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Everything posted by wooly-back-jack

  1. wooly-back-jack

    Bigdog Gaming Community

    but... but BigDog is a Musty :P
  2. wooly-back-jack

    Zombies can rap :D - WARNING! - very specific....lol

    don't agree about the rapping? but the way they kept doing the conga in and out of that shack was hilarious lol
  3. wooly-back-jack

    Opinions on teamspeak and DayZ SA?

    pointless debate really, TS aint going anywhere.
  4. wooly-back-jack

    POLL: How happy are you with the buildings and map?

    I'd like to see a couple of maps with separate hives sometime in the future (I realise it would be some time off)
  5. wooly-back-jack

    Do defibrillators even work?

    searching for this term on google brought me here, I want my money back
  6. wooly-back-jack

    i just have two small suggestion

    wait..wat? this game's getting sex?!
  7. wooly-back-jack

    This is a fake...right?

    skateboard as mellee weapon plzktnxbye
  8. wooly-back-jack

    Chicom Chest Rig

    good ol' 58 webbing please :P even a respirator pouch so when we get the gas mask back it doesn't hog backpack slots :)
  9. wooly-back-jack

    Priest Banned?

    with a cigar and squealing "NOW THEN NOW THEN, WHAT HAVE WE HERE??" edit: just found this lol
  10. wooly-back-jack

    Priest Banned?

    a Jimmy Saville zombie? (already got his tracksuits ingame)
  11. wooly-back-jack

    Improvised Vehicles

    my word! is that powered by the pendulum swing of those massive balls?
  12. wooly-back-jack

    Any News on REAL Snipers?

    cool story Bro, where do these tents full of M4's fit in?
  13. wooly-back-jack

    Giving Away M4A1s

    raid will be more like:
  14. wooly-back-jack

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    all depends if you have this or better: Intel HD Graphics 4000 with 512 MB VRAM
  15. wooly-back-jack

    price is incresed

    just like a DFS sofa sale!
  16. wooly-back-jack

    DayZ 2015 roadmap

    shrubs pigs!
  17. wooly-back-jack

    Trying to embed my video

    or just use the "share" link c+p from Youtube ( h ttp://youtu.be/RaNdomLetTeRs)
  18. this has happened to me on Arma games and mods a few times, the most success I have had is by walking forwards and spamming V, throwing a smoke grenade has also helped (must be the animation?) ... also zombies have also helped me get out by spamming V when they are close.
  19. nailgun? great starter weapon :D
  20. wooly-back-jack

    Run or kill yourself?

    what next? persistent player corpses? lol A fun thing to happen would be when you die, your corpse moves after a short while. Maybe stay there long enough for your murderer to loot you? and if they don't, your corpse moves to another location and some freshy may get lucky :) also, I miss the flies :(
  21. wooly-back-jack

    Suggestion For Tents

    I haven't tried the new tents yet, looking at the pics I wouldn't want to anyway. Maybe if we had the old camo tents from the mod, I would. Those tents I loved, set them down cleverly to make them blend in with surroundings, next to stone walls etc, so they looked like part of the wall from above in a chopper :)
  22. wooly-back-jack

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    used many morphines up there in the mod looking for quad bikes lol
  23. wooly-back-jack

    Night time

    but the pop' on servers when it is night in its current state is already low, people would just change servers surely? I personally like the light setting (without gamma hax) of a moonlit night with lots of stars and clear sky
  24. wooly-back-jack

    Statuses for your Hands

    hypochondriac simulator 2015 lol
  25. wooly-back-jack

    1911 could be so much more

    I'm always up for stuff like this ingame