Simple Suggestions that have already been suggested just standing behind them. Make every server you enter have you start off fresh. That will eliminate server hoppers staying in one spot and going server to server to get prime loot. I have on a few occasions spent hours getting to a prime loot spot up north scouting the rooms find it empty only a few seconds later have someone magically appear and kill me. Every server starts you off new. DC'ers want to stop them? here is a suggestions. ALT+F4 should instantly kill you. "what if i loose connection" well the game knows the difference between the two. it tells you when you are loosing connection with a yellow or red broken link. what about people that pull their internet cable to make it appear as if they "lost" connection? well there isn't much that can be done about that. They will DC by pulling the cable wait a few day's go back in and avoid danger. Rocket I would like to see claymores. That would be a lot better than bear traps or wire fencing in my opinion. but make them like the helicopters only allow a certain amount of them at a time. Also how about a different type of game mode. For instance it would be cool if there was a server where you had to register on with up to lets say 100 people. once the map starts with that 100 people no one is allowed in. On that server there is only X amount of loot, guns, and vehicles. if you want to eat and all the beans are gone you have to hunt. once all the ammo is gone it is gone until an ammo drop is randomly made. loot should never respawn on this type of gameplay so it can't be farmed by emptying a building then waiting around till it respawns.