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The Joker (DayZ)

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Everything posted by The Joker (DayZ)

  1. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    you turn your computer off and finally openly admit to your father that you are a homosexual
  2. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    and who is forcing you to play? don't like it don't play. think you can do better go make your own game. quit being a titbag and quit getting butthurt about things you are doing to yourself.
  3. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Hi! Welome to the internet. Apparently you have failed to read the manual on how to properly use the forums on the interwebs. As a friendly reminder when using forums please post all content in its appropriate place on forums. Please follow this link http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/9-dayz-suggestions/ to post ideas and suggestions.
  4. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    It broke your game? you mean you can't play anymore? or did you just figure out hey i could break my legs while doing that. that sucks let me report it with a million exclamation points and demand it be fixed imediatley!!! here is how you handle the bug Step one oops that sucks i broke my leg how did that happen? well i was prone while getting out of there. ok that must have caused my legs to break. ill try to not do that again. after i finnish my session ill go report it and let them know. in the mean while ill keep playing and not go prone while exiting a house and i will not expect anyone to fix the bug by a few hours or days time. it takes time to edit script test it and then put it in a patch. If they patched every little bug you find each time you find it and not wait to patch it with other bugs found we all would be updating the game every minute of the day. that is even if they can script it that fast. dont be an idiot on the internet think before you type.
  5. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Ok once again here is an example of another quite good excuse to "log out" lets run down your list of things. What if you have to pee? dude find a tree and hide i have been playing for almost 2 months never had that problem ever. either you have a small bladder or you are a noob gammer that should know not to drink anything while or before playing so you don't have to go often or even at all. Your GF blabber? tell her to STFU. i never have that problem with my fiance because either she is playing the game with me or watching me play. Laundry? priorities bud priorities either you wear dirty underwear and live or you do the laundry then play. You are making excuses that have no bearing on simply logging out. if you have to piss every hour then you sir have bladder issues. if you log in and out every 10 minutes i am sure your laundry is going to quickly and if your GF is messing with you that much where you have to log out every 5 minutes then spend more time with her and not the game.
  6. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    lol no way no time out for me! i haven't played dayz for almost a week already i never play during updates. I wait until one of my three servers has updated then i play unfortunately all of them have not updated yet. and the only topic is people are trying to find out excuses or work arounds to the end of alt f4 or respawn. i mock them its fun almost a hobby.
  7. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    flamming? lulz and call us what you will buddy ole pal. still make more money doing what i do than you do smoking poles on the corner for a few bucks to pay for your "internet". feed me more troll food please
  8. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Yes i have two children of my own. and if it is an "occasional" abort then you have nothing to worry about. your post made it sound like you have to disconnect every five minutes. if you are going to post questions about things specify a time frame. and my social skills are just fine. this whole being in radio for ten years and being an entertainer and public speaker stuff has pretty much prepaired me for being social. thanks for your concern though good luck with the baby.
  9. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    tell me again where the trophy is when you kill X amount of players? they could mark the kills on the wall with their own feces (aka poop) to keep score. it doesn't matter. they kill so they can have that rush that thrill or just to be a pain in the ass. the score has nothing to do with it. there is a section for making suggestions on this forum. making them on posts about updates are not the place to make suggestions in the first place.
  10. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Highly doubt that. People will still hunt for humans. They will just simply fraps each kill or keep score themselves.
  11. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Not a fan boy, chief. and bugs will happen in alpha you can't just fix things "immediatley!!!" do you even know what programing script looks like? do you know how long it takes to edit it or how it may effect other scripts and cause other bugs? bugs will happen and there is no need to have an immediate fix for anything play the game find a bug report it and keep playing. if it were beta and you paid for the game then i could see having to state the problem with an "ERRRMAGEERRRD BUGS FIX IT IMEDIATLEY!!!! HERP A DERP" go play in the street kid
  12. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    First off You do know this is Alpha right? Second of all You really mean business if you use 3 exclamation points!!!!!!!! very intimidating on the internet..
  13. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    I have come to the conclusion that anyone "concerned" about "loosing connection" or having to abort due to "circumstances" are the one's who DC like little babies. If you actually lose connection then don't worry about it. If you have that many problems with your internet losing connection then i suggest you call your ISP and tell them they are crap. If you are in bad servers then never go back to them. Quit making excuses and play the damn game the way it is made and if you can't play it the way it is made then go play monopoly or CoD. Or make your own damn game and quit using ghetto computers and ISP's.
  14. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    excuses are like assholes everyone has them and they all stink. man up be a dad and spend time with your child they grow up quick. the game isn't more important than being a father.
  15. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Dude you are so pro at gaming that is going to take you so far in life! Your daddy will be so proud of you when you make it in to the pro gamer hall of fame making millions!.... oh wait this just in there is no pro gamer hall of fame and people make millions making games and selling them to people like you..... well i guess that about sums it up Rocket (and game developers) 1 Whiney little bitch that flips burgers at McDonalds (AKA Ejaculacid and every other kid bitching on the forums) 0 that is what you "pro gamers" call GAME OVER
  16. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    true true
  17. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    dude if you are going to bitch about how much a game sucks then why even play it. i think they still have farmville... enjoy and leave.
  18. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    aaaaaaaand someone is forcing you to play this game? you must really be angry about having a small penis and have to be angry about something posted on the internet.....
  19. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    hey you should call the police and report the man holding a gun to your head and forcing you to play.
  20. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Find a server and stick with it. I have three servers i normaly play in when one isn't updated i play the other. i store the loot in one so i start fresh in the other. the loot stay's there in that server. so when it is updated i can have my stuff back and not lose it in an unfamiliar server. find a server and stick with that one or rent your own server.
  21. The Joker (DayZ)

    New Game Type

    I have been playing for over a month now and i have a few suggestions It would be awesome to have a game type that works like this. There are a set number of zombies period. once a zombie is dead that is all no more will respawn but have a large number of zombies to start off with something like 100 zombies (or more) for every one player Same for the players. they register to play the map on that server once it starts they only live once. there is a set number of loot available. in other words once the food is gone the only way to eat is to kill an animal which reproduce unlike zombies. so if you hunt to much then all the food will be gone. only have X amount of guns and loot. with an occasional and rare ammo drop. i think also you should be able to drink from the ponds without the need to have a canteen. i can cup my hands and drink from them. you can not bring loot into the server nor take it out. which reminds me i think it should be like that on every server. once you change servers you can't take the loot from the server you left to the new one.
  22. The Joker (DayZ)

    New Game Type

    OH AND CLAYMORES!!!! that would be awesome!
  23. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    I play on several different servers i have vehicles and loot on each i can't take the cars trucks bikes or bicycles with me. same should be for the loot. if you want to have a consistent server then rent one. the best part of the game is finding the loot. and that is just an opinion though. going to a different server and starting fresh will keep loot farmers and server hoppers out. It sucks to be in a server at a prime time when no one is on and i run all the way to NW airfield for two hours watching people log in and out log in and out get to the NW airfield and see that it has been looted out by hoppers.
  24. The Joker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    What about wiping tent's when a person alt 4's? or even wiping it when a person dies?