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Everything posted by arx

  1. boohoo they have server wide hacks on bf3, that kill all ppl. wallhacking is rife as fuck in bf3 and cod. the industry, and it is an industry, is worth millions of dollars. ppl only troll-cheating in dayz to get the reaction on the forum. the threads are part the reason it happens so roll down your war banner. btw i only got thunderdom'd once the whole time. so i find these threads both irrelevant and very annoying clutter
  2. arx

    Is this a starving game?!

    I kill people in supermarkets all the time. You can find me up in that tower overlooking the front door
  3. for how many years have you been making anticheat programs if you are 18 now?
  4. You should only be able to make player steaks if your Hunger bar is flashing red and you are losing blood. This is when it would happen realistically
  5. IF they add in cannibalism what i want to know is can i make a steak out of you before you wake up?
  6. "DO IT" PS. Australia has a history deeply stepped in cannibalism i.e. Alexender Pearce
  7. arx

    Cowardly players (SoGG Clan.)

    Its pathetic only because part of the fun of being in a clan would be reorganising/picking up a new spawn after someone dies. if they are just gonna be alive 100% of the time picking off noobs how is it possibly immersive or fun? They know they wont die. And with clan mates he could just tool up right out of their backpacks.. stupid
  8. True that. The crossbow would be better with a quiver underneath. I figure bundles of 3 or 5 beats high availability of single bolts with many zeds between
  9. KO is awesome part of the game best part is to wait for the person you shot to wake up eventually, then finish them
  10. Yea me and a buddy yesterday were in a small room (bad idea) whilst bandaging from chasing zeds. we were keeping them out the room okay.. but then a zombie charged through the WALL - straight through us both - killing both ;/ i had a lot of health..this hasnt happened before
  11. Even tho I have this exact crossbow in RL and I expected it to be my primary weapon, in the end i never pick it up or use it. Bolts should be in bundles of 3. Then I would pick it up.. right now its just useless for zombie hoardes. it may have been decent before the patch but now i would take a hachet anyday. in fact i would take a hatchet over any other weapon in the game (guns just attract players). seems fucked, since melee isnt so perfect, but still melee weapon wins
  12. arx

    Stary Sobor dead?

    Yea i also swerve well clear of stary every time because i have died there twice to players, just going from shop to shop. fuck stary. if you are that far north and lookin for loot may as well go to the airfield
  13. Just not true from my experience. A player could be anywhere. Yesterday I was trying to take a bus north and was trying to pass through Rogovo (little northern place).. had some difficulty passing a road block..then i realise my tyres are down. was just about to get out and see if i had bust them on the roadblock when a sniper round hits the front window. then i hear pistol shots. This was on a server with 4/50 when i joined just earlier. ppl could be anywhere
  14. you seem to be a tad ...gay he never said the engine was inflexible so you misquoted him. weird...gay..guy
  15. i hacked in a crack pipe
  16. yeah but this patch broke the good computers, bro
  17. Honestly, I encounter heaps of ammo - but rarely any weapons by comparison. And if i get a weapon i will pass heaps and heaps of unrelated ammo, ending up running out of said weapon's ammo, then will find a new weapon the ammo for which i passed ages ago. it is too hard for the honest mucker tbh, with struggling to get the freaking matches, water, food, not get raped by zeds or sniped - all without a vehicle. i had my first vehicle today for a few hours. it was laughably different to my experience thus far. i ran over, purposefully and accidently, over 60 zeds. The zeds cant damage the bus or me. I tooled up from one end of the map to the other. Made me think.. this game is a totally different experience for the clan guys..not to mention the hackers. with their tents and vehicles on the one hand and spawning any weapon on the other. and you wanna roll back the ammo for legit cunts struggling on the coast? yea, make that shit harder again, increase the have/have not rate.
  18. arx

    lack of servers recently?

    update your shit bros but even then - there are less servers. put this down to hackers/bad patch with weapon nerf imo
  19. arx

    Weapon Nerfing

    These changes to weapon realism are shocking and saddening. I dont understand why they would do that, when the mod became popular as it WAS. It's shit right now. Very
  20. Arma 3 has underwater environment + fish. How hard could it be to add in a rod to dangle over the side? The fish attract to the line, get one, cook, eat. another way to eat, done golden
  21. arx

    Steam update for arma 2

    i updated dayz via dayz commander then had an error message from battle eye. so i went into steam and woe betide, it just starts redling the patch.. i pressed pause but the game wouldnt launch anymore.so i updated the whole thing again. then more kicks still about battleeye. i verified both arma and opa several times until it finally dled some missing file for each. loaded dayz commander again and finally it was good
  22. Well they could use the dams which are present right now and perhaps for sea fishing you have to be out at sea and dangling from a boat. we need rowing boats to go fishing in. more environment stuffs! possible to use player flesh as bait?
  23. check out survival stories it's not unknown to eat the dead or even cannibalise to eat when you are really hungry - almost dead yourself. Other day I was flashing for hunger and had a knife. I was running along with hachets with this random I met and I know in RL i woulda just bashed him on the head and taken out the hunting knife and gone to work yo joke?