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About Gandrew

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    It took 100 consecutive days, but we finally established a usable route for corn trade in Dayz.
  1. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    try in the arma 2 client, if you put the address in it should be the only one. Use filter to look.
  2. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    go to connections in teamspeak and press connect. Then just copy/paste (ctr + c/ctr + v) into the IP bar. Hope to see you on!
  3. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    apparently I am no longer getting notifications on my email address, sorry for not replying. I will continue to add people to the clan and hope to see you on the weekend. Also rob is joining soon. My Arma 2 OA files are being converted and missing files are finally being added so hopefully I get to play again! KEEP THE CLAN ALIVE!
  4. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    Excellent, I will put your name up, hope you guys have fun this weekend. My game still won't work. Been trying to fix it all week, re-installed and now I am getting bad serial code and every method isn't working.
  5. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    Excellent I'll put you in immediately, Don't show up, don't matter right? Anyways doesn't look like we're playing this weekend but If you come because of the posts try anyway.
  6. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    Doesn't look like we are having a meeting this weekend, if you came because you saw a post on the forum I would suggest you still check out the teamspeak channel just incase. Edit: Sorry Internet fluke, thought it didn't post.
  7. I got to step 14. is that all you do because it has not fixed the issue.
  8. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    team speak IP now aviable get ready to join up!
  9. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    Hope to see you all in game today, the amount of people that come out of the amount that enlisted will determine either I get mumble or not. If you don't come it simply means that it is not worth get, and that does not mean I will be keeping donations to myself, if we do I will still get it. Chat will happen in a EFS chatroom, no talking but we will be able to communicate over the entire map. Still need the IP in order to join the chat room though, but we will get that, I hope.
  10. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    A few people had problems with the front page being jumbled badly because they zoomed in, which is reasonable so I changed it to make it a bit more user friendly. By user friendly I mean everyone can view it normally now, almost
  11. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    Excellent a unicorn hazah! I personally love sniping, if we ever have clan battles I could be neutral so teams don't assume bias. Snipering 30 people is some serious game, unless a team bans it sad face. Name has been added, welcome!
  12. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    Im going to wait till our first real meet up to find out around how many slots i need and how many people will actually end up coming. I'm guessing thats going to be the weekend.
  13. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    We wont be having teamspeak or mumble for awhile but except it. the server is up and join at will.
  14. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    Works well sense it is in russia... right, I think so. Anyways definitely doing that! Same with creating the clan on it! Welcome to the herd! Anyways guys be sure to leave suggestions and what not, donation link, only 1 dollar, i dont want a lot of 1 cents costing me money so if you really want to donate more just do it again.
  15. Gandrew

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    What kinda comms do you have if you dont use teamspeak, I'll pay for next months subscription for 30 players when yours runs out, by then I hope we get somewhere near there. Also that'd be awesome, I always wanted to do an entire battle of clans if we have the equipment! I'll open a mumble (or teamspeak) if we get more than 30, only 10$ a month people, not that bad, I'll see if we can't get a server. If we do get around 50 people I will make it private so it will be clan wars, but that'll wait, 40$ a month and I have no direct income, I contribute but I'll still need donation to know if it's worth it (if they want it) and to be able to fund it in the first place. Tomorrow or whenever, we will have our first meeting and start our survival. So i hear you have a Teamspeak server too, communicating in game and on forum is hard enough, so if we could use it I'll fund it in the future.