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Everything posted by HMS

  1. HMS

    [GUIDE] Gear/Inventory

    Dude, thank you for this. I have been using backpacks all wrong until I read this. That is to say, I was carrying around empty backpacks the whole damn time. Now I can fill my bag with dozens of empty tin cans and still have room on my "person" for a bunch more empty soda cans!
  2. HMS

    Voice & Text Communication

    So much to read but I will leave it at about 3 pages back with this quote. I for one am glad to be rid of Global Spam Channel in this new game, having suffered enough bla bla bla in other games. But I can see where the radio / cell phone idea would fill the bill nicely for those who want it. That said... damn I wish I could get DC to work with a nearby player. I have found that it works about as reliably as my flashlight. But now that I read the sticky at the top of this thread, I should have my ducks in a row and be able to make sense of what the hell I am doing...
  3. HMS

    o.O feeling alone

    Hey ToxicFrosty, what everyone else said. It's not like other games where you are rewarded for meeting others. That's probably why it's lonely. I have been killed for nothing. Meaning, I don't carry much good stuff in my pack and am usually just picking up a can of food. Now I work in teams. We never go scavenging together. It's always overwatch. If you meet me, you can kill me, but we'll just respawn together except my buddy who was covering me will have all your loot too, except I get to hook up with him again. Also, it is a tremendous world. If there aren't 40 other players on, there is a good chance there is nobody else near you.
  4. Hey there. I just started playing too. I think I got it going like Monday night. It's not what you're used to, and that is the fun and challenge. It's about as "fun" as a real survival situation would be - so, not always that entertaining, but it is rewarding. A bit of a grind, but I like to immerse myself. No loot maps (that is lame, though I had no choice but to use the landmark map), no shooting other players for fun (payback and unintended consequences are a mofo). I couldn't figure out voice comm. in the game so I started a voice chat with one friend over Steam and just tried to find each other from there. Watch out at night. I fell to my death off a ladder because if I had used a light, I would have been shot or eaten. If you have a gun and see someone getting chased or maul, maybe help them out. The day will come when you hope someone will help you. Good luck and stay safe!