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Everything posted by Partywaffle

  1. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    We need side chat back in our game. Pros: Being able to talk to players in the server eases the tension, and stunts the amount of PVP and killing on sight. When enabled side chat allows players to meet up, and share supplies in times of need. More cooperation between survivors. Players can warn others of bandit locations in cities, or to stay away from certain towns that groups of bandits are located. New players can ask questions directly in server chat, and not clog up the forums with constant posts of the same questions. Cons: Advertisement spam in populated servers. Retarded users spamming mic and chat with useless things. Breaks some game immersion. Gray Section: If survivors are openly attempting to meet up in certain locations (like Cherno or Electro) then bandits are able to pick up on that, and take out idiots openly blasting out their location. (This is good for bandits and makes it more challenging to meet up at a location. It's only bad if you're the retard blurting out your location.) Disclaimer: I know there is a search bar, and I know this suggestion has been posted many times. I know there could possibly be a radio coded into the game to allow side chat, but for this would be the quickest remedy until that happens. If Rocket took out side chat then he can quickly bring it back.
  2. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    Seems like it's time for another bump.
  3. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    I have been keeping it to about a days worth of time between bumps. If that's a problem I will bump it closer to 2 days, No. Unless something has changed recently. The servers with side chat enabled that I have been to makes me recreate my character, and does not save progress. Other servers might be running on a very old patch which has side chat enabled.
  4. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

  5. Partywaffle

    Make Barbed Wire Permanently Vaultable

    I can find the spot usually within thirty seconds. Just look up and down the 4 posts in the barbed wire. I feel being able to vault over the barbed wire would ruin the point of it. It's supposed to stop you, but I can see the point you make. Also the artifacting will be fixed soon.
  6. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    I agree entirely. I can't find a server though that has side chat enabled which doesn't make me restart a character, or doesn't save progress.
  7. Partywaffle

    Kill more zeds & get more revarded

    The zed mechanics in the game need to be worked on, but this is not the solution we're looking for.
  8. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    Daily bump. Digging all the votes this topic is getting. Thanks to everyone who voted.
  9. Steak and canned food if you're running solo
  10. Partywaffle

    Where's the loot?

    Usually when I go to the NWAF or Cherno I listen to this: Usually helps me find more loot.
  11. Partywaffle

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    the rest of it didn't make much sense.
  12. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    Don't have any response for Mudd's comment. Here's my daily bump.
  13. Hello everyone! I had a question about the loading screen you see while hopping into a server. Once I hit OK I often times am forced to sit on a long "loading" for about five minutes or so. I also saw on the pending update: "* [NEW] Additional optimizations to login process (further use of publicVariableClient to reduce network transmission)" Are these directly linked? and if not, why do some servers have such long load times? My favorite server went down for good, and I have been searching through the thousands of other servers for a replacement. For my play style I am looking for low populated servers with quick load times. As a result of trying the many other servers I have noticed the long load time. Thanks in advance.
  14. Partywaffle

    FPS - please save me. Details inside

    your system can handle day-z just fine. Some servers have worse fps and lag harder than other, and that's just the way it is.
  15. Partywaffle

    Simply, Rope

    edited out retard I like the idea of including rope to be used in traps, maybe tripwires too? Make a player trip and have a chance to be knocked unconscious for a minute. (as if he hit his head) I could see clans dragging a few players behind them who have been captured, and having a bit of a slave trade. The possibilities are endless! +1 for making me think of all the fun ways to use rope in the game. Beans to you as well as a show of support of the idea. Also to the players who state "players will just Alt-F4": Rocket will be programming a consequence for alt-f4ing soon. Like the player dieing, being unconscious, or being warned after several Alt-F4 attempts that they will be banned or killed.
  16. Partywaffle

    The Hell Happen To Global Chat??

    I agree with you. I have a suggestion up as well to bring side-chat back into the game. Until of course they come up with an alternative way to chat with people (such as radios) Check it out here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54871-side-chat/
  17. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    Thanks everyone for your votes. Here's my daily bump!
  18. Partywaffle

    New way of getting blood! ( Player to Player Transfusion)

    When I read the title I just wanted to come in here and give everyone an aids lesson. lol! I like the thought of player-player transfusion, but it would serve little purpose in most situations. One of my friends uses blood bags like they're candy, and usually if we have time for a transfusion we have blood bags or quite a lot of food. However I think it's a fun idea, but only if there is an infection chance. Confirmed as Neat-o, and I support it.
  19. Partywaffle

    The Hatchet vs Crowbar Dilemma

    Don't mind me giving this thread a much needed bump. Been practicing with the crowbar, and head shots are such a pain!
  20. I'm not much on banditry, but you have my beans. You went balls deep on those guys, regardless of the name tags, and kicked some ass.
  21. Partywaffle

    I Lost my Virginity while streaming

    It's a bit upsetting that people actually play this way. 1shot rifle from 300+ meters away. The person getting sniped doesn't see the sniper, doesn't have a chance to fight back, and didn't even have a chance to run. Players like you make me sick. No beans for you.
  22. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    I agree. Thanks for the response!
  23. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    The servers that have side chat to be enabled force you to recreate a character, and then it does not save your character if you go to a different server. I am not sure why, but the servers I have been to with it on do this. You make a very good point about it being a server admin option. It makes me want to wait for radios to come out before having a new side chat. However there would need to be a lot of coding done, and as a direct result I have to say re-enabling side chat would be the quickest way to get it back for now. I will of course take your argument into thought. Thanks for your reply.
  24. Partywaffle

    Quick question about loading screen.

    Thanks for your speedy reply. I don't mean to sound as if I am complaining. I am just interested in knowing more about it.