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Everything posted by phronk

  1. phronk

    Your GFX Card And How It Runs.

    GTX 570, but I have a shitty fucking dual-core processor due to my ancient motherboard. (They stopped making the motherboards I use like 5 years ago. It's old. And I can't afford to buy a new motherboard/processor at the moment. :( ) Runs pretty decent. Hiccups sometimes, but nothing terrible. Sometimes I guess you can say it runs smooth. Depends how large the town is that I am in.
  2. Only issue I'm having is joining the server I play on, but that's just because the server hasn't been updated/restarted yet. :D Was able to load into a server with the version I had ( / 1.62.95417)
  3. NAME: Phronq AGE: 21 LOCATION: US East Coast (GMT -5) EXPERIENCE: Only been playing for a few days, but I've learned enough to start playing with random people now :D The people I usually play with are my brother and some friends, but they aren't on enough. So, if you'd like to team up with me (and possibly my other group once they start getting the hang of the game more) then send me a PM of your Steam username or Skype username. LOOKING FOR: - Someone who is NOT fully geared and wants to hand me everything... I'd like to play this game the right way. - Someone who at least knows the basics of the game - Not exactly looking for a bandit group just yet - Speaks and understands English very well - At least 16 years old So yeah. Message me so we can kick some zombie invading asses! {EDIT} If I receive a couple messages, maybe we can form a group bigger than two!
  4. phronk

    Looking For Teammates

    Not sure if spam... Or legit request to join a small group of survivors...
  5. Helped a lot. I feel the rage with this game... slowly going away. :}
  6. All the videos I've seen of the game looked great, so I bought Arma2 during the Steam special just for this mod. But so far, even though I can tell it probably is more fun later, it's absolutely boring and frustrating. Why I don't like it at the moment: - Every player (literally every player) is apparently related to Rambo and will kill every single moving thing in sight. There is no teamwork, because everyone is a sniping soloist. - You start with pretty much nothing but 1 bandaid and painkillers. - You have no weapons or any means of defending yourself except for running for 5 minutes from zombies, then going prone in a bush and having a 50% chance the mob will somehow not find you. - Found an axe, a hunting knife, and I also have a flashlight. The axe and knife can't be used to fight anything and the flashlight can't be used unless you have a certain type of gun. What??? - When you do finally find equipment of use, such as a gun or even something even more simple like water and food, you'll either get murdered 5 minutes later by a zombie or a player. - Zombies see/hear you in a lot of places they shouldn't (if I'm on the other side of a tall brick wall crouching, the zombies on the other side shouldnt be able to see or hear me so well) - Found a backpack on the ground, but can't pick it up or use it. Ended up somehow dropping my own backpack and couldn't pick it back up. - If you want to play with friends from the start of a game, think again. You'll have to spend at least 2 hours walking to each other, and by the time you DO meet each other, you'll both be hungry or dying of dehydration. - Your character gets tired way too quickly. Sprint for 10 seconds and you're already seeing distorted visuals and your character is out of breath... - I have to crawl literally everywhere. Crouch moving isn't nearly as effective and walking or running pretty much is about the same as ringing a dinner bell. Sounds like there's no problem there, but it's not fun at all to have to crawl through city streets because it has the lowest detection values and the other movement modes are just seemingly more buggier (crouch moving is barely an improvement from walking) - Can't even ask questions in-game because you have to HOLD your chat key down while typing... - Controls are poorly worded and poorly organized (but I'll just assume that's shitty Arma2 dev's fault) Before the elitist fanboys say "IT'S ALPHA JEEZ!!!!" how about the earlier alpha versions seemed to be more fun or make more sense than the current version? Starting with no weapons or any means to defend yourself whatsoever, but force you to walk into a zombie infested town or something to find shit, is just retarded. In my opinion and the friends that I've tried to play with, there's just nothing in the game to get players started off on the right foot. Don't need my hand held in the game to play, but give me something to do other than walk 30 miles, find a house, nothing is in it and then get murdered.