. Trading a DMR for a m4a3 cco sd with no mags or a few . The dmr has 6 mags and the ammo is easy to find. Also trading a coyote backpack for 5cook meat and 5 blood pack add me on skype derek.ta
  8. Add me on skype if interested derek.ta I'm looking for a person or two to team up or form a group with. We will snipe and shoot people. Must be 16+ cause i have teamed up with 12 year olds and they are annoying as hell.
  9. derekdakid

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm stuck at the top of elektro north firehouse with unlimited hour glass, broken bones, and bleeding add me on skype if you can help me: derek.ta
  10. derekdakid

    Clan HaF - Hybrid Assault Force

    Age:16 Location:USA (West Coast) Timezone:GMT- 8 IGN:derekdakid IRL name:Derek Ta Current gear:Just died after sniping Preferred Role:Sniper or on the ground with an assault rifle Ethics (your beliefs on killing and looting etc):Kill everyone on sight because chances are when they get a gun they will do the same to you
  11. Dayz Name:bitchman How long have you played Dayz:3 months Time Zone:GMT-8 Age:16 PvP experience:200+ murders Favorite Gun/Combo:as50/aks74u Team Experience:Lots, been in sniper teams and ground looting teams How familiar with the map are you?:Very familiar Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?:Yes
  12. i'll trade 15 bizon mags for an m107
  13. everyone listen to dave, you all deserve better and can maybe get into a more decent clan
  14. why not listen to me, you're still a twelve year old no matter what I am who is a gay leader of a shitty unorganized clan
  15. hey guys don't join this clan unless you want a stupid-ass 12 year old leader who clan kills to shit and trolls everyone
  16. give me the recording too you fucker because your new spawn friend suddenly got an as 50 after being in0game for 3 secs
  17. you guys are fucking hackers. You teleported to our base and script killed us all
  18. don't worry, i banned him from us 2296. He screwed up our clan's camp
  19. No I don't, any recruit i will show you we have no ammo crates
  20. Don't listen to him, he's mad I banned him from the teamspeak