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Everything posted by arx

  1. I have also been encountering continuous areas with no loot at all or just crappy stuff. usually just empty. just happening a lot more now. maybe this story about despawning if you spawn into that area is partly the explanation
  2. Also having graphics problems since the patch, but it was fine before. GT540M Thanks for this advise I will try it out as my vid mem is set to v high also
  3. This thread fucking stinks. The OP thinks he speaks on behalf of all people, which is a disgusting narcassistic trait. He comes here to speak to Arma, a mod dev team and us all to WARN US TO TAKE HEED BROTHER FOR I HAVE A VISION... Cheating is in every game. There is also a massive server hack in BF3, which can kill everyone in the server and happens. Hacking in arma won't get fixed. If it was fixed, hackers would unfix it. And the more you make retarded posts and threads like this the more hacking there will be. Do you realise the hackers look at the forums for amusement? I think Bohemia will be fine, they have been in business for a long time. They have earned a mint from this sidekick, side-show production, so far. They have nothing to lose in just letting the game die off, or, as you say, ppl eventually moving to "warZ'. On which point don't you ppl get it that WarZ was a promotional fucking screenshot of a nonexistant game. Some fatcat suits realised DayZ was popular and made a pussy assed presentation with a laser pointer saying how they could capitalise on this untouched part of the market etc etc and just LOOK at the great response we got to this Concept-Art screenshot online --- So now they can get the financial backing to make a rushed out the door shitty game which will be no better than L4d. The graphics on that screenshot scream out xbox360 but it claims a 200km map and over 200 players per server? ROFL. Good FUCKING luck. a load of BULLSHIT HYPE and i have seen it before. its a marketing ploy whilst the "big boys" seek money to casualise this emergent genre. you'd do well to stop talking about Warz and hackers both
  4. agreed that matches (and imo also canteens, hunting knives) should replace all of the empty fucking tin cans and yes the games fucked if you are solo because another player needs to apply morphine/bloodbag. gl relying on a noob stranger to do that
  5. Russians arent a race. If he had said stay away from those infected Slav servers you would have a (pussy) point to make maybe, but he didnt generalising is fine anyway. Russians do cheat en masse, amongst their other nationalistic attributes (perhaps not amongst male makeup wearing Russians who are so INDIVIDUAL MAN (that they have to look like a particular shared gothic brand) .. but on the WHOLE, yes you can generalise about people and peoples. you need to take a real job in a real country and sort your head out mate
  6. You won't get Arma 3 for free whether the game is released standalone on Arma 2 or Arma 3, because it would be a standalone not a mod for either of those games. It's fucking simple. Who gives a damn what you don't buy? Why are you speculating such pointless drivel? So many idiots here seem to think Arma owes them something and that DayZ is the basis of Arma or something. You are all idiots. This engine has been around a long time and you didn't know and you didn't know because you can't handle it. You can't handle the complexity of Arma or its system requirements. GTFO if you have a problem and stfu
  7. Why would you suspect the meaning of Standalone has suddenly changed ? It hasn't. If Dayz "moves onto another" engine it will most definately be the Arma 3 engine. Yes, you may get better graphics on Batman or BF or whatever, but make no mistake that the environment which you find yourself in in Dayz is not possible on those or any other engine. So basically you are speculating entirely that the meaning of standalone has changed and then further speculating that either the game will completely change engine (to an unidentified non-existant one) or, even better, they will work from the ground up an engine that can do everything the Arma engine can do JUST for the sake of it and for FREE. Yeah. You get paid when you SELL IT. It would take a considerable amount of time and money to make a brand new engine. I just can't believe you are talking this much imaginary bullshit and trying to worm out of it. And it is on topic. It destroys the topic because the topic totally misunderstands standalone.
  8. Bullshit. Just LAUGHABLE. I know exactly what it means because it has ALWAYS meant what I said. How old are you morons, spouting this shite? Has nobody come along in all this time to explain what a standalone is?? Do you people really think there will be a whole new engine for DayZ when he says DayZ will be standalone? You moronic?? or what?? I give up, if you want to keep pretending and talking shit around the tea cup table do as you wish
  9. Wrong. You do not understand the term standalone - it's not as simple as breaking the word into two. Do you have ANY idea how many STANDALONE GAMES ran on the Quake engine? Half-life engine? Unreal Engine? They are STANDALONE in that they do not require the previous installation of a different game which fronts for the said engine. Hence - a STANDALONE Dayz will not require Arma to be installed but will STILL be using the Arma engine. Anything else is bullshit. There is no other engine that can do this.
  10. I just did. It will be on the Arma 2 map or more likely the Arma 3 map. The map you are playing on in Dayz was not made by the Dayz people. It is the Arma 2 map. And for the fucknuts saying "we need a new engine" - what hope is there when the present engine was in practice possibly before you were born (OFP) and has had all this time to advance to its current state? None, especially with no money behind it. It's Arma. Arma.
  11. I guess I would like the map to be either the Arma 2 map or Arma 3 map, because there is absolutely no choice and you people seem to have no concept of what standalone means in the context of DayZ. but, by all means, continue to delude yourselves
  12. arx

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    oh boohoo In other news, today me and a friend were unarmed in Elektro running around the church being tailed by zombies and out of the blue appears another Player who starts shooing the Zeds with his double barrel. Didn't say anything on comms. Just saved us and disappeared mysteriously. So fucking get over it.
  13. When I picked up the crossbow in game it bore an uncanny resemblance to my RL crossbow the Barnett Revolution. It seems to be the exact model - and just like my own with the front sight removed for the benefit of a scope. So i looked at it on someone else and am now certain it's the same one. pretty awesome ;D http://imageshack.us/f/838/p1020010b.jpg/
  14. "We need a new engine" etc all of you entitled spunknuts shut the fuck up and gtfo you cant make another engine like arma, what it is is what it is and threads like this are so full of shit ok cheaters ruining games wow. shut the fuck up already, nobody is going to serve you a better engine than arma which is cheat proof for breakfast
  16. arx

    Arma 2 AO Down?

    now working fully (six launcher) required update
  17. arx

    Arma 2 AO Down?

    Sixlauncher is displaying the servers for a split second before the list goes blank again
  18. arx

    This is the MOST antisocial game ever

    anti social?? do you have any idea what i would do to someone complaining about anti social behaviour in a post apocalyptic environment?
  19. standalone doesnt mean Rocket is gonna make a brand new engine which has realtime realsize epic map with bullet physics etc, just like in the ARMA engine, for free or otherwise surely the standalone will be on the arma 2 or 3 engine. there is no other engine that can do this shit on this scale
  20. Dayz runs great on my laptop, using the arma engine. You must have a shitty assed rig? I dont think there will be an exodus because yes the big developers will see there is money to be made in this area but they will still fuck it up with things like a shitty unreal HUD, childish character models, neon markers all over the place, the map would be fucking small and chokey. they will fuck it up..just another L4D/killer floor clone.
  21. arx

    No Servers Appearing

    its shitty alright
  22. arx

    UK01, butthurt.

    You fell for it, then DC'd, according to your own post? You are here to seek confirmation it was a cool thing to do and no it was not, your character should have died or ran.
  23. arx

    UK01, butthurt.

    Its a totally valid tactic to bait humans with a bus or any other such thing, to make them expose themselves to a elevated position where the dude is hiding. you were totally in the wrong for disconnecting - if at anything you should have ran away, not DC. this kinda thing is called an "ambush" popular in wars/social breakdowns legit
  24. Actually when I first heard of Dayz this is precisely how I expected the game to be.. If not that the player always sleeps/sits in that position until logging back in then certainly he should remain there for 30 seconds or so because that gives a good reason to find a safe place to log out as well as of course avoiding ppl quitting to save themselves from combat. I am quite shocked this system is not implemented already
  25. arx

    Truth Time Rockett

    15 - 22 year olds.. lol i guess this is when the kid started gaming himself and when he plans to retire by and be bigger and better than games by .. ? Arma is full of old cunts. Just so you know. Direction sucks. Any direction. Sandbox, bitch.