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Everything posted by HMS

  1. You know, as long as DayZ is based on Arma2, that's what you're going to get with the "tackle" feature, right? They cannot, to my understanding, make the animation any better. It is literally impossible, because a proper "tackle" (or much of anything) was never put into Arma 2 so you can't fault coders for modifying something that never existed. It's the same with "getting pulled from a vehicle if you are driving slow, and a Z attacks you, and your window is broken". You will simply be prone. No, it's not realistic. It's close enough. Just like building a fireplace, gutting an animal, burying a body, or sprinting while carrying 40 liters of gaoline through the woods. If the tackle sucks, they will remove it.
  2. Maybe it's too soon to tell? But then there are a lot of people saying the same thing. In previous versions, I have looted hospitals and gotten less than what I needed. Sometimes you get a run of awful luck when you can't even find a map until you get up North. Did you try picking everything up that was there, dumping it all, then coming back a bit later? The glass being intact is not an indicator that you are the first one there (or at least it wasn't before). The glass could respawn even while you are in the hospital.
  3. Put it in. You'll hear from them at that point, for sure. Or go with my suggestion from last summer: Wacky Packages.
  4. HMS

    Does this server have vehicles?

    Kurt, there's no way of knowing, or proving it one way or the other. All the vehicles have probably been found and stashed. If you don't have one, you're on foot. And there is no way you will be able to scour the map and find one on foot. Check the lighthouse area on the SW of the map by the coast for a bike, and if nothing is there, just plan on hoofing it.
  5. Deathwatch, a couple of things. First of all, best name ever. Secondly, thanks for the information. Your post was about 50x more informative than the Origins official site. I have no patience for crap websites, and that one qualifies as crap for sure. Thirdly, while absolutely abysmal, your grammar overall cracked me up and uplifted an otherwise awful afternoon. I love unnecessary apostrophes, but you took that to the next level with "tha'y". Take the beans!
  6. Tried this last night. (Horrible lazy website they have over there, btw.) Zombies are very strong. I wish I had known that going in. Seems interesting. Seemingly dedicated player base.
  7. HMS

    Hi everyone!! New and excited!

    Oh I'll give you one more real quick: You are going to lose all your stuff trying to figure out your backpack unless you go right now and look up the backpack tutorials.
  8. HMS

    Hi everyone!! New and excited!

    3 tips: You will get yourself into far more trouble than you were in previously the minute you see a gun as a solution to your immediate problem. If you are thirsty, you won't be able to drink from a lake with an empty can. It is only for throwing to distract a Zombie. Later, when you find a canteen, you can fill the canteen and then use the empty can to boil the water but that is not day 1 stuff. If you have a knife, you can't kill anything with it - it is only for gutting an animal you already killed. From what I am reading just today, see if you can install 1.7.6. It's probably a lot easier at first. Plus, I am on that still, and can come help.
  9. I've been looking in to this since last night and hope to try it soon. If I can get it going, let me know where you will be and try to team up for a bit.
  10. Thanks for the observation grimson. I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds like it's close to what I have been looking for. Shame about the loot you found, but I hadn't heard anything about the junk loot becoming more likely or anything. Could have just been bad luck.
  11. HMS

    Suggestion : Simulation Game Mode

    None of these mad cap schemes work. Nothing will change, ever, until they make the game like this: You fire a bullet, and 50-60 zombies minimum come after you from as far away as the shot is audible. That may or may not ever come to be. I haven't even played 1.7.7 yet but already am reading much complaining about Zombies being too hard now.
  12. Only by owners and admins. I haven't been killed by a hacker since.. well I guess it's about 260 days now.
  13. KOS is a perfectly legitimate tactic for banditry, technically, but the way many players treat the practice is silly. Joining a DayZ server with the intent of doing a deathmatch? There may be no rules in the apocalypse but one: nobody would ever do that.
  14. HMS

    Hero and Bandit glitch

    Watched the video. That is... some serious shit! LOL Was this a private hive and is it happening on other servers?
  15. HMS


    Not that I give a crap that you posted here, but look under the Servers section. That's what I did. Then, look into the hosting companies (because we need more startup servers with nobody on them that disappear in a month) and also look into opendayz.net for truly hosting your own.
  16. hmmm sounds like I need to look into this Origins stuff, or Taviana in general.
  17. I have running games on both. Several private hives + the main. It all depends on what I feel like doing and who is available to play with me.
  18. HMS


    Sounds to me like you have not only made a very clear explanation as to what it is you wish to convey, but that you have come to precisely the correct sub-forum to make your case.
  19. Saved myself by going prone right in front of someone. I was running up to the woods near NE AF with a sack full of wheels to complete stealing an offroad truck I found. Out in the open by that East-West road that connects Gvodzdno and Krastnostav, I was checking a map. I heard an approaching vehicle. The map decided to do that "thing" where, when you press M to get out of it again, the screen goes black for a second with I think "Loading..." on it. Sweating and cursing, I stupidly mash the M key. Map goes on and off for a few seconds. Cursing... car approaching, LOUD now. No time to run for it and I didn't want to be seen. No way was I going to jeapordize this offroad because finding the wheels was a pain. I don't murder on sight, even in the North. I just went prone just as he comes screaming by. I was in a ghillie, right in front of him. Thank god those things are really hard to make out sometimes.
  20. HMS

    Hero and Bandit glitch

    Wow what a mess. I can't watch the video just now but is this on any server?
  21. OP: The only thing that will get "wiped" so-to-speak is the m107 and AS50, I believe. I guess they'll be rendered useless, to be more accurate, but you get the idea.
  22. HMS

    Need Urgent Help!

    This is either some seriously advanced spam-botting, or it's the post of the century. IF it's a real question, try reinstalling your ArmA2 DayZ Mod program (the BOLD one).
  23. HMS

    How to make a server?

    (You can have your server revoked and pulled off the hive for a myriad of things hosting companies and operators are brazenly doing right now, much of it openly advertised in DayZ Commander.) It sounds like you want to maybe rent a server. If that is the case, I hope you seriously consider moving along. There are so many empty servers. Just use one of them, and if you are not experienced in running a server all you are going to do is cause headaches for players who are going to put up (and lose) their tents and vehicles when your server sits unmanaged and goes down in flames. Now that I got all the discouraging crap out of my system: If you want to learn how to set one up and run it properly, go to http://opendayz.net/ and start reading. From experience, I recommend Pown0z0ns0nzor's server build. Very bad name. Very good server setup and customization. None of it is easy. If you decide to try, and have problems, read through his section, and hit me up here and I will help you out. The benefit of doing this is that you will learn what goes into the process, and what you are paying for if you go with a hosting company. You will find it very rewarding as well. It may also put you off ever playing the game again too, because of what you will learn along the way. Best of luck!
  24. Too many to list them all. They look like HFSB servers so far, but then that's most of the servers. Join one, then induce a damage-inflicting event. Fire a bullet, swing the hatchet, or get punched by a zombie. You will be kicked. Example: US 562, US 501, many many more.
  25. Yessir! Just putting it out there in case any admins reading this were forgetting they had to stay on top of it. I expect the ones with current issues will just run into the ground. BTW, if you want to see what it looks like when a server has been up since forever, check one of these out... you can almost watch the choppers falling out of the sky.