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About secondamendment

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  1. secondamendment

    DayZ Standalone Suggestions

    My apologies if this has been mentioned already. One of the cool things in the mod is the ability to run and essentially out-run the zombies. However, in arma 2, one can run for unrealistic lengths of time without tiring. I think adding some kind of game mechanic that limits the duration one can continuously run (at least at full speed) would be nice. That would add a bit of panic to the "bolt through town without a care in the world" maneuver. The player would be thinking that at some point soon there will be the need to ditch these zombies chasing me because eventually they will catch me. One possible solution would be to gradually decrease the run speed and use audio queues with the breathing sounds to indicate that the player is tired. The speed eventually decreases to the crouch run speed, which as we all know is not fast enough to fully evade zombies.
  2. secondamendment

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    With rocket's absence, maybe BI could hire George Broussard of Duke Nukem Forever to stand in?
  3. secondamendment

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    This game will be sweet. Is there any concern in the future when this releases that mankind will have evolved beyond our current species such that people will no longer comprehend the concept of a zombie apocalypse?
  4. secondamendment

    New Music for standalone - idea

    The music from the mod rocks. I hope they keep that in the standalone.
  5. secondamendment

    Hackers READ THIS!!!!

    Send your complaints about the hackers here: http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/contacts/44-public-contacts/52-customer-support This is the company that owns Arma2, that you paid to play DayZ.
  6. secondamendment


    After wasting my time trying to register for the Arma 2 forums I found a way to contact Bohemia Interactive. I recommend that everyone who is concerned about this issue voice their complaints here: http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/contacts/44-public-contacts/52-customer-support These are the people who took your money to play DayZ.
  7. Fixing this problem should be the TOP priority of everyone involved with dayz. The servers are all being hacked daily. Nowhere on this forum is there any indication that people are taking this seriously. I see lots of posts saying its some one else's problem, or that the post should be somewhere else? What possibly could be more important than this? The game is being completely ruined.
  8. I recently bought arma just to play dayz. I brought in 3 other friends who did the same, and hope to bring in a 4th. DayZ is one of the coolest games I've ever seen, despite all of it's minor bugs, which all in all do not diminish the game experience. However, the hack situation is completely unacceptable. i.e. unplayable. Sad to see such a masterpiece ruined.
  9. On server US #00 GMT-12 Multiplay at about 9 PM EDT, hackers killed everyone on the server (sudden death). A few minutes before they killed everyone, suddenly a squad of about a dozen female bots spawned in next to our group. They or someone else killed us. Then, we respawned and shortly afterwards saw advertisements for a hackers website posted on the screen. Then, everyone was suddenly killed on the server. I have only been playing for a few days. So, I didn't realize it was hacks until the last kill. Dayz is the one of the best games I've ever seen. However, this kind of thing will ruin it fast. The other two players online with me who I had brought into DayZ were playing for the first time. Left a really bad impression. I strongly advise that the dev team stop everything and make their primary focus fixing this problem.