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Posts posted by MrTamarian

  1. Then maybe you should put a little more.detail into your question. Is it a steam update? An arma2 update? A dayz update? His link is the only update that would be for arma2 and full of info if thats what you are talking about. Otherwise vague is vague.

    I read a thread a few hours ago about a steam update for ArmA 2 and it had problems. So I decided to check Steam if that was true and it was so I quickly turned it off before it updated I then came here and asked.

  2. Me and my friend were in a shed at night, we went outside and got attacked by zombies and ran back inside and locked the door, but in the chaos a random player snuck in. There was a standoff, he stated at us and we stated at him...but no one fired. Then the zombies opened the door and attacked, all three of us started shooting shoulder to shoulder until all zombies were dead, sounds like a good story right? 2 seconds later he shot us both in the head as we had our backs turned.

    Another story was when two people asked me to raid balota airport after I helped from zombie attacks. We searched the hangars, then moved to the top of the tower where they trapped me and cut me down with hatchets.

    I was once willing to trust people but now I trust no one except my friends.

    I'm not saying you should trust everyone, we had our eyes on them the entire time, so should you with total strangers.

    "People who play the game differently than I do are douchebags.". I play friendly and I think you sound like a tool for saying that.

    I never said that people who play differently are douchebags, I just think people who just shoot on sight are douchebags. There are several other ways to play and I have no problem with that.

  3. Last night me and another dude decided to loot Elektro as he was running low on blood, we checked all the buildings, we are HEAVILY armed and all of a sudden we see three people headed right for us, they see us and we see them, they yell friendly and we don't intervene. They were heavily armed aswell and it could have easily turned into a blood bath but both parts decided not to be a fucking douche, and we moved on, we weren't followed or anything. So everyone that keeps saying that every single player is hostile is fucking wrong, you don't need to be ultra hostile to succeed in DayZ, contrary to popular belief.

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