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About Massa

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  1. Bump, looking to find 2 people to play right now.
  2. DayZ "Veteran" here, played from the beginning, will contact you soon, once I find out if my friend is also interested, played with him from the start.
  3. Massa

    New Character Creates Every Game

    Are you sure you arent changing between Private hives?
  4. Massa

    Did we steal your stuff? (us 1223) tent raid

    They were actually my tents ;) left them for around 2-3 months, suprised it took people so long to find them.
  5. Looking to trade the following. * = with ammo. L85A2 AWS M24* SVD Camo* M401 CCO SD NVGs Looking for the following items. AS50 Ghillie suits Satchel Charges Rangefinders Please message me, or reply here!
  6. Massa

    Ghillie suit question.

    Thanks for the replies guys.
  7. Do you lose the Ghillie suit if you equip a different set of clothing?
  8. We are looking for more players to enjoy the game with, and increase our numbers, we currently only have 4 members, but we think having 2-4 more would make the game more enjoyable. We are mainly looking for experienced players, but we will happily take on new players also, as we know what its like to play solo. All that we ask is that you can be mature, and trustworthy among anything. We are all from the UK, and our age ranges from 16-21, but I assure you, everybody in the team is mature, and knows how to play the game to their best. We like to play ALL day, but its understandable that a few of our members cannot, we would rather have people that could at least play for 6+ hours, and are equally addicted as we are! ;) Just a heads up, we generally kill anybody we come across on site, unless they are unarmed and possess no threat to us, but if they are in our way, we will kill them. I guess that would class us as coming on the lines of Bandits. And finally, we should have our own server up and running within this week hopefully. If interested in joining us, please comment or private message me, or add me on Skype - Merkage2012 Website: available soon.
  9. Messaged you Xike, bumping again, would like to get one today if possible.
  10. Run towards where the door "would" be if you were inside the house, and it should get you out. You just got a rare spawn point, thats all.
  11. Massa

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If any help is available, had a frag go wrong situation and I am now knocked out at 2k blood and bleeding behind the firestation in NW Airfield.