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Everything posted by Rickets

  1. Date/Time: 7/27/12 and 7/28/12 What happened: The only loot spawning are backpacks. Nothing else is spawning as loot, not even trash such as tin cans. It seems that I can fix this by changing servers but that is tedious and time consuming. I don't know if it's a server problem or something, because I only join servers that have less than 100 ping for better gameplay and they are always in the U.S., where I live. Everything else is fine. The server isn't laggy, I can loot zombies or dead players just fine but the spawning loot is just backpacks. And I have waited for a considerable amount of time, up to an hour without logging out just to see if it fixed itself. Where you were: The major cities, such as Cherno and Elektro. At first I thought someone had just came into the building I was in and looted everything but then I realized that every building had either no loot or an ALICE pack or some other type of backpack. And you know something is wrong when the only loot in the Cherno supermarket is a coyote pack and an ALICE. What you were doing: Going around buildings looking for weapons and loot. *Current installed version: I always have my six launcher and dayz up to date, so the most recent one. *Server(s) you were on: Various U.S. servers, I can't recall exactly which ones since this was over a 2 day period and I get off and on. Is this just a case of a laggy server that I can only fix by joining other ones or is it something more serious? I've tried to look around to see if there is another case of a problem like this but I haven't came up with anything.
  2. Rickets

    Super Beans

    Beans. They are a survivors best friend in the hostile world of DayZ. And yet they are commonly found in your local barn, supermarket, or even zombie. So why not add a rarer form of beans? A super beans, with about the same spawning chance as mountain dew. Super beans that would fill your blood instantly and fill your stomach with nourishment. Comments or media showing what super beans could look like would be appreciated.
  3. There should be small chance for cars spawning in the roads where the blown up cars usually are, but they would be completely broken and would need serious repair.
  4. I am getting graphics issues like the first image, where half the screen is glitched up. But if I look down it seems to repair itself for a while before coming back.
  5. Rickets

    This is NOT a zombie game...

    There needs to be either more zombies or stronger zombies. Stronger zombies would mean higher cooperation between survivors which would mean less shoot on sight mentality because zombies would be a bigger threat compared to the ax wielding survivor.
  6. Rickets

    *Things I think this game needs

    My two cents on your requests: 1. I'd like this but I can see problems with this, such as spawn camping or everyone spawning at the city so that it gets overrun with noobs and overlooted. 2. I think that some guns have an option to use a flashlight with them, but I would like to see more guns have this feature and maybe an option to use a knife alongside them but I have no idea how that would work. 3. Agreed, you should be able to drink two or three sips per fill. 4. I don't really see why this would need to be put in since it would make it look tacky imo. But maybe if it's only for zombies and it wasn't anything over the top like a giant health bar and just a little percentage of how much blood they have I could see it work. 5. TBH I think it's fine atm and flares are easy to find in most places. 6. It's realistic like that though. I mean people don't just run around with bandages in their hands during a zombie apocalypse. They have to rummage through all the equipment in their pack to find them.
  7. More buildings to enter More islands offshore with villages to loot and explore A bounty system to kill PKers
  8. I actually somewhat like spawning with no weapon. It makes it easier to follow someone around and gain their trust for a short while since you can tell them that you just spawned and can't hurt them.
  9. Q: Are there plans for future additions to the map? Such as a new city, rivers, etc.?
  10. Rickets

    What do youy do if you see a player

    What I have been doing is going prone when I see someone coming my way or inside a building I want to go inside. I tell them that I'm a friendly and that I dont want trouble. But on 3 out of the 4 occasions where I have done this I have been shot as soon as my back was turned.
  11. Rickets

    DayZ Stories

    I was just entering Cherno and night was just falling. I had a zed on my tail from one of the outskirt homes so I darted fast into the Church on the border of town. The undead SOB was right on my tail so I didn't have much time to get my bearings as I had quickly entered and ducked behind a pew. I was waiting for the zombie meandered from the entrance back outside when I noticed sound of flies. I slowly got up and saw that a dead survivor was sprawled a few feet away from me, but even more remarkable was what was at the entrance. A tent was set up right in the doorway and I hadn't noticed. And half out and half inside the tent was a man. I quickly searched the body and took his weapon, a hatchet, and asked if he was OK. I waited a few seconds as I started plundering the church when I asked him again if he was alright. Still no answer. Fearing the worst of him, I leveled my axe on him as I slowly came up to investigate. As it turns out he was dead, but his legs were sort of clumped in the entrance in such a way that they appeared to move. I laughed as I realized that I had spent the past two minutes talking to a dead body and quickly looted his corpse of all the food he had taken from the nearby supermarket. As I left to go deeper into Cherno at the dead of night I threw a flare on them just in case they needed a light to show them the path to the tent. I just hope they didn't get lost in the dark night of Chernarus.