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Everything posted by wrongday

  1. wrongday

    What are your BIGGEST issues in the game?

    Combat loggers. Tonight i killed 3 guys in a row trying to get some food before i die from starving. All of them logged before i was able to loot a single can of pasta.
  2. wrongday

    DayZ Stories

    Here is a short story of mine... Im playing on a server named DayzNamalsk nyx.cz / dayz.st. Ive been surviving for about a week. I was lucky enought to spawn near Northen army base. So fast enought, i ended up with an m4a3 cco with a few mags and a pdw. I headed to Vorkuta for food and to my biggest lucky start ever, found a ghuilie suit (first time ever with it :P). Told myself i needed some morphine, just in case, so my journey begins! Im heading to the old hospital. While running into the wild, a chopper just fly over my head and crashed in front of me resulting in 3 deaths on bottom left screen! Told myself i could check for loots. When i arrived to it, evrything was burnt and found nothing... exept.. a player crouching right in front of me! OMG! Poor guy didnt see me yet, he was prone and going toward me with his akm. Shot a few bursts and he went down. A few lifes behind, i learned that when you face the mouth of a gun, you dont take time to speak. Few kms laters, i found a plane crash. Nice place to find some loots i guess. Hide myself around trees and look around. There is a player heavily armed with winter suit. Time to test m4 range. Take my aim and let it burst! 1 mag later, this unknown survivor drops down (sry Slendu!). Good thing for me, this plane had some medical supplies, i was able to get a few morphines from the wreck. Carefully approaching Slendu's body, i looted 2 frag grenades. My shots didnt bring any walkers around, but someone was stalking me. While i was leaving the place, i hear dmr fly next to my head and toes! Omg! My heart beats soo loud! I start running and go prone behind some tall grass. Shots keeps going around me, but i feel like my oponent lost track of me cause shots keeps going right and left wide open! I roll on the ground and hold my gun tight. Dead silence.. nothing.. im waiting.... Few minutes pass.. and then i hear a car coming. Oh crap! Car stops up the hill on the road and stop. I see a bandit searching around trees looking for a dead body. He pass by me and doesnt see me, thanks to the guilly suit. Hes maybe 100 meters away, i unleash my m4 and drops 2 mags on him. he goes down bleeding but have time to shot 1 more dmr bullet which miss. But zombies nearby hear the shot and rush him. While hes getting eating alive, i drop a few more rounds. Zombies and Beanlover drops and by the same time, my i almost get an heart attack! That was a sick day, one of my best dayz session. Damn i shoulda put some speedstick this morning.. cause im sweating bad, that was a hot one. And this is why i play Dayz. Sry for the poor grammar, i speak french :/ Have a good night folks! Wrongday
  3. Sup! Âge: 26 Nom in-game: Wrongday or [sTH]Wrongday (currently playing on FR 191 Surviving the horror Nom steam: Wrongday Quand êtes vous en ligne: A bit here and here, working on rotating 12 hours shifts. Avez vous un micro: Yes Depuis quand jouez vous à DayZ: 1 month or so Votre rôle préféré (Sniper, pilote, etc, etc): For now ive been a lone wolf survivor.. recently started playing with some buddies. I play the support role, where i look around to prevent flanking. Arme préféré: M4A1 CCO SD that i just looted from a bandit i killed using his own shotgun that he dropped on my dead body. Humanité (Bandit/Survivant/Héros): Survivor, trying to be friendly but i get paranoiac a lot. Skype : mm id need to look for that, using teamspeak3 and ventrilo right now.
  4. So i was on Us909 @ sniper hill , elektro with 2 of my friends from STH. We were looking at elektro when they both got sniped. Must have been a good sniper since both of them were under pine trees and have gillie suit.... Then, Baaam i go down. My 2 buddies leave the server but i decided to stay and try to run my corpse. Spawning.... in elektro! What a luck! I run as fast as i can and get back to my corpse. Damn it! My coyote pack is gone and all i got left on my buddy is an automatic shotgun with 8 bullets.. must have been the backup gun from the sniper who looted. Then, i raise my head and see something.. whaaat? That sniper is looting my buddies!!! OMG! So i rush him and put 8 bullets in his chest! Hes still unconscious and not dead yet.. wtf? So i loot him while hes bleeding and get his m14 aim. I unload some bullets in his head until i seee Dooky as disconnected. Faggot. But guess what? All his gear stayed there with me. So i looted a coyote, his m14 aim with 5 mag, a m4a1 camo silenced with 5 mag, NVG, rangefinder, gps, all tools.. well im full lock and loaded for the next dayz adventure! Thanks dooky or something like this. I think you were hacking when you shot us and didnt die from 8 cal 12 rounds. You sucks. But thank you very much for all your gear. That was fun!
  5. wrongday

    How did you kill your first victim?

    Was running in the forest from north to electro to meet guys from a team speak server. Suddenly I saw a player checking his bag. Asked on ts if it was someone and it was negative. Put 2 akm bullets and lose sight of him. Shot 3 more rounds in the bushes and saw the death msg. I'm sry enkily or something like this. Was soo freaking scared. First time I actually saw a player in front of me.
  6. wrongday

    Hackers are... Good?

    I met a good hacker today. As I log in, crouching in near stary sobor, I hear something! Someone is right next to me gun in my face! Holly Molly I almost crapped my pants. So I tell him I won't shoot and he started giving me some tips. I figured out he was hacking when all zombies around us insta die. He cleared the army tents and let me gear up. I asked him what was his fun since he had hacks ans I wasn't dead yet. He told me that killing snipers in guillie was. He teleported away telling me to hide. Bam someone get killed. Insta pop back to me to say good luck and left in the wild. That's it. It was a good day for me. Thanks for sparing my life.
  7. Bizon sd with 5 mags Knife matches axe compass A few water bottles and meat Was cooking in forest and waaaamm one shot goes and break my leg. I stand again and boom another bullet hit head.
  8. Good thread, ill subscribe to read it :)
  9. teamspeak server isnt working?
  10. Tbh this feeling of always be near to crap in my pants is what i enjoy about this game. It is so risky to lose your hard earned stuff that you think twice before dialing your next move. Im scared about zombies and im more scared about players since their intentions are unknown. Remove this feeling of fear and you get nothing more than another crappy shooter. Its all about survival and mental paranoia. My 2 cents
  11. wrongday

    Looking for players in Canada

    Hey from Qc, montreal : wrongday on steam.
  12. wrongday

    What is your best char?

    45 zombie kill 23 headshot 0 murder 0 bandit kill just got shot by a sniper in cherno. Its ok.. i was stupid hanging out on a rooftop. i got back most of my stuff.. exept my m16 acog :( .. im wounded, 3k blood left.. i see grey.. i must.. run.. into the wood.. and get some cooked meat.
  13. Im survivor style.. but very paranoiak. If someone if not armed its ok, otherwise i ask him to walk in front of me.. just to have his head right in the middle of my m16 acog.. just in case you know.. But i like coop. I like this feeling of having a stranger next to me helping me.. and at the same time.. always asking to myself .. should i kill him.. will he kill me? I love this game for that.. the paranoia feeling.
  14. wrongday

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    Today i met, for the first time, another survivor. I was inside a factory near the beach at Komarovo. He was outside, heading for my way. So I hit de ingame voice and tell him to not move. He was chased by a zombie so i take my m16 and take down the beast. I asked if he was armed and told me no. So he got inside with me and aggroed like 6 zombies which i took down. I helped him getting some drinks around until he found a revolver and an axe. Paranoia kicked in! Was he going to shoot me? Zoomed in with my acog over its head and told him to keep that low which he did. I took what i need left in the factory and left for the wild. I heard a few gun shots, hope he was ok.. You can watch videos all night long, but when it happens for the first time.. for real.. you understand why evryone turns crazy! When you finaly get a gun, enought food/drink to survive.. some matches/knife/axe to make some good meat.. you dont wanna go back and you are ready to take down anyone on your path!!!