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Everything posted by arx

  1. arx

    Global Banned?!?

    read icomrade
  2. just a thought that blackpowder can be made without modern society. just as lead can be cast (if you can scavenge lead). its a really big idea to incorporate but to have a blackpowder revolver, shotgun and rifle would be cool. you would need to collect bags of BP (or have even more complexity for making it), lead balls, caps. accuracy would not be bad and there would be heaps of smoke, which would kick ass frankly
  3. arx

    Global Banned?!?

    There ios 0% chance of that, as its impossible. that was made up out of thin hot air during the false positive ban. so its not that.
  4. The game doesnt need spamming with more firearms and ammo. it needs more primitive weapons. - a bow. fires completely differently to a crossbow requiring different skill - slingshot. headshot could KO someone. well techincally it should kill but for the sake of teh game a KO would make it lol enough - knife. obviously - spear. fucking awesome
  5. Well without sidechat, which majority of servers are, the hacker has no way to enjoy mass killing the whole server - except evidently to go to the forums I cant imagine why mass murder is popular in this and other games. Back in my day if you wanted to troll you could do it easily without hacking. i remember swat 4. for some time i amused myself tazering friendlies at the start of a map. sometimes i could hold 10 friendlies down at once for several minutes. heaps of satisfaction via VOIP/chat. in the end would get kicked or banned. then move on. in battlefield 2 it was a fucking riot to get some friends in a helicopter and smash into friendly tanks at a certain angle to get the tank driver banned for TKs. so consider dayz, a game where it is so fucking easy to troll someone in game without cheats. you could offer a noob help and show him the way deep into a forest then shoot his legs out and be a nasty bastard on VOIP. but no, these fagtards have to dl hacks to get a insta kill? whats wrong with todays trolls? no imagination? i figure its because their PCs fucking suck. they cant enjoy the game properly, even trolling ingame, so they resort to hax
  6. arx

    End Game / Nothing to do

    sounds like the right move aussiestig i have read ppl talking about how in reality "gearing up up north" doesnt mean just trekking to the airfield. it means trekking to the airfield and then spending hours upon hours "farming" - i.e. server hopping an empty airfield.. so OF COURSE when they have done that the 3rd or 4th time they dont want to die to a hacker or lose it to anyone again so you sit back and call end game thats the "work". the work is a kind of tedious farming play you make yourselves do and which isnt how the game was designed to be played. dont do it and the game (particularly dying) wont feel like work. i personally havent even held most the arma guns in dayz
  7. do it. it's "alpha" right. anyway, the "legit" high end gear guys die occasionally to hackers anyway. seems like a good a time as any to reset.
  8. arx

    End Game / Nothing to do

    strange, never happened to me i havent been completely kitted out more than once, when i killed someone who was completely kitted out. i have never farmed or server hopped map corners/nwa etc. certainly no duping. for this reason i am far from endgame
  9. arx

    [IDEA] Enable side chat with a new item?

    if they add it in i sure wont pick one up chatspam ruins immersion
  10. just came across DE 88, busy server with side chat on. i am with the immersion crowd. it was crappy. scrolling text makes it feel too gamey. too common. moved on post haste
  11. i havent had this punishment yet. I have however had the punishment of being KO for about 5 minutes. Other day I was running along when some guys pulled up on a motorbike doing doughnuts. i was just watching and saying LOL when battle eye lost contact with me and i got kicked. i came back on immediately and as i passed out saw the bike lying there ( i figure this server was having a BE problem at that moment). really wanted to get that bike and waited the whole timer, then server restarts. back to topic.. i always make a point of waiting several minutes before trying to join another server if ctrlaltdel for a thunderdome event. wait before joining. that is only way to explain. i also switch servers occasionally just to play vs more ppl and again wait several minutes before joining. try this if you havent. if u have i dunno i am glad there is some attempt to stop ghosting, hopping etc tho. its within the framework of arma 2 really. hope for better in future standalone, it shall happen imo
  12. arx


    Theres some great lighthouses and bridges in this area just listen for the flies, there is usually a small pile
  13. I had to get a USB keyboard for my laptop because the latter was starting to make a whirring sound when holding down W lol..
  14. arx

    Haters gonna hate (AS50)

    a friend and i managed to steal one of these from a sniper who broke his leg and bled out on the mountain between elektro and cherno. he actually had a sniper buddy with him but he had his head too far down the scope to realise we stole that shit whilst his buddy was running back i guess. they were poor shots tho, i mean really poor, so i call duped on that shit later that day i lost the as50 and thats a wrap
  15. good idea, if duping is fixed then wipe that shit clean
  16. But the way it reloads is more realistic than what you propose. This would be like arcade shooters if i understand what you mean. where you fire a few bullets, reload and "magically" in a split second you pull out the mag, pull out a full mag, plunk 15 or so rounds out of said mag and then click them into the one you want to use - leaving the half used one in your backpack. right? i prefer system as is. i mean its disabled only because you pressed reload. so the feature exists to decide what mag to use. just get out the habit of hitting reload after a short burst. that way you can keep using your 15rd mag because you havent reloaded it
  17. I pushed a fact. GUID spoofing and stealing your CD key getting you banned is bullshit. its even more bullshit we get the DLC EA games guy in here trying to spread his shit about too. guess he was wrong huh, or his ass would still be banned
  18. yawn. more bs. yes the anti cheat team over at BE really need assistance from someone who may or may not have helped developed a dlc delivery program? for games which are infested with hackers? stop trying to look pro, ea games are dirt. sort out your own backyard (oh wait you dont work in that area)
  19. I dont see any sort of rubuttal there about origin being dlc delivery system. so what the fuck would you know? evidently nothing, so dont proliferate the bollox about guid spoofing then you should be ashamed to work at ea games. most hated company in the USA after all. someone like you is likely to cheat surely
  20. few points i clicked your name and there is no trail to follow also, origin isnt what fights hacking in bf3 - its punkbuster. origin is for delivering DLC. that was the most obvious give away you are full of shit, because you attempted to suggest it was about security and if anything it is bloatware that poses a security risk. you have also just said ea games employers would be fired for hacking. that is something only a teenager at best could come up with. on the on hand they use cheats to determine updates and on the other they would never terminate a contract for hacking on a video game. its obvious. you are a multi accounter. you are trying to pose as a security expert from the big boy company to further troll the forum just not buying it. and anyway, you came here talking shit about origin to then backup the claims cd keys were being stolen by hackers. eee wrong,
  21. An apology for pulling up some bullshit about hackers using your cdkey ? or a guys story about origin and that meaning what he says is true? i wont be apologising for any of that
  22. defeat of your logic and the fallacy of everything you have written
  23. ROFL. now that is an admission
  24. do you mean dmex? the guy who came in here derailing about Origin to further the dereail about cd key theft? that really informative bullshit was helping you somehow? get a clue
  25. Sure wasnt me who brought up Origin or sustained the conversation at first. It was suggested employment history there implied knowledge of BE/Arma or security in general? Its some shitty bloatware? I for one saw some holes in that story and i spoke out. deal with it bro Strange because as I said I beat them to the statement on cdkey, I already knew this as a fact because I am familiar with the series prior to DayZ. I also wrote it about 20 pages back, before today. i am literally rubbing my nose in your face right now, eskimo style