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Everything posted by FishGuts4Lunch

  1. FishGuts4Lunch

    Where to find SKS?

    I'm finding the SKS all over the place. Too often if you ask me. On one server this morning I found 4 in a single town.
  2. FishGuts4Lunch

    I'm new here

    Here is a list of the keyboard commands: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169808-default-keyboard-settings-list/
  3. FishGuts4Lunch

    Default Keyboard Settings List

    Updates list to version 0.34.115106
  4. FishGuts4Lunch

    How to avoid being killed by bandits?

    Stop being such a prick. Many people on this server speak english as a second or even third language. They make a few mistakes but so what as long as they get their message across. I speak 4 myself, 2 of them as a native. How good is your German, Russian, French or Greek?
  5. FishGuts4Lunch

    protector box disapeared

    In the past I have had much trouble with ammo boxes and storage boxes disappearing from my inventory. Having said that, I have been toting the same 3 storage boxes, an ammo box and a first aid kit around foa a number of days now without losing them.
  6. FishGuts4Lunch


    I always enjoyed the rain in the Dayz mod. Of course getting wet meant getting cold and needing to build a fire to warm up of find shelter. Still, it gave the game an extra demention it enjoyed
  7. FishGuts4Lunch

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    I think we have enough weapons for now. How about some fish in the streams and lakes or on the coast. Craft a spear or a net and catch em and eat them. Make a few types of the fish poison that make you sick if you eat them and have the fish spoil after an hour or two.
  8. FishGuts4Lunch

    how many servers do you play on?

    I play on about three
  9. FishGuts4Lunch

    What's Going On With Loot?

    I played for an hour last night and had the feeling that loot was slightly more abundant than befor the patch. Has loot started spawning in the airfield tents again?
  10. FishGuts4Lunch

    Mosin Recoil Balancing

    That is about how it works in real life as well if you are shooting anything with a bit of powder in it. That is why there is usually a spotter working together with a sniper.
  11. FishGuts4Lunch

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    TrueGiga, All you have to do is take a look at the local in game time in the server list. If it say 03:22 you can be fairly confident you are going to spawn in the dark. If the server Time is 14:42 you can forget about having a cloak of darkness to shroud your movements. There is really no need to say whether of not it is a daytime server of not.
  12. FishGuts4Lunch

    DayZ Carrying Over into Real Life...

    I often find myself wish I had a can opener.
  13. I've had it clip while prone but once I moved slightly it worked ok. It would be a bit of a bitch if you were trying to get the jump on someone. I usually try sniping zombies on a low population server to see what works. @Paradogz... Found a pristine bipod in a garage last night. They are still out there. Dispite bipod you can still clip.
  14. FishGuts4Lunch

    AK 47 or AK 74[POLL]

    I think it should stop here... enough military weapons are now in the game.Otherwise it is simply battlefield 4 with zombies.
  15. FishGuts4Lunch

    The new Magnum sound..

    Well at least the ricochette sound the axe makes when bouncing off the walls is still accurate! At least we still have that!
  16. FishGuts4Lunch

    The current implementation of the logout timer is trollish.

    OK, DUMB QUESTION... IS THE LOGOUT TIMER ALREADY IMPLEMENTED? I was under the impression that was coming in the next patch which I don't think has ben applied yet, or am I wrong. Servers are still running version 144557
  17. FishGuts4Lunch

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    The only comment I have is that logging into the game will always remain a game of russian roullette... Well here I am again, did I survive the last logout? Waiting to see if the effigy of your character that appears next to the startup menu is the fully outfitted thug you had or a Bambi on the beach. Other than that I think it will be a good idea.
  18. If you look at a server's tag and it says "No PvP" you can consider it to be a request, nothing more. Personally I would try to keep the spirit of the request in my mind as I played on that server but when push comes to shove, if it's you or me, I'm going to do my damned best to make sure it is YOU. In the same breath there are loads of so called private servers and the best of all are the "TEST SERVER! YOUR CHARACTER WILL BE DELETED" I don't believe it for a second. I think it is just an attempt to scare players not in their club away. Has anyone tried logging in to such a server and if so, what happened? At any rate all this stuff is forbidden. No private servers, no locked servers, no password servers. Do it and you may well lose the right to host. My son had a server on the DayZ mod for a while and you would not believe to hoops you need to jump through to be allowed to host. I don't imagine for a second it is any different in the SA version. Hosting this game is alot of work and most server owners do their best to retain the right to do so.
  19. FishGuts4Lunch

    Server ID

    Is there any way to see the ID of the server when I am in game? Once you log out the complete server list pop up at you but as far as I can see there is no highlight of the server just played. This woould be useful for reporting admin abuse as well!
  20. FishGuts4Lunch

    Server ID

    Excellent! I found it and indeed it does help albeit in a roundabout way Thank you
  21. FishGuts4Lunch

    "Session Lost"

    Happens sometimes when a server cuts out or resets or possibly you ISP has a hiccup and you connection is broken for a little bit. I have had this happen a couple of times but the worst but was to find my well kitted character suddenly back on the beach in cherno with nothing. Best this to do in that case is to log off and wait half an hour, then try again. In all but time my original equiped character reterned. The one time he didn't was when I started to play the game with the bambi character and ended up stuck with him.
  22. FishGuts4Lunch

    Will there be consequences for your actions?

    How about great layers of fur on their legs as well?
  23. FishGuts4Lunch

    Will there be consequences for your actions?

    And besides that, most of the KoS guys are camped on the coast killing bambis for target practice. The bambis will not have much anyway.
  24. FishGuts4Lunch

    Will there be consequences for your actions?

    That is going to make the female characters look extra attractive especially in shorts! :P
  25. FishGuts4Lunch

    Regenerate blood?

    Watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwNgTnj9hBE It explains it all quite well! If you eat and drink as much as you can and keep you stomach "stuffed" you will reheal in a matter of minutes. I got shot a couple of nights ago. My vision went blurry but returned to normal in less than ten minutes. If you eat eat and drink as much as you can you will see a tag appear to the upper right of your figure in the items table "HEALTHY". Presumably beneath it will be the tag "STUFFED" because you have been eating alot. If you are in a healthy state you heal 3 times as fast whereas if you are farther down the ladder you will not heal at all. So follow the advice in the video and eat everything you find right away, don't take it with you and drink every chance you get until you the game tell you that you are full. Good luck