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About Partywaffle

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    Seems like it's time for another bump.
  2. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    I have been keeping it to about a days worth of time between bumps. If that's a problem I will bump it closer to 2 days, No. Unless something has changed recently. The servers with side chat enabled that I have been to makes me recreate my character, and does not save progress. Other servers might be running on a very old patch which has side chat enabled.
  3. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

  4. Partywaffle

    Make Barbed Wire Permanently Vaultable

    I can find the spot usually within thirty seconds. Just look up and down the 4 posts in the barbed wire. I feel being able to vault over the barbed wire would ruin the point of it. It's supposed to stop you, but I can see the point you make. Also the artifacting will be fixed soon.
  5. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    I agree entirely. I can't find a server though that has side chat enabled which doesn't make me restart a character, or doesn't save progress.
  6. The zed mechanics in the game need to be worked on, but this is not the solution we're looking for.
  7. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    Daily bump. Digging all the votes this topic is getting. Thanks to everyone who voted.
  8. Steak and canned food if you're running solo
  9. Partywaffle

    Where's the loot?

    Usually when I go to the NWAF or Cherno I listen to this: Usually helps me find more loot.
  10. Partywaffle

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    the rest of it didn't make much sense.
  11. Partywaffle

    Side Chat

    Don't have any response for Mudd's comment. Here's my daily bump.
  12. Partywaffle

    FPS - please save me. Details inside

    your system can handle day-z just fine. Some servers have worse fps and lag harder than other, and that's just the way it is.
  13. Partywaffle

    Simply, Rope

    edited out retard I like the idea of including rope to be used in traps, maybe tripwires too? Make a player trip and have a chance to be knocked unconscious for a minute. (as if he hit his head) I could see clans dragging a few players behind them who have been captured, and having a bit of a slave trade. The possibilities are endless! +1 for making me think of all the fun ways to use rope in the game. Beans to you as well as a show of support of the idea. Also to the players who state "players will just Alt-F4": Rocket will be programming a consequence for alt-f4ing soon. Like the player dieing, being unconscious, or being warned after several Alt-F4 attempts that they will be banned or killed.
  14. Partywaffle

    The Hell Happen To Global Chat??

    I agree with you. I have a suggestion up as well to bring side-chat back into the game. Until of course they come up with an alternative way to chat with people (such as radios) Check it out here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54871-side-chat/