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Everything posted by HMS

  1. Tell me the server name. If it's a low-population server, it's probably because nobody can use it. SO MANY of the servers out there suck so bad because the server operators refuse to reboot them twice a day like they are supposed to. The ping will always look good, and you will always load up nice and fast to the player list, and then the game lags almost as bad as this forum.
  2. HMS

    I'm having a difficult time

    I will tell you very little and I encourage you to not look up videos on the matter, or even to ask too many questions yet until you have played for a day. The Zs must stop before they hit you. The Zs cannot catch you if you are running, standing up. The Zs cannot run in or through buildings. <<-THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO REMEMBER SO YOU CAN GET OUT OF LINE OF SIGHT AND SOUND RANGE. The Zs cannot see squat at night but you can use the moon to illuminate enough to get around. The Zs don't care if you close a door on them. They will no-clip through any door or wall the damn well feel like to get to you. If you find a gun - and I sincerely hope you do not - you should refrain from shooting it at all costs until you know exactly what you are doing. The inventory system is sado-masochistic nightmare. You are not using your backpack. Now go back out there, and learn to crawl and evade. Then hit me up with questions about survival beyond this and you will be glad you kept it minimal. Don't even look at an online map. You don't have one in-game for a reason.
  3. HMS

    Totally confused about something that happened.

    Give him my phone # next time you see him.
  4. HMS


    I saw this thread, not the 11 others, so, thank you OP for bringing this up. I think it's a great idea, but not practical. Because, as the 1st responder has indicated... We cannot have nice things.
  5. Agreed. Removing the Alt+F4, if it works like they are saying in the release notes (dunno, never once tried it), was indeed shortsighted. It solves a problem of people quitting, which is essentially a solution in search of a problem.
  6. HMS

    Good places to build a base

    It will last until someone runs a map script that shows where every tent and vehicle is on the map. My only suggestion is to make sure you are on a trustworthy server run by people who know what they are doing. Otherwise you will lose all your hard work when the server lags into oblivion and you can't even get to your stuff.
  7. HMS

    setting multiple waypoints

    He means setting a long path. Say, north this-a-way for 1400m, then once you hit it, the next waypoint turns you right 30 degrees for 2km, then back north... etc. But no, it can't be done at this time.
  8. HMS

    Few words about crossbow.

    Jude, I loved the crossbow as a beginner. It's still a great weapon so long as you have 2-3 arrows. As for using it against other players... dunno. That's not how I play. The silent kill vs. walkers is the key to my gameplay.
  9. HMS

    really frustrating!!

    I am sorta all set in this game at this time - but if you ever join DayZRedux , I could definitely meet up. If you are stuck someplace in the regular game, need some meds, or if you see a bike you don't want to take... send me a PM. LOL
  10. HMS

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    You are not going to get an answer in this thread. This is one of those release threads that will likelyhave 400 responses by the weekend. I don't have an answer for you, but you should create your own new topic in the Troubleshooting forum. I doubt you will get a developer answer, but you might hear from others with tips. If I die, I'll let you know if I can choose Female. Not that I would though - because I bet the outfits bugs are still there, and the gasping when zombies are close was too much to bear.
  11. Yes, absolutely. No question about it - "No" shouldn't even be an option in the poll.
  12. wait wait I forgot I actually had something snarky to say. And that is... If you play on a public hive, there is nobody you can complain to. I had my stuff quarantined on a server that constantly locked down for 5 hours a night. Several posts in the server section got me... silence. Requests for assistance or even public shaming went completely unanswered.
  13. With all that, all I can say is... What's your server? It sounds like it's right up my alley!
  14. I'm game. PM sent. (If it's a k-o-s romper-room, I'm out. There's plenty of 40-man public hives for deathmatch.) Looking forward to it!
  15. Woah, do I gather correctly that there is slightly-to-significantly more stuff to do on one of these custom maps??? I tried installing this map via DayZ Commander and it went down in flames so I gave up. Thanks for giving me the impetus to try again!
  16. HMS

    Just Started

    What buckwheat said is also very good - however I do not recommend his suggestion of disconnecting. Not for the noble reason you might think, but because you seem to be having a hard time connecting to servers. You find one that works, maybe you should stick with it. If you die 30 times, then that's another iceberg tip you are scratching but at least you gain experience without having to wait an hour to get back on another server.
  17. HMS

    Just Started

    Hi, Pliskin, Can you re-join the same server as before? (the one you died on?) Need way more details to help you, unfortunately. Getting this mod to work is an adventure in itself. If you are using DayZ Commander, check your history. Also, check the versions / upgrades and see if anything is out of date. If you are not using DayZ Commander, unplug your computer and sit in the corner, facing the wall IN SHAME. LOL And you aren't doing anything wrong. You are playing exactly correctly. Your goal is not to kill zombies at first - and really isn't to find a gun either. Your goal is to live, plain and simple. And you do that by avoiding zombies, and learning to evade them. It sucks that they can just walk through doors and fences to get at you. (That does not even scratch the surface of "suck" - you will see.,,) In the sprirt of fairness, however, I will tell you that if you are being chased by Zombies, they will slow down upon entering any building. So find one with two exits and live to fight another day. Don't forget the stickied "index of helpful threads" at the top level of this forum. That's 90% of what you need.
  18. HMS

    Have I done wrong?

    He turned Zombie. You acted appropriately!
  19. Cmon guys, remember what game this is. If you can't take a drink from a lake with an empty can, you're not going to be able to put a dog in the car.
  20. HMS

    Repair a helicopter?

    Most informative - especially the last 2 posts. I haven't found any hueys yet. And who knows how fun it will be once I do find one, but hey, at least it's something to do now.
  21. And I forgot to mention: others cannot see the waypoints (only the map markers / comments).
  22. Others can see those little "notes". If you are on the regular map - not the "notes" section - you can put down a waypoint, visible on your HUD by holding SHIFT and clicking. That is, if the server doesn't suck and remove that ability.
  23. HMS

    Item duping/hacking

    No deal. The onus is on the game developers to stop creating blatantly insecure games. I'm playing the game. As a new player, if I were to alt-tab out of the game and look up the color, shape, and quality of every tin can I picked up, I'd have quit from boredom the same day. Even if I were browsing the wiki or forums and reading about the different guns and vehicles out there, I'd be damned if I would care to remember every single one to mentally cross-reference against in the game. When you find an item, the process works like this: 1) See item or browse inventory on dead body: "Wow look at that. I could use that." 2) Do I have room for it? 3) Can I make room for it? 4) Is someone watching me? 5) Grab and RUN A new player does not have time to figure out what's legal or not, because to them, everything is brand new.
  24. HMS


    I clicked the thread title seemingly 40 minutes ago. It takes that long to display the post. I am now 40 minutes closer to my death. So it can be construed that attempting to browse the DayZ forums is a very slow method of suicide.
  25. Sometimes they are placed there to help in farming, and sometimes (just sometimes) a friendly drop-point with meds and stuff for new players. And sometimes they are placed there to annoy other players. The former are rare. The latter will never, ever stop.