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Everything posted by arx

  1. yes, everyone can see these are multi account trolls. i dont believe they are in the pay of warz because it doesnt exist (at least as what that marketing claimed it is), even as the cartoony shitty game it would be. i just think they are very sad fucks with not much else to do. just keep playing and enjoying yourself dont let the smacktards get to you bro
  2. i had a gg on a server with about 30 ppl today UK 120, was on there for about 4 hours. very gg lol at op
  3. awesome responses on this , i wonder if the flight or fight rush in RL in battle situation/a fight could be better controlled (or focused like lennsk experiences) by repeated exposure to the sensation through this engine and does that factor into the military's use of such software? in this sense as Powell says, you just "get used to it" but without being at RL risk
  4. arx

    To the hackers,

    exactly this. i have only been hacked out twice and both times sure i felt the need to come here and describe it all. but somehow i was able to hold back, which meant the hacker wasnt finding his report on the forum. shame for him
  5. i understood from rockets interview that he will use the arma 3 material & engine. he said it plainly and thank god too, because there's fuck all else for the job i too cant wait for WarZ, so the cartoon corridor action kiddies can kindly fuck off
  6. I also have only encountered hacking twice and continue to find it worth playing like hundreds of thousands of others
  7. arx

    population on the decline?

    Would you say you are a glass half empty sort of person then?
  8. I am not with the OP on this one. Keep at it Rocket. Long hard road but keep at it i have no advice for the op he has made his mind up and doesnt play anymore and that appears to be that
  9. arx

    population on the decline?

    we have a winner
  10. sorry, i just dont get these problems is this an american thing? maybe EA games is sabotaging to get you boys back on the elite milk
  11. dont be surpised. if you look carefully you will notice the vast majority of posters say they either havent encountered hacking, have encountered it once or twice. The majority dont find it a problem enough to distract from discussion about the actual mod. Then you have a select few, who have many accounts. They keep getting banned and coming back. These kids are prolly hacking themselves then raging about it. They are just out to troll. They never were the kind of ppl to enjoy this game and they feel ashamed to go back to what is designed for them ("AAA" shooters, which are of course packed to the hilt with hackers). So they wage a war online, or at least think they do. usually theres about 300 to 400 ppl checking out this page.. the rest of the ppl are playing dayz and may have only come here once or twice if at all, so their "work" goes unheeded by all but those with similar psychological difficulties
  12. More likely is the ppl bitching non stop about a problem few of us encounter is that they are frustrated at the patience and intelligence required for this game. Furthermore their daddys PC doesnt run it very well and simply wont buy another. BUT THEY PAID FOR DAYZ.. so they gonna bitch i had a great game earlier. gonna play later you kiddywinks can keep pretending you are something powerful and special by demanding we should all be unable to play something you cant handle. wont happen
  13. You have to understand its a minority of the players, a very small minority, on numerous accounts in some cases, who are doing this. They themselves are undoubtedly hacking now too. They want to feel important, conning themselves that they are breaking this trend and will redirect the herd. problem is, there is no herd here except for ppl like them.
  14. better idea is to slit your wrists op
  15. arx


    go play warz like your gonna do? why are people so obsessed with doing what other people are doing YEAH MAN BOYCOTT THIS GAYME AND PRIPARE FOR WARZ SPEREAD THE WOERD fucking losers
  16. these trading threads are occupying valuable THIS MOD IS DYING or HACKER thread spaces even this thread is occupying an important complaint, which would have otherwise no doubt had profound consequences on the direction of this mod
  17. Whats this supposed to mean?
  18. What? Where exactly did you come across information that the standalone uses another engine? Rocket said last night in an interview a standalone would be on the Arma 3 engine. And even that is just -hopeful - speculation on his part. BIS would have to want to do it, to begin with. There is no other engine like it. Standalone (more likely a beta mod) will be on the Arma 3 engine, or it won't exist. So I am not sure where you are getting this from. Dayz is a mod for Arma 2. Everything you see in game is from Arma 2. Dayz is fan made mod. Hello
  19. arx

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    i really wish some people would realise the impact of their purchasing or not purchasing dayz/arma 3/warz/other for 30/40bucks is not like Japan banning arma or whatever. its just hilarious to see ppl continuously threaten a digital-brick wall on the internet with not paying or not paying for two different products that dont exist and even for sueing for a product they didnt buy
  20. This The worst thing about all this hatred on BIS and Arma, talking about conning people into buying a game and other idiocy is because this company support modding more than any other game company. All the mods for Arma are totally free. It's not paid for DLC. the staff directly support modders on their forums. its been shitty to read the stuff coming out of here. some people are raging so hard but have no idea what the fuck they are talking about, what they bought or terminology or anything. there is no other engine that can do this and in the end its people that cause the problems not the engine. you cant pull another engine out a hat. its just a case of 1) Enjoy the mod as much as you can 2) Quit and fuck off nothing you say here will change shit. it wont whip the devs into action. it wont make everryone quit with you. i mean if a BIS guy came on and said we arent changing shit for Arma 3, how would you then initiate this leaving the project to die idea of yours? how will you stop me loading up that cunt and playing it and enjoying it?
  21. arx

    What a h**king joke...

    this is it nailed it bro
  22. i managed a couple of sentences almost sounds like cRy anyway, only experienced cheating twice. i love the game and think you're a fucking retard cheers for thread tho mind your ass on the way out
  23. arx

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    LOL you didnt buy an engine what an obsessive pathetic aspie you are ps. sure sounds like that bullshitting shit kicker, cRy
  24. arx

    Negativity & the Experiment

    being a pussy dont make you smart or an intellectual btw ppl talk like this generally in australia so you'd be fucked down under stop trying to impose a PG13 on us and get over it. its just fucking words. there, fuck. you see, it starts with shit like that - words. bad words. once one thing is okay the context of censorship, things only gather pace. you should know this by looking at the brave new world around you anyway, good news is that there are mods but they seemingly believe in total free speech. yet another unique thing about dayz