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Posts posted by DayZnedconfuZed

  1. Hello, I have recently been playing DayZ for a few weeks now and I have a good understanding of the game now for the most part.

    - I have a few goals in mind and am looking to bring 1 or 2 guys with me to make them happen.

    A) I want to gather tents and set up shop on a main server of our choosing.

    (I already have 1 server with cars and a ton of gear but I am looking to make a 2nd.)

    B) I need skilled players that play smart and work well with me.

    C) must have a mic/vent/skype

    D) Must want to invade other servers to kill players and take their sh*t !!! PVP IS A MUST!!

    If this sounds like something you would be into then let me know in this thread or by private message.

    *** all meetings will be held on my terms and recruit must be mature and able to learn. ***

  2. Hello, I have recently been playing DayZ for a few weeks now and I have a good understanding of the game now for the most part.

    - I have a few goals in mind and am looking to bring 1 or 2 guys with me to make them happen.

    A) I want to gather tents and set up shop on a main server of our choosing.

    (I already have 1 server with cars and a ton of gear but I am looking to make a 2nd.)

    B) I need skilled players that play smart and work well with me.

    C) must have a mic/vent/skype

    D) Must want to invade other servers to kill players and take their sh*t !!! PVP IS A MUST!!

    If this sounds like something you would be into then let me know in this thread or by private message.

    *** all meetings will be held on my terms and recruit must be mature and able to learn. ***

  3. You wanna see Worst community ever? haha Go play Age of Conan. THAT my friend is troll city and you will get bumbarded by trolls that want nothing more than for you to cry and slit your wrists.

    Google it, the reputation is KNOWN for worst community ever!

  4. Ok, so I was just wanting some clarity on this subject. If i find a bike or a tent and "save it" will it still be there if I die?

    Say I have a bike, and somehow die, but I saved it in the woods and noboday has found it. Would it still be there after I respawn?

    Same goes for cars/tents and all that good stuff.

    • Like 1

  5. I would consider this option. Although, I would like to keep it on a trial basis. You guys may offer a lot and you may not.. The only way for me to know is to give it a shot. With that being said, As you judge my performance I will judge yours also. I have leadership experience as I have run many clans before and have been in the top 15 for FPS rainbow 6 on Gamebattles.com competitve gaming site.
