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Everything posted by MrTamarian

  1. They did before so why wouldn't they now?
  2. MrTamarian

    Six updater down

    I have the same problem any help guys?
  3. MrTamarian

    True banditry!

    You're mentally retarded. This is the type of activity that should get you an insta-ban, really ? Stealing his stuff and logging out ? Grow some balls.
  4. MrTamarian

    Chernarus in Real

    The place looks creepy in real life as well.
  5. MrTamarian

    ATTENTION All players:

    Dude, what the fuck is up with your spamming ?
  6. Hey, I'm totally lost in the wilds with my motorbike I can see a very tall red pointy structure a few clicks away, i'm somewhere in the north but I can't figure out where I have been lost for around 3-4 hours..
  7. I despise this, just decided to play again and the game spawned me very far from where I left the motorbike and now I can't find it even after I saved it, sigh... Even after I logged out right next to it. End of my luck I guess :/
  8. MrTamarian

    He's the hero Chernarus deserves.

    Uh oh. I knew this would happen,.. Bandits prepare to piss your pants! This is a cool idea though, if the random new poster is serious..
  9. The what brothers ? Care to explain ?
  10. While i'm at it are there places in the south where you can hide your bike ? The north was depressing!
  11. Phew, I thought I was going the wrong way, found the motorbike in the woods along with 3 other cars decided to go with the bike and bail!
  12. It's a VERY tell red tower, a tower i've never with the same model in the south.
  13. MrTamarian

    The weirdest thing...

    They were .. ? Why ?
  14. Should I let it update ? If this was any other game I would just have clicked yes but Arma 2 is so damn buggy so I have to be sure.. ?
  15. MrTamarian

    The weirdest thing...

    I seem to recall you could fly helicopters ?
  16. MrTamarian

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    There was a respawn button ? I don't get it what happens when they take it out ? Just go and die near zombies.
  17. Should I let it update or not ? Can't find any information on it?
  18. MrTamarian

    I'm abit confused with Steam

    I read a thread a few hours ago about a steam update for ArmA 2 and it had problems. So I decided to check Steam if that was true and it was so I quickly turned it off before it updated I then came here and asked.
  19. MrTamarian

    I'm abit confused with Steam

    Doesn't say anything there, I appreciate the effort though :)
  20. Last night me and another dude decided to loot Elektro as he was running low on blood, we checked all the buildings, we are HEAVILY armed and all of a sudden we see three people headed right for us, they see us and we see them, they yell friendly and we don't intervene. They were heavily armed aswell and it could have easily turned into a blood bath but both parts decided not to be a fucking douche, and we moved on, we weren't followed or anything. So everyone that keeps saying that every single player is hostile is fucking wrong, you don't need to be ultra hostile to succeed in DayZ, contrary to popular belief.
  21. MrTamarian

    People can be friendly

    The shooting on sight way of playing is a disease.
  22. MrTamarian

    People can be friendly

    I love this! MORE THIS.
  23. MrTamarian

    People can be friendly

    I'm not saying you should trust everyone, we had our eyes on them the entire time, so should you with total strangers. I never said that people who play differently are douchebags, I just think people who just shoot on sight are douchebags. There are several other ways to play and I have no problem with that.
  24. MrTamarian

    People can be friendly

    Maybe it was you...?