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Everything posted by arx

  1. I make an example.. i was patroling the hillside between otmel and kruskoy cap the other day, picking off 3 people heading in the direction of elektro. i had total advantage so i am able to fire normally. then i see this guy coming straight through the woods towards me. i dived behind a tree and that cunt just keeps running past. he stops occasionally for a second then continues along the slant of the wooded hill. So i lined up the ironsights, or at least tried. except that i cant do that shit because i have the freaking shakes in RL. my heart is POUNDING. so i follow this guy directly behind him about 30meters away along the hillside. i keep stopping, crouching and trying to aim but i am so nerve wrecked i cant guarantee the kill (even with a freaking AK). so i have to keep following and closing in closer each time he stops (probably alt tabbing out to check a map).. eventually i close the gap to 10 meters and open up. it was such a thrill ya know. it isnt all the time. but i have never had this experience in any other game. its possibly due to building up loot and the bastard of dying, possibly due to the immersive atmosphere of the game either way thats awesome that a game can make me feel like i am about to really fight
  2. yea true zombies dont agro even firing it close nearby. i wouldnt say they made it so players could hear it for balancing in the sense that crossbow would be overpowered otherwise. its realistic that players can hear it. it should probably be louder, or at least the actual sound of a crossbow firing :)
  3. i guess u havent played online with someone whilst using the crossbow. my friend could hear me shooting mine from downstairs when he was on the 3rd floor of a residential building in cherno. he asked if i was firing, everytime i fired at the zombies. i havent heard what it sounds like someone else myself the sound isnt realistic either. i could record it for rocket if he likes. its a lot harsher
  4. how about a laser? that would make for fun at night or the evenings. well the field tip will have higher range and accuracy every time because the surface area of its front its perfected dynamically for the flight. and a 22 inch bolt with a lead tip is no joke sure. to the head that is nearly always lethal. i just mean for body shots i guess. broadheads would make that more realistic which seems fair since the other weapons take into account the damage of their ammunition. i read last that the ingame crossbow was accurate to 30m. with fieldtips it should be way beyond that, even with broadheads
  5. true, never considered this at all! one other thought was that the bolts seem to be field tips which would not be instantaneously lethal even to medium game in most cases. they are field tips after all and for target practice. they should at least stick a 2 bladed broadhead on, something basic and survivalish. the crossbow needs to be a 1 hit kill weapon to be even remotely attractive compared to any ingame firearm, so make it a bit more likely with broadheads. either that or reduce the high end guns availabilty.
  6. needs a scope. mine has one and is good for 80 meter accuracy. if they add a quiver that will be cool for reducing inventory slots of ammo. but notice that when you select pistol, while carrying a crossbow, the animation is such that the player has the xbow over his shoulder, between the cable and limb. this is extremely uncomfortable and not practical with what appears to be that exact xbow, in rl. so adding a quiver will make that same animation fucked up. the quiver would be passing through the back of the player, with the bolts too. to rectify this they should put it so the crossbow is attached to the back of the players backpack. this is how it is done practically
  7. ok bro. are u gonna nail a squirrel to the ground for us? been there man, its a golden age just avoid eating any guts, most of all those of an animal you didnt kill
  8. i remember that convincing auto-biography now.. went something like i lolled hard
  9. arx

    Wow... i really cant believe it.

    I wasnt shooting at them. I shot at him once with a cz 550 and that one shot instantly killed him because it was recorded. You can not alt tab, bring up task manager, click a program and end process faster than the debug monitor records your death. point is, he, or a script, didnt successfully alt f4 to save himself. he was killed. but in that instant also disappeared, taking his dead body and gear with
  10. arx

    Wow... i really cant believe it.

    I hear what ppl are saying about getting that one shot kill. But the gear still disappears. i got that kill recorded in the debug monitor so i know it wasnt lag or whatever. i killed his ass instantly. i would suggest this is some sort of damage detection script
  11. arx

    Wow... i really cant believe it.

    I experienced this for the first time last night. What you are talking about, this insta alt f4... My friend and I met up at the top of the quarry near Solichy on DE 666 on prepared coords. To our surprise a truck drove out of the quarry beneath us, almost immediately. We didnt fire as it left. We noticed there was also a bus in the quarry, that we checked and it had no fuel. So we waited, expecting the truck to come back with fuel. Instead 2 guys suddenly appear at the bottom of the quarry and go straight upto the bus to fill it with fuel. I am using a CZ550 and my friend an AK. We have them totally scoped out and they have no idea we are there. We both fire. The one I shot (a gillie) disappeared instantly, although i did get the kill. The other one i saw in the scope was shot and also disapeared. My friend didnt get that kill record. These guys had just been filling the bus with fuel and were probably teamspeaking prior to getting in it, totally chilling. We fired simultaneously and they disappeared in that same split second i am confident we still fucked up their day, but it was very annoying not to get their gear. so we nailed that bus with an Ak mag for the lols
  12. really did not notice these prior to the patch, are they new? if a zed or player is nearby there is a small white cloudy blob on the side of the screen. if there are lots, then there are lots of these blobs. it isnt audio spotting like in bf3, its worse. as they dont even have to make noise. was just wondering if rocket sees white blobs at the sides of his eyes when a person is behind him to one side? no? i only play vet servers or exp and these blobs are still there. its fairly hard to ignore them and it completely detroys immersion, making it all feel a bit gamey. we should see more and more of these retarded features as the standanxbox nears completion
  13. yes pretty much i found a bike and even on that, every time i reach a medium/high value its empty. so would have to run off and come back, the zombies appear along with the loot. in the end learned to stop about 100m before the target and dismount and go on foot. its a measure which i think reduces immersion, even tho it may well slow down a server hopping looter it doesnt stop it. ppl just have to be more patient, run away, come back, etc. in the meanwhile if you are looting via vehicle or even running on foot, being legit, heaps of buildings are empty and you have to do the same running back and forth thing a server hopper would
  14. man that blows, hard i really hadnt noticed it until yesterday but since then its something i cant ignore. now to know a player could suss me this way its worse. i think peripheral vision aide would be wrong tho. for example if you are staring down your iron sights at a barn, because you know someone is in there and you keep staring there hard.. then someone at the top right of yoru screen crawls out of another building. if you saw that you have good peripheral vision. if you failed to see if you have bad peripheral vision. either way no white dots are needed because its all happening on your screen this white blob shit is more a field of vision aide. or magic aide. whatever, it just sucks
  15. arx

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    well comparitavely, relatively, to other games like this, its realistic. to what extent was saving private ryan realistic? you know there were cameramen everywhere so its ok to say thats not realistic? of course dayz is not just a post apocalyptic survival setting but also one with zombies. the zombie part really removes realism, if you mean it in that sense. but as i understood it, in film and literature, zombies represent the unprepared hoardes during a major global catastrophe which leads to the end of the world as we know it. maybe for you they should replace the zombies with straight up AI civilians to keep the realism but i er dunno about that...
  16. arx

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    why do you need 12k? if you are seen first you are dead. only thing thats gonna save u is how bad the adversary is, not if you have 10k or 12k
  17. arx

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    good to hear how about not being able to hear well or see colours properly? that shits a fairly big reminder you need blood
  18. not sure tbh! i will try it tonight with a friend. if its just zombies i still feel it needs to go. when turning from side to side, crawling yesterday, it was just stupid having a bunch of white dots switch from left to right, moving up and down. wtf
  19. if you go to the optician and take that eye test where you put your head in a machine and stare directly at the red dot right in front of you, you have to press the button as green dots appear in your peripheral vision.. as in, the dots which appear around the red dot you are staring at. peripheral vision doesnt mean whats behind you. you arent pressing the button every time the optician moves around behind you, when your head is in that machine just seems retarded you could close in on someone for a stealthy kill, then have them swing around and nail you because of this bullshit feature. if they wont remove it for vet/exp, you should still be able to play with it disabled by choice - even if thats a disadvantage.
  20. i hope they are out, along with the saw. there should be more primitive weaponary, given the post apocalyptic scenario. the scopes should stay on cz550 or whatever, but its just too much military equipment for the context as is. who is gonna bother with possible survival weapons like bow/spear/other ideas, when there is so much military gear also? the crossbow is a fine example. at first your like wow, then realise you better not use that
  21. arx

    Gamescom - Aug 2012 - Interviews

    Ignoring the other jibberish; Pls quote what you say from this interview. What I read is that they are developing the game to a point whereupon it can be ported. With this in mind, the size of the map and the compexity of the game will have to be massively nerfed to run ona 360. If EA GAMES havent got the time or money to make two completely seperate games, why do you think BIS has? This concept had to be PC only to work and it isnt. I was a major fanboy of the concept of this mod. But I have seen countless other ideas go down this same shitty route. What he says is irrelevant anyway. Its going to be on consoles. Thats game, set and match for the concept of this mod. At least i was accepted for world of warplanes closed beta today, so not really gonna notice the hype and dumbeddown product when it happens
  22. It used to be worth holding out for this game, because of the concept of it - what it would be if the problems were resolved. We were able to entrust in BIS and Rocket, that these were the hardcore PC game no BS people. Now it's out the bag that their small team will produce a standalone which will work on both a PC and an xbox, I'm out. Well I will be playing the mod occasionally perhaps. But I just got accepted for World of Warplanes closed BETA - which i am DLing now.
  23. arx

    Gamescom - Aug 2012 - Interviews

    Not at all bro, just read this closely 1. Admits consoles are gonna fuck it up 2. Says development will happen with a view to porting to a 360. 3. Admits its loadsa money I know he put in some other shit about adding "layers of compexity" - but thats bullshit. This interview screams it out; this idea is dead
  24. arx

    Gamescom - Aug 2012 - Interviews

    wow. so the development of standalone will be based upon its ability to run on a 360. one product for all. what a fucking idiot. he fucked it up. oh well, mod is decent as is :)
  25. christ ppl, stop comparing your pcs performance on that piece of shit bf3 with that of a game like arma bf3 is just gimmicky gfx. probably runs alright on the snes