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Everything posted by b00ce

  1. I find it incredibly annoying that zombies spawn 20m of me. Save for instance, last night I was holding up in the Berezino lumber yard and watched several zombies spawn in practically on top of me, after I cleared the area out not five minutes before. I suggest that the minimum spawn radius for zombies to 75m or 100m and a maximum of 200m or 300m. Just out of curiosity, what is it currently set to?
  2. b00ce

    Rocket/missle attack in cherno?

    He IS playing the game. Just because you disagree with his play style does not make it wrong. There are no "rules" of Day Z.
  3. b00ce

    Move DayZ to Take on Helicopter:Rearmed

    Yes, or bad things happen.
  4. As the title says, I made an M38 Mosin Nagant that I wish to donate to Day Z. You may have seen my post overhere (And maybe my threads on /k/). For the past week or so I've been toying around with this thing. As of 10 minutes ago, I finally finished it. Rocket, please PM me for the MLOD download link, if you want it. :)
  5. b00ce

    [Donation] M38 Mosin Nagant

    Yeah, I noticed that a long time ago and forgot about it...
  6. b00ce

    [Donation] M38 Mosin Nagant

    I'll see about fixing it. In the mean time, I'm going for a run.
  7. b00ce

    [Donation] M38 Mosin Nagant

    I already have an RVMat/normals/SMDI set up. I'm just not too good at making things shiny, so I outsourced the specular map to an anon on /k/. Personally I think it looks good (Maybe a little under-done) as long as it doesn't look like wax with a fresh gloss coat of paint and turtle-wax. Edit: Here's the sight picture, it is an OLD pic, but the overall look is the same.
  8. b00ce

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html Here is the loot cheet sheet. It is up to date as of 1.5.6.
  9. How's this look guys? ;D Once I finish the detail LoDs, its all yours if you want it, Rocket. :)
  10. At range things sink into the ground a little to compensate for this.
  11. What it needs is to have the 15 round mags scrapped and it needs to use the 8 round 1014 ones.
  12. b00ce

    Salisky Island changes

    Because it is a part of Chernarus. The Day Z staff did not make Chernarus, so they can't take anything away.
  13. b00ce

    Day/Night Cycle

    That isn't possible because in order for there to be a flashlight you need a "gun", which is why the flashlights take up pistol slots. Its an engine thing, unfortunately.
  14. You're right, DayZ isn't a tactical military simulator, it is a survival simulator and as such, you should find weapons, ammo, food, water and equipment in realistic quantities irregardless of balance.
  15. b00ce

    Salisky Island changes

    If it bothers you that much, don't go there. Risking the gear you for 6 drop points (of which ~40% are full of empty cans and bottles) seems a bit daft to me...
  16. b00ce

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    I imagine the guy who made the list looked through the code.
  17. The only issue with the double barrel shotgun would be having two shotgun shells take up a whole slot and not being able to use other 12 ga rounds in it, like the 1014 or Winchester.
  18. b00ce

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    There is a loot spawn/probability chart, if it isn't on there, it is forbidden.
  19. This. 1000x this. I'd love to see some USMC zombies roaming around too. And "better" (I wish those quotes could be bigger.) weapons should not be more rare simply for that fact. And who decides what makes a weapon better? There are too many factors' date=' like optics, flashlights, weapon damage, magazine size, ammunition availability, etc. the list goes on and on. Take the AKM vs an M4 CCO, which is better? The M4 has "better" sights but shoots the weaker 5.56mm; with the AKM, "one hit from this and its all over" and the sights are more than antiquate if you know how to use them. In the end it comes down to skill, you could have an M107 TWS or a SAW and get wasted by someone fresh off the boat with a Makarov. Weapon availability should be based on what would be available at that location in realistic quantities. You know, like it is already.